how do u breastfeed calm n steadily??

I am also having similar prob as msck. think i m producing more milk than wat baby can drink. My boobs become hard and i will try to wake baby up to relief the engorgement. I dun really dare to pump out cos i scared if i pump out more, it will generate more supply. Just now while latching halfway, baby suddenly pull off the nipple and my milk was squirting non stop like merlion all over the bed. very messy.

I used to do exclusive pumping for my first one and am trying to do more latching for my second child. so i really hv no experience when it comes to latching! Can experienced mummies advise whether i should pump before or after latch to relief the engorgement. My only concern is really getting oversupply which happened for my first child and I had to throw away almost 40 litres of EBM (which excludes the milk i used to soak feet and donated out) very wasted.

I want to try giving my 3 yr old my bm, mixing it into his fm. think is feasible? at least wont be so wasteful.
Of course you can give your older child your BM. My 7YO is asking for some when I give birth! :) SOunds like they should invent some stoppers for squirting milk. Dont know what to advise about excess supply and engorgement cos I have never had it.


Active Member
frankly haha i am envious and i hv no experience of such abundance of milk to give advice... except that:

1: maybe get a breast shell and put next to u when latching, so when bb pull off, u quickly cup it over your breast to collect the milk and reduce the mess? dunno how feasible though...

2: i guess it's ok to give all to ur 3 yr old without mixing. i heard it's not good to mix ebm n fm, why i'm not sure. and may i suggest... 40 litres u throw away?! omg!! u can do milk bath and milk facial besides soaking feet!! my friend said her bm helped with her pimples due to the antiseptic property :D


Milk bath sounds way too luxurious. Haha.. Racheling pls dun. Other mummies will stone u if u do tt! Lol.. But i have some milk i want to give away though. Date from 14 sept. Le long le long. Anyone want!?

Anyway, same la. But after reading some of the advices. I have 2 small towel on standby. One for bb as bib. One for me to stop milk from dripping all over. And when bb moved n milk all over her face- i learnt to laugh abt it n say, "wah.. Bb. Mummy doing facial for u. So u can be ms sg next time." haha.. My hubby said i lame. But it made me less stressed over cranky bb n the mess from bf.


I just bf my 11 month old on the mrt bcoz he kept fussing n couldn't wait until we reach home to get his milk milk. Yeah, Breastfeeding by latching on is cool! I only need to bring minimum bb stuff out, no need bottles, water etc n bb get fresh milk all the time. Just need a very gd nursing cover. I get fast let down too n my milk dont just drip, it sprays out! So if bb unlatches, I've to quickly use tissue or towel to press on the nipple. My bb got milk all over him n we r used to him having a milk smell. By 5-6 mth, this prob solves by itself bcoz the brain has adjusted milk supply to baby's demand. Thank goodness! It'll b embarrassing if the spraying n leaking happens when bf bb outside.
The towel was a great idea! when baby pulls off nipple cos of squirting, i was able to use the towel to cover nipple to prevent dirtying the bed. then i quickly let her lie on a pillow n wipe her face. when squirting stops, i relatch her. i was more calm now since i m more prepared.

i think it is impt to stay calm. i realise when i panicked the first fewtimes, baby was very distrubed too n she rejected the breasts more . when i m more calm, relatching is easier n she tends to feed better. so, mummies, we need to stay calm when bf!!

talking abt milk bath, i wanted to try for my first son earlier but i heard my fren who tried, her baby started drinking the milk in the tub! haha. i tried using fbm to wash face but then i got breakout. think bm too rich for my face.


Lyra, i.aspire to be like u leh. But currently i have too much milk. Then how!?

N yes! First few times i bf always panicked. I even needed my mom or hubby to standby. So they can burp bb while i 'first aid' my boobs..
sigh... very demoralising... now baby is full from one boob and din want to feed the other. Sometimes I try to force. it worked at times but din work at times. So, my boobs will get very engorged. I will hand express a little to relief the engorgement.

You think I should just feed one boob and then pump out the other to start storing?


Tt's why i dunno how to be cool n calm. Like imagine u wan to go out w bb whole day. Yes, feed one side. Then the other boob how!?


If after feeding one boob, the other one is engorged and baby refused,
1. if you are like me, stay home mom, u can use cold compress and hand express a little to relief and let ur brain believe that this is enough, no need to make more milk le.
2. if you are a going to start work mom, you probably will need to store up lots of milk anyway, you can store but don't express too much, and u can also use cold compress to reduce milk flow. Teach baby to use a bottle too with your ebm coz otherwise baby will reject bottle when u go back to work.
If u r gng back to work, the over supply is a gd problem coz most mothers who do pumping in the day at office say that milk supply reduced, but in our cases (the over supply moms) our milk supply will most probably be a lot and remain to be a lot even if we do pumping only during the day. At night, when we return home from work, we can latch baby on again.


