Need recommendation


Active Member
hi everyone, you got be careful when getting a CL. I had one a few months ago and she is auntie siang (recommended by some in all different forum). Her cooking is so so only and she will drink your tonic soup and top up with water for you. i witness with my own eyes. and you will be amazed at her eating capacity

True that she has lots of advise but some of it are really ridiculars. example those on BF, she will tell you that the baby cannot drink water cos it will dilute the baby blood and need to change blood after that...

The worst is that she doze off while feeding and burbing the baby at night on a chair.. just imagine what will happen if my baby were to fall down...sometime, when she is tire at night, she just let the baby cry until the baby sleep so that she does not need to do anything...

If you got her, you will need to set aside lots of money to pay for your endless usage of water, electricity and TV... ... and replace of things that are broken...

remember to check her bag before she leave your house, this is one thing i regret not doing, i have a total loss amounting to about $400 plus worth of items.

The above are just some sad experience that i have gone thru and would like to share with all mothers that are looking for CL and does not represent anything or against anyone... ...

enjoy your motherhood... ...

Hi hi may we know which auntie Siang.... there is more than one leh...


New Member
Hi hi may we know which auntie Siang.... there is more than one ...
a very skinny woman with giant appetite (8 meals a day, not counting those she wake up in the middle of the night to eat) and with long hair.



New Member
the charges nowadays still 1.8k?? btw i am so sorry to ask so much qns n thanks alot for been so helpful feeding me with the info i needed~:red:
Hi Mummy to be,
I can recommend you a good CN ..charges will be btw $1.7k to $1.8k (Inclusive of agent fee/Nanny transport fees etc) if your book within this month.
If you interested to know can drop me a message or contact me


im new here.
wanted to look for a confinement lady, but im only due on Dec 2010.
will it be too early to call them now?

im thinking of having Aunty Liqing, as i heard so many good reviews on her here.
is her number 8130 6297?


Hi,any good CL to intro?


Good cooking and knowledge of wat kind of soup and tonics i can take is a must.As i totally hv no idea

long winded is a no no,must hv basic hygiene,not afraid of dogs able to walk my dogs for mi,can speak simple english and easy get along.
Basic sweeping and mopping.

Dear mums i noe i hv alot of expectations cos this is my lst pregnancy:Dancing_wub:....pls forgive mi :D thanks a million


New Member
Hi all,

Just completed my confinement and would like to post my feedback here. My CL is also Auntie Liqing and my hubby, my bb and I have been well taken care of her during the past 28 days.

Just like what Globetrekker has posted earlier, she is very responsible and reliable too. She is very attentive to both mummy's & bb's needs. Even my mum & mil love her too =)

Now that I'm on my own, I realise how tough it is to take care of a NB, esp when you have to wake up frequently at night to feed and attend to his cries. A CL's job is really no joke when she has to take care of mummy & bb, cooks confinement food and even manages some basic household chores.

Highly recommend Aunty Liqing. Am also very appreciative of her effort to call and find out how we are coping now that she's back to Msia.


Hi all,

Just completed my confinement and would like to post my feedback here. My CL is also Auntie Liqing and my hubby, my baby and I have been well taken care of her during the past 28 days.

Just like what Globetrekker has posted earlier, she is very responsible and reliable too. She is very attentive to both mummy's & baby's needs. Even my mum & mother in law love her too =)

Now that I'm on my own, I realise how tough it is to take care of a NB, esp when you have to wake up frequently at night to feed and attend to his cries. A CL's job is really no joke when she has to take care of mummy & baby, cooks confinement food and even manages some basic household chores.

Highly recommend Aunty Liqing. Am also very appreciative of her effort to call and find out how we are coping now that she's back to Msia.
Hi,just wonder how much u pay for her services?got give red packet when she arrive & leave? thank you very much :wong19:


Hi all,

Just completed my confinement and would like to post my feedback here. My CL is also Auntie Liqing and my hubby, my baby and I have been well taken care of her during the past 28 days.

Just like what Globetrekker has posted earlier, she is very responsible and reliable too. She is very attentive to both mummy's & baby's needs. Even my mum & mother in law love her too =)

Now that I'm on my own, I realise how tough it is to take care of a NB, esp when you have to wake up frequently at night to feed and attend to his cries. A CL's job is really no joke when she has to take care of mummy & baby, cooks confinement food and even manages some basic household chores.

Highly recommend Aunty Liqing. Am also very appreciative of her effort to call and find out how we are coping now that she's back to Msia.
i read from the previous entries, it mentioned that Aunty Liqing have to go custom on the 14day to chop her passport. is that so?


New Member
Nope, nowadays CL don't need to chop passport every 15 days.

However Aunty Liqing mentioned that she can only stay in SG for up to 2 months, then go back Malaysia for one month, before she can enter SG again. Else she would need to apply VISA.


