Is starting ML @ 36th week too early??


Yeah I guess i've got to make an announcement on crowning the below Mummies as "Joker of the Year" or "Fun Baobei" award!!!

1) Autumn82
2) CanCanMum
3) Yakii
4) Elaine82

:red: Hahahahaha....anyone else who wanna be crowned & awarded???
:shyxxx:Thank you thank you




i wanna thank my dad, my mum, my husband, my baber, my Baobei, my mistresses 1 & 2, my darlings 1 - 7, mummySG forum................

Daddy D

Alpha Male
Yah yah TRUE!!! Hahaha....still hv the cheek to label u as Joker of the Year in the 1st plc after reading the post!!!! Waahahahahhaa...
Confirm more ppl will come in next few days... thinking it's some sex topic! haha :p


Alpha Male
foreverestsg said:
I am also keen to find out if @ 36th week is too early, like Basha mentioned I also realised most MTBs only start taking their ML 2weeks before EDD.
If you ask me, when you should start your ML really depends on 2 factors:

1) Are you in a physical state that has become a BIG BIG hassle for you to even go to work? These are the mummies who will start their maternity leave earlier than usual ...

2) Are you happy with the baby-sitting arrangements when you go back to work? These are the mummies who would rather have most of their maternity leave after the delivery itself ...

foreverestsg said:
Another query I have is how is ML calculated? :shyxxx:

Is it from the day I start taking ML or ???
Primarily, the 16 weeks of maternity leave is divided into 2 components: fixed & flexible ...

The fixed part is a 8-week period which stretches from the day you decide to start, totally no negotiation.
Take for example, if you decide to commence your maternity leave on 1 Jan 09 (Thu), then this 8-week period will be completed on 25 Feb 09 (Wed) ... which is a joke becoz the public holidays get absorbed into the said period, without any compensation.

Taking the 1 Jan 09 example, you would have lost 3 days of maternity leave ... ie, New Year's Day, CNY Day 1 & CNY Day 2.
So, ideally you dun lose out only if your delivery is in the 2nd half of May (after Vesak Day) until the first half of Jun ... so that your 8-week period would not coincide with any public holidays.
:beek: :beek:

The flexible part is also a total of 40 days' leave which you can take anytime (subject to your compnay's approval, of course) up to 1 year from the day your baby is born.

Catty said:
Best if gynae can give Hospitalisation Leave is the best liao.. Haha.. :tlaugh:
Dun laugh ... this happened to my wifey.
By the time she was having Siggi, we were on very familiar terms with her gynae ... so at the slightest hint of maternity leave getting a bit stretched, she gave my wifey hospitalisation leave (home) up to 3 weeks before her EDD.

On top of that, my wifey's job requires her to fly pretty often ... throughout both pregnancies, this same gynae was always the first to issue my wifey with a letter pronouncing her "unfit to fly", with a mocked frown no less.
:biggrin: :biggrin:
Yes, if your gynae is flexible, you can get your gynae to give you Hospitalisation leave...
I am currently on Hospitalisation leave too.
I checked with him whether can give HL or not, he reply very fast, "how many days you want? Why not I give you 1 mth 1st den we see how it goes"... And he even ask, you need me to write letter and what reason?


Hi Mummies I am new here!
My doc gave me Hopsitalisation Leave since I was 29 weeks till now 35 weeks. Because I had an episode of contractions at Wk29 and threatened premature labour and needed to be hospitalised thats why.

But recently during my Week 34 checkup he suggested I should go back to work if I want to because it is better than cooping up at home so long and doing nothing.

However, Hubby not keen on the idea.. he prefers me to rest at home and help him do some housework here and there... relax abit before giving birth..
Therefore, I *might* be taking ML early too!


i also intend to starts my ML from 38th Weeks onwards, dun wanna start too early cos wanna have more time with baby later on...

but my previous birth due to pelvis bone pain i can't walk so i was actually given MC for bedrest till birth... so from 8+months i'm not working le.... but my ML only starts the day i gave birth...

Hopefully this time round i dun have to be away so early cos got many work to be clear... hehe


Then how come my company is so "niao"? I went for checkup the other day and my gynae gave me an MC which my accountant(she's in charge of mcs/leave, etc) said cannot claim cos is not really that I'm sick or what. So i highly doubt even if my gynae gives hospitalisation leave, the company also probably won't accept. SUPER NIAO!!!


Dun laugh ... this happened to my wifey.
By the time she was having Siggi, we were on very familiar terms with her gynae ... so at the slightest hint of maternity leave getting a bit stretched, she gave my wifey hospitalisation leave (home) up to 3 weeks before her EDD.

On top of that, my wifey's job requires her to fly pretty often ... throughout both pregnancies, this same gynae was always the first to issue my wifey with a letter pronouncing her "unfit to fly", with a mocked frown no less.
:biggrin: :biggrin:
Is ok mah! I want also don't have lor..