Then should i empty my boob everytime? Hmmm in dilemma. Cos my bb is 2 month old n i will go back to work end of this year. Scared not enougg in the future, but now is like to much!!!!

Cos now i am latching her 3 meals, another 3 ebm. Her latching seems to help me increase the milk. Like yesterday morning, i fed her after 7 hours (cos i accidentally slept thru out the night since maid will feed her ebm at 3) then after i made her go n sleep, i pumped out 270ml!? My boobs also look bigger once again!!!

Aiyo oversupply also problem under supply also problem

if bb has enough just from one side can get big small breasts right? How about not emptying first side completely and quickly switching to next breast?

and with squirting, can wear nursing bra? When bb finishes drinking, quickly tuck the bib or towel or breast pad in place.

Msck, think you won't have supply issues so don't worry about going back to work. How about expressing n storing first? Say nearer to going back to work?

i wish I have your problems lol. Mine was low supply. Tml evening will be my induction. Wish me the best and bfg to go okie. :)


Lol... Ya!! Problem!!! Lol. Dun empty scare engorgement. Empty got more milk...

Anyway, i dun switch. Cos i tried once, wanted to switch, then she cried like i am a bad mum who tried to starve her to death!!!! Then she very angry n dun wan to drink. I got to stop halfway n sayang her before feeding her again.

Ya. Mine squirting n spilling milk prob solved. But more like oversupply now.. Sometimes, i even have to pump out some first, in case pressure inside too high, later choke her...
It is ok to switch but then cannot switch breast too early else baby gets too much foremilk than hind milk may cause some imbalance and can lead to colic. Actually if you switch breast, the supply will regulate and you will not hv that much milk also. I just realise this lately hahah. I will make it a point to let her suckle continuously for at least 8 - 12 min then switch. usually she will suck about 6 - 8 min on the next breast and she;s satisfied. so, now, my breasts not as engorged. but then now i also scared supply may drop too much hahaa.

In any case, if you intend to start storing, can start now. I am sure when you pump out for the 3 ebm for her to drink, you hv surplus rt? can start storing loh cos actually, i think if you maintain what you have now, you may not even use the stored ebm you storing now and could be gone to waste. For me, for first child, I do last in first out method cos I really wan him to take fresh ebm as much as possible. so those I pump out earlier in the end is wasted but I dun really regret doing that la cos i believe it's for his good. but i have frens who have limited supply they fo first in first out so that they need not freeze and can finish the chilled ebm within 3 days. so really depend on how you wan do it la.


Active Member
Sigh my ebm now all in freezer, I do first in first out but past few days she refused bottle so I latch exclusively n no time to pump n not touching the ebm as well.. But maybe next week I may go out n let my mil take care for one afternoon.. Then let her feed the ebm.. Hope she will not fuss over the bottle then :/


Then should i empty my boob everytime? Hmmm in dilemma. Cos my bb is 2 month old n i will go back to work end of this year. Scared not enougg in the future, but now is like to much!!!!

Cos now i am latching her 3 meals, another 3 ebm. Her latching seems to help me increase the milk. Like yesterday morning, i fed her after 7 hours (cos i accidentally slept thru out the night since maid will feed her ebm at 3) then after i made her go n sleep, i pumped out 270ml!? My boobs also look bigger once again!!!

Hi! U can reduce pumping as much as possible n use cold compress or wet towel that u put in fridge to cool. After u feel engorged then u express a bit out. Don't express too frequently. Try to latch baby on as much as possible as that will tell ur brain what baby's demand is. Then give a bottle few times a day to let baby get used to bottle feeding. Don't let baby refuse bottle. Otherwise it's troublesome when u go back to work.
Tell me I am ok. My milk hasn't come in yet. Baby born yesterday 3pm. I feel a bit low in confidence. He nursed ok at 6+pm before that was hard he kept wanting to put mittens into his mouth all the time I am so scared to pull his hand away scared hurt him. Every time I try his hand goes back to his mouth...any of your baby like this and what to do? Cos he keeps doing that its very hard for me to make sure he latches correctly. One nipple is already a bit red.

then he was sent to nursery for tube feeding cos sugar low. I had gestational diabetes. Good that he didn't want bottle or syringe. I am scared he doesn't want my breasts after that.

i tried hand expressing nothing then use pump at about 11pm then overslept alarm didn't ring pumped again at 4am then 530am... Waiting for baby to come back to my room for nursing.


Active Member
Mummy2twosoon don't worry!! I read that milk supply will start in the first five days, mine only kicked in on the third day morning. And my bb likes to put her fist to her mouth or push the breast too... Makes latching difficult at the beginning but I read that it's just an indication that they r looking for food... Once they r latched on well they will stop. Keep trying!! You can do it!! :D