Medicine to increase breast milk


im having the same problem wit you.. im trying to increase my milk... still not yet see any effects..

Im taking organic's mother's milk tea.. but nothing .. the prescription says take 3 drink per day.. is it 3 new tea bag per day? or what???

i just bought a DHA cardiovascular fish oil ( that can help to increase milk) just starting to take the medic only yester.. dont knw it works or not..
Im trying to squeeze the little milk every 3 hours.. hopefully it will increase..
where did u get the milk tea?? want to get too... am taking Fenugreek... and papaya soup and drinking tons of red dates tea (still doing my confinement) and water all in attempt to increase BM!!
another forum was saying that hey took MMLP + Goat's rue and become too engorge, some even have very serious block ducts
but heard that goat's rue really works
am now on fenugreek but dun see much differeence. but i feel that the mood play a part
as im back to work, i always pump for 10-15mins. realised tat if i pump so fast at 10mins, the supply usually hit 140ml the most.
till date my highest record was 300ml+ so 140ml is a big fall.
but nevertheless, i tried to pump slowly not rushing and relax myself and i got 160ml.
maybe u wanna try goat's rue too?


Well-Known Member
If you want to get Goat's Rue, try Vitakids. They carry a range of nursing aids. For Domperidone, you can buy from the pharamcies. Need a pharmacist to dispense though. Domperidone is actually meant for gas problem but a side effect is it's supposed to boost milk supply. However, honestly, I don't think it's advisable to tell the pharmacist that you want it to boost milk supply.

According to the LC I consulted, Domperidone (or brand name "Motillium") is classified as Level 1 med - means it's safe for normal usage. Fenugreek is classified as Level 3 (I think) cos not much tests/studies have been done on it


Active Member
I've read that taking oat as breakfast seems to be able to increase milk supply. Its healthier and more natural.