how do u breastfeed calm n steadily??

mummy2two, did you pump after every latch? if so, then of cos your yield is not as much. Have you tried not latching/pumping for 3 straight hours and then you pump? that is more indicative of your supply. Anyway, is day 6 only, milk may have just flowed in so dun stress first! as long as baby is growing well, not fussy and can sleep well after a latch, means you got enough mill
Yes I did. Anyway baby latches on well but hardly swallowing...I can differentiate between nibbling and swallowing. I am like a pacifier. I wish he will suck super strong but he doesn't. He also doesn't suck fantastically with bottle. Cf lady takes quite a while to feed him 50ml of formula. Not sure if it is the pigeon teat being too small.

i give him 20ml ebm from 3 pump sessions with latch on.

can there still be chance of increasing? Like that wo formula all babies of mums with supply problems wld have starved man!

i do have super sore breasts and feel the let down and filling up of my breasts but not engorgement. Breasts still soft even if letdowns.


Hey, bb first week always sleep halfway kind. So dun worry!! If baby boy din fuss means he's not tt hungry. Does he has jaundice? Bb with tt tend to be sleepy all the time.

Has he pooed? Once he pooed, he will get hungry sooner as well.

How about massage? U massage ur breasts? I heard it really help!
Oh boy he poos quite often. The formula has sustained him really well and the midwife said she's so impressed he has lost only 40g on day 5. He's slightly jaundiced only and allowed to discharge but he's sleepy bub. He's a screamer too hehe but so cute.

haiz I really love to be successful with bfg but it is half here half there. :( same as my first boy. And this round I have done all I could already. God, help me with this desire!

latching on n then expressing is so tiring. I am good day time and I am fine at night too but I wonder how long am gonna last with energy. Hubby keeps saying go sleep is ok formula easy n don't need wake up cos cf lady feeds but he doesn't understand the desire to feed my son bf. it's easy to say I have done my best and pop him formula but deep inside I just wanna give him BM.

read that to increase supply must empty breasts more often but do 1hrly meh? Die lor...

yes I do massage a bit, the swollen nodes under armpits are ok now. But I have small boobs once breast shields on hardly have much area to massage onto. Some more so sore to press.
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hmmm... actually that time for my first boy when my supply went to zero cos of blocked duct, i really pump every 1 and half hourly. but then i gave up latching all together cos really no milk and my boy was frustrated at my breasts. the frequent pump really helps in increasing supply. I also took this supplement called motherlove's more milk plus - special blend. this supplement is good for woman who did not have an increase in boob size during preg. after taking that supplement, my boobs grew quite big and i suppose it helps to set up the network inside. can go try try. i biuy from US but i heard they got sell in SG but i m not sure where.....
yeah, tat time i was really desperate. My hubby has serious allergy prob and his allergy doc actually advised us to bf baby till at least 1 yr so as to minimise any chances that baby will also have serious allergy. So, I was very determined to bf. Things that we do for our kids!
try sacred nursing tea, contains fenugreek and fennel seeds, works for me. i recall how kiasu i am, drink nursing tea, drink papaya soup like if is free. bloated all the way.

but i think it is still early to determine how much milk u made now = how much milk u CAN make later

i am a living example, first 2 weeks only 20-30ml, desperate, i go learn how to hand express, and yes , able to get a little more. hand express empty breast more effectively than pump , i did it to trick my body i need more milk please.

and i think pump 3 hourly is best, or else the more u pump, u see less, u feel stress. just dont break the cycle of pumping.

my milk only get very very well establish after 2 months, from 100ml every 3 hrs pump intially to now 4 months plus 280ml every 6 hrs pump

i tell myself, dont worry, if not enough combined the 2 session of BM and feed. not enough, nighttime feed FM. well, as long as we dont be too harsh on ourselves, we stay relax, things will get better. even if go partial FM and BM, baby at least still get BM

by the way, NUK latex teats are good, i used that because thomson medical also used disposable fr NUK for formula milk and my bb ok with it.


