How are you preparing for the actual birth?


New Member

Just wondering how everyone is preparing for their birth whilst in their third trimester? Is anyone doing perineum massage, breathing techniques, pregnancy yoga, hypnosis etc?

I'm currently doing my pelvic floor exercises (Kegel) when I can remember and going to buy a book on birthing skills.


New Member
Continue with your pelvic floor exercise. The last time i went for prenatal yoga classes and just did walking (i.e. shopping & window shopping) :) Swimming is also ok but keep near to the edge of the pool "just in case" you experience leg cramps


Active Member

Just wondering how everyone is preparing for their birth whilst in their third trimester? Is anyone doing perineum massage, breathing techniques, pregnancy yoga, hypnosis etc?

I'm currently doing my pelvic floor exercises (Kegel) when I can remember and going to buy a book on birthing skills.

I jus started the perineum massage, I do walk ard (shopping) quite often, I have been doing yoga and kegel exercise all these while, I drink rasberry tea leaves occasionally, and I bought a book from Kinokuniya abt hypnobirthing...

But I can't tell you if they are of any help now though hahaha...


New Member
perineum massage is great to prepare your muscle to stretch. It is just like a warm up exercise before the big day arrive. Do that daily. Hypnobirthing is great and proven successful among my clients. I am a birth companion aka doula. I helped couple during their labor day to attain the birth they want. Apparently, there is a increasing trend of mums opt for hypnobirthing. But you also need to have a dr that support the birth that you want and nevertheless, ur hubby. You should get your hubby to read more than you as on that big day, he is the one guiding you and your role is just to labor.


New Member
Hi Jovy, nice to hear that you are walking. That's great. You might want to consider climbing up/down the stairs as this create a rocking motion of your pelvic and this will help your baby get into a better position for a shorter labor.


Hi ling010, I asked the staff from ParentCraft Centre at TMC about Hypnobirthing. She told me even if I go through the course, it's not guaranteed that it's gonna be a smooth/easy labour. Hypnobirthing depends a lot on oneself's determination and will power etc. What's your take on this? Thought of hearing a 2nd opinion. Thanks. :tlaugh:


New Member
Hmm... It takes a lot of homework and the ppl who are supporting u during the labor to make it a success. Hypnobirthing is much of mind thing. If u r attending hypnobirthing, I suggest u to take the class that r nt related to the hospital. As far as what I personally feel after hearing frm my friends n clients that r frm parentcraft, they r gearing towards preparing u to be a obedient patient following the hospital protocol. So I dun highly recommend them for hypnobirthing classes. Hypnobirthing is proven successful that it shorten labor timing for some if the right technique r used and if u consistently gt do the task or "homework" before the big day arrived. I personally supported a mum that convert to hypnobirthing on her 36th week and she has a beautiful birth without any form of pain relief.


New Member
Hi all,

I just want to share here my knowledge from childbirth edu class.

To preparing for actual birth, it's good to know how to monitor your breathing which can help u to reduce/shift your attention from labor pain.

Also, u need to do pelvic floor exercise to monitor your push during labor. it's not good to push if the time is not right yet. that will make baby head bang to not enough opening birth canal. So, you should wait from nurse signal when to start pushing.

Last, but not least, walking is good for labor. but before 32 weeks, you should not walk for more than 30 minutes continuously because it might lead to premature labor. Meaning to say, u should rest for awhile after every 30 minutes walking.


Hi all,

I just want to share here my knowledge from childbirth edu class.

To preparing for actual birth, it's good to know how to monitor your breathing which can help you to reduce/shift your attention from labor pain.

Also, you need to do pelvic floor exercise to monitor your push during labor. it's not good to push if the time is not right yet. that will make baby head bang to not enough opening birth canal. So, you should wait from nurse signal when to start pushing.

Last, but not least, walking is good for labor. but before 32 weeks, you should not walk for more than 30 minutes continuously because it might lead to premature labor. Meaning to say, you should rest for awhile after every 30 minutes walking.
was it Mrs wong class? she said the same thing too !!! :)