New Member

Her current rate is $2.2K for 28 days. Yes, it's a common practice to give ang bao upon arrival and departure respectively. We also pay for her taxifare when she arrives.
Upon confirmation of engaging her, you would meet up with her to pay her a deposit of $300.

Like what globetrekker said, no need to chop passport every 2wks, so no hassle.
She is with us 24/7 =), but she did go to the market/supermarket with my hubby to help with the marketing.


im new here.
wanted to look for a confinement lady, but im only due on Dec 2010.
will it be too early to call them now?

im thinking of having Aunty Liqing, as i heard so many good reviews on her here.
is her number 8130 6297?
Hi yes! I wont hesitate to engage her service again if #2 comes long......:tlaugh:


Hi,any good CL to intro?


Good cooking and knowledge of what kind of soup and tonics i can take is a must.As i totally have no idea

long winded is a no no,must have basic hygiene,not afraid of dogs able to walk my dogs for mi,can speak simple english and easy get along.
Basic sweeping and mopping.

Dear mums i know i have alot of expectations cos this is my lst pregnancy:Dancing_wub:....pls forgive mi :D thanks a million
i had a dog back then.....even an additional bunny. she helped me feed my dog & clear his poo. walk my dog? nope, cos she needs to cook for everyone. so hubby walks the dog or just let him free roam in the house. he's a wonderful helper. he'll help fetch things when i feed baby, bathe baby or change baby.


Hi all,

Just completed my confinement and would like to post my feedback here. My CL is also Auntie Liqing and my hubby, my baby and I have been well taken care of her during the past 28 days.

Just like what Globetrekker has posted earlier, she is very responsible and reliable too. She is very attentive to both mummy's & baby's needs. Even my mum & mother in law love her too =)

Now that I'm on my own, I realise how tough it is to take care of a NB, esp when you have to wake up frequently at night to feed and attend to his cries. A CL's job is really no joke when she has to take care of mummy & baby, cooks confinement food and even manages some basic household chores.

Highly recommend Aunty Liqing. Am also very appreciative of her effort to call and find out how we are coping now that she's back to Msia.
You're lucky both mums love her! Auntie Liqing is fond of my family. My family are also appreciative for taking great care of me & their grandson. But MIL is the opposite. She detests her & always raise voice unnecessary at her. Probably jealous that I engage Auntie Liqing service than get her to help me. Yeah, MIL not pro breastfeeding, so Auntie Liqing is my choice.

Oh, night feeds! Co-sleeping is a life saver for night feeds, if you're comfortable with you & hubby. Hubby is a very traditional man but he enjoys it cos he can bond with his son, he can also get undisturbed sleep when we co-sleep.:tlaugh:


Dear all,

Reading the posts here made me think of some issue that all might consider when engaging a CL:

1) A Confinement Lady (CL) is an outsider, they do not belong to your family. An outsider should be treated like a stranger, in this case, only someone who is paid to do work at your house. As such, personal belongings, valuables, $$ should all be kept out of sight. It is our own responsibility to ensure no theft and no loss of personal belongings as our own "first line of defence".

2) Trust your own judgement when deciding who to engage. Different pple have different expectations. Mummy A might expect certain output from CL A, but Mummy B might expect more from the same CL A. So recommendations are useful but the end result will defer from individual to individual.

3) Here i quote Edy's message for everyone's reference from another thread:

MummySG is a forum which connects parent/parent-to-be to interact and share their life experiences.

Since MummySG content is user driven, we need to make sure what ever we posted does not contain any slandering or defamatory factors to avoid any potential lawsuit.
Thanks all, make use of your confinement to have plenty of rest and as well as make it an enjoyable one coz it only happens each time u have a baby~~~

take care all :wong19:



Her current rate is $2.2K for 28 days. Yes, it's a common practice to give ang bao upon arrival and departure respectively. We also pay for her taxifare when she arrives.
Upon confirmation of engaging her, you would meet up with her to pay her a deposit of $300.

Like what globetrekker said, no need to chop passport every 2wks, so no hassle.
She is with us 24/7 =), but she did go to the market/supermarket with my hubby to help with the marketing.
Tell her my name, hopefully she can give you discount!:red:


elaine, i told her your name, but the price seems standard leh..she charged me 2.2k too.
so far, i had chat on the phone with her, she seems pretty nice lady..and i confirmed her as my CL. when meet her once she come in, in june.


elaine, i told her your name, but the price seems standard ..she charged me 2.2k too.
so far, i had chat on the phone with her, she seems pretty nice lady..and i confirmed her as my CL. when meet her once she come in, in june.
:err:then probably i have to prepare another $100 if I have #2 next year bah......i dont mind paying for her service, her cooking especially.

yes, she's a very nice & cheerful lady. my MIL may force me to do/eat things I dont like but she wont. instead she'll offer you alternatives which you find comfortable with. She's flexible.