U can massage when u r bathing or just before u pump. Then u can do that 4 steps of massage the hospital taught us. =)
I am almost at end of second week now but pump out only 10 or 15 or 20ml each time depending on what part of the day it is.

msck, did you latch bb on a lot in the first two weeks or you pump more than latch? I am just curious what makes your milk come full it bb latching or pump or just naturally your body produces more and mine produces less. But then it is said to be a demand supply thing, but I have been latching bb, pumping round the clock, how come I don't get my full force yet? I am puzzled.

also my bb can latch but his latch E latched on I can still pump outis not always correct, cos though there will always be milk in my breasts, he doesn't seem to be swallowing most times. After hE latched on I can still pump out some milk. His latch seems shallow cos its just so hard to get him to open wide to get more breast tissue. So far there was only one time he got it so right I saw him swallowing more.


New Member
1) do you massage before direct latch? I found it silly as baby crying n thrre you r massage first.
As per what the rest have said, in your case... you dont't have to. :wewink:

2) isn't it messy when she feed on you? Like milk leaking out from the corner of the mouth. Also. Sometimes she's full, then when i unlatch her, my milk will still be driping!!
Which breastfeeding position do you use while breastfeeding your baby?

For moms with this 'happy problem' of oversupply, it is normal to drip after baby has had his or her fill.
In my case it literally sprays all over. I breastfeed baby on my side, lying down. I place two tissues under the corner of baby's mouth before breastfeeding. When I feel baby is slowing down on the suckling, i standby.. As i unlatch baby from nipple or as baby begins to move away from nipple.. wipe tissue upwards from the corner of baby's mouth (where it drips) and then continue in the same second, swipe up to nipple, closing the milk ducts. If you are using a nursing bra with a breast pad, leave the tissue on that closed nipple for a while. Pull nursing bra up. You dont't even have to button up immediately. Tend to baby first for burping.

If you're not the bra-wearing type, just paste the breast pad inside your top. When done breastfeeding, same thing.. leave the tissue to stop the spraying or dripping inside the pad. For lying down position, as baby grows it is easier for baby to fall asleep right after breastfeeding and they dont't need to be burped. :we2cool:

She drinks 100-120ml when bottle feed her. N it's messy. Milk drip on her, on the floor!
Some babies (like mine) dislike the bib. Children with eczema tend to easily develop rash too around the neck. So same thing, two tissues under the lower lip or the bottle teat while feeding. So that it drips on the tissue. If you use those thick soft tissues like IKEA's square ones.. one is enough. We dont't use towels cos we hate washing laundry. Yes, while we dont't save the trees much we save on hassle for ourselves especially if we have other children or if baby is quite the fuss-pot. Besides this dripping issue will only be a couple of months. As they grow they become more steady pom pee pee.

3) how much time you spent cleaning up after each feed? yourself n her. Then alsi need to pump out the other side....
No cleaning required in our case. Regardless if baby is breastfed or bottle-fed. As baby is still small, they will sleep easily when they are full and when they are comfortable. If baby fusses a little after feeding ie. doesn't go to sleep immediately.. try swaddle the baby with those white napkin liners and a leg binder at the thighs. If baby is the type who moves or shifts a lot in his or her sleep, you can consider those sleep-positioners. Baby is nicely wedged in between and will hardly jolt out of sleep even if he or she does move. Another added option is to place a bean sprout pillow over baby's lower abdomen so baby can sleep snugly after feeds without much movement.

As for expressing the other side, i prefer to use the electric kind because if i dont't.. i feel like half my life is wasted just sitting there expressing myself to empty socks. :werolleyes: I'm a big Medela fan. The hospital (industrial type) breast pump was the most super awesome i've ever tried and i contemplated once to get it (cos i am a fellow cow too!). Painless and almost sound-less.. and milk flow like waterfall inside bottles. Expressing never felt so heavenly and super quick. But i heard even on rental it was quite ex. So that was the end of it.

4) how do you feed so naturally n coolly? I mean you got to carry her properly n bend down??
Firstly, relax cos breastfeeding brings you closer to baby and the bonding feeling is special. If you position yourself lying down like how i do, it is also a reprieve like a breather for me.. i rest with baby. Sometimes fall asleep together. If you're sitting up and you are not using a brestfriend support thingy, simply prop a nice cushiony pillow under your chest so the shoulders won't feel the strain from breastfeeding especially if breastfeeding for long sessions at one time.

If you are still in confinement, please do consider investing in a tummy binder. It helps heaps! Moving about is less painful on the abdomen as the binder keeps the tummy tightened and in place. The sweating from wearing it is also good for you. Continued usage of the binder helps keep you in shape as well.

Spread your legs apart a little if you need to bend down. Palms on wall and bend slowly. Especially if you had epsiotomy done. Before putting sanitary pad in your undies, dry yourself properly. Wet pubic region causes friction and discomfort when you have to move a lot. Wear sarongs instead of pants, helps air out the pubic region and loose undies.

I found it messy n troublesome to breastfeed! How!?
*hugs* Messy and troublesome? Only in the beginning before you turn pro.. :weyes: Besides in the long run, going out with baby will be so fashionable for you won't have extra baggage to bring along with you and you dont't hafta wash or sterilize bottles. As the baby grows and as the routine steadies, your milk flow will correspond with baby's diet ie. how much baby drinks. No worries.

Can someone lecture me n correct my mindset?
You dont't need a lecture. You need support. Just remember you are not alone.

Most moms go thru this if not all of them.

I pump before her feed everytime, so she kind of drink fresh one. Then another 100+ml i will freeze it. I have like... 30bags since 11sept.
I had to throw buckets and buckets of EBM because i dont't have space to keep. One of my colleagues said if i fed the stray cats, they'd all plump up! Cos i expressed a full honey bucket every day at lunch. I could express 300ml to 350ml every two to three hourly. I extended my expression gaps meaning engorge a bit so that i dont't add to the oversupply issue i had back then. Plus the newborns dont't drink that much to begin with. Later on though, they can deflate both balloons in one session. When i was at home, i'd express out first before her feeding session too. Saves the trouble of expressing AFTER i was done breastfeeding baby. Plus, more balanced as well. If not will be one dear daughter cup and the other a flat A. Wah leow! Like this smiley's eyes... >>>:weeek:

This is my first post in discussion thread. Msck... your title header is too inviting to miss. I'm a fashionable breastfeeding mom. When hubs was tired of the different nurses going in and out of the suite asking, "Are you breastfeeding?" or "Do you know how to breastfeed?"...he literally shoo-ed them off (yup, no one else dare asked!) after he replied, "My wife is an expert. She can breastfeed even while walking."

I could see the look on the lactation consultant practically going... You da mom! :yellow:LOLLLLL!

Read you around again, yeah? Cheerios. :bbwink:


Budsjuices, in the future, after I have my second child, I'd love to hear my hubby tell the nurses that too! My wife is an expert! I once bf baby all the way from my home to my parents home while walking n taking public transport. Of course baby is inside my sling n well covered as he nurses :)


New Member
I didn't have a sling then. Baby was carried and i was covered with the Godsend nursing shawl from BabySafe while doing some banking.. and shopping at Vivocity.. Hehee.. sure your hubby will say that. My hubs was practically rolling his eyes each time someone new came in to ask or to assist. He literally laughed when two trainee lactation nurses came in to demonstrate (supposedly) complete with a baby doll and all. LOL! The staff nurse on that shift shoo-ed them away and said this patient doesn't need assistance with breastfeeding so can cross out oredi (name on the list to follow up). Upon reporting to the head lactation consultant, the cute lady came down and patted my arm asking if i would be interested to share my experience at her next sitting at the hospital the next day. Hubs chipped in, "Alas... we are going to discharge tomorrow." Both of us laughed our socks off but i firmly reminded him, i cannot laugh so hard ok. Pain pain.


Active Member

Hi, I read you want to sell your Medela SNS. Can ask why you use it and did it help increase your milk supply? Thks.
The lac consultant let me try in tmc when my supply haven't kicked in... Cos my bb refused to suckle when there's no milk but need her to suckle to stimulate... When I tried, it helped n bb suckled, so we bought a set but in the end the milk supply came in already n I didn't use my brand new set at all, so selling it :)


Active Member
Welcome ^^

A friend shared this with me :) so just to share~
Thanks again.

can I ask if you ladies know how many nipple holes you think you have by the milk u express? I mean you look at your nipple sometimes when you express right? My first time hearing abt nipple holes opening yesterday. I googled and found out women van have 15-20 holes each nipple. That many? I don't feel like or look like I have that many.

also if your baby is hungry you offer breast. How about if your baby just comfort suck? Do you offer dummy or breast too? Cos I read felicity's link and it says to give dummy. I give boob for both hungry and comfort.