Need recommendation

Missy S

book early..but i canot confirm..coz dont know if my aunty will be helping me anot..
so gona wait for my mum to confirm with my aunty ..i also headache , scare in the end, my aunty not free, then cant get a good CL.
Tatime i settled with CL LiQing, then my mum told me my aunty helping me, so i cancelled w CL LiQing.

i guess, when i 6mths will ask my mum about this again.
I totally agree with booking early. Cos those good CL usually are very hot and have bookings from now till next year Jan.

I feel that it is going to be very tiring to juggle with motherhood and post recovery. And, if you are going through C-section like me, you definitely take a longer recovery time. On top of that, being first time parents, you need a lot of advices on handling your newborn. So, even if your Aunty is willing to help you, I believe she will not be able to help 24/7 and you also can't expect too much from your Aunty right. On the other hand, you paid the CL so definitely she must fulfill her duties and carry out her job well.

Maybe you should consider and book early lor, discuss with your Mum and let her know what are your concerns ba.


I totally agree with booking early. Cos those good CL usually are very hot and have bookings from now till next year Jan.

I feel that it is going to be very tiring to juggle with motherhood and post recovery. And, if you are going through C-section like me, you definitely take a longer recovery time. On top of that, being first time parents, you need a lot of advices on handling your newborn. So, even if your Aunty is willing to help you, I believe she will not be able to help 24/7 and you also can't expect too much from your Aunty right. On the other hand, you paid the CL so definitely she must fulfill her duties and carry out her job well.

Maybe you should consider and book early , discuss with your Mum and let her know what are your concerns .
yalo..good CL really very hot. tatime i booked with aunty Liqing, she's booked all the way to november.

i guess, hv to talk with my mum soon. but i get irritated when i discuss with her this topic, then she will scream at me, and say i very hurry, stressing her..
headache lo..
my mum like last min stuff, my wedding, she also last min.

Missy S

yalo..good CL really very hot. tatime i booked with aunty Liqing, she's booked all the way to november.

i guess, have to talk with my mum soon. but i get irritated when i discuss with her this topic, then she will scream at me, and say i very hurry, stressing her..
headache ..
my mum like last min stuff, my wedding, she also last min.
Perhaps you should explain to her that hiring a CL is to help alleviate your stress and allow you to recuperate. Furthermore, good CL usually have early bookings, so it is necessary to confirm one now. Your EDD is in December right? Hmm... so it is about time now to book le...

In my opinion, if you really see the need to hire one, I don't think you should consult your mum on this. Cos it will only add on to your stress level and make you agitated... For instance, my mum was suggesting that she will cook for me all the meals before she goes to work, and I just need to heat them up... so that I can save up the money. In the end, my hubby disagreed and find that it is best to hire a CL to do the job & take care of baby at the same time. Luckily, I listened to my hubby and hired my CL... really no regrets lor. Think I will suffer from post natal depression if I never hired a CL... it is very tiring and stressful especially with TBF.

Missy S

By the way, my CL will only be in Singapore till 11th July working at my house then she will be returning back to Malaysia.

So, in case you need to contact her, her Malaysia contact no is as follow:

Home: +60 6431 7107
Mobile: +60 17 393 0801


New Member
Perhaps you should explain to her that hiring a CL is to help alleviate your stress and allow you to recuperate. Furthermore, good CL usually have early bookings, so it is necessary to confirm one now. Your EDD is in December right? Hmm... so it is about time now to book ...

In my opinion, if you really see the need to hire one, I dont't think you should consult your mum on this. Cos it will only add on to your stress level and make you agitated... For instance, my mum was suggesting that she will cook for me all the meals before she goes to work, and I just need to heat them up... so that I can save up the money. In the end, my hubby disagreed and find that it is best to hire a CL to do the job & take care of baby at the same time. Luckily, I listened to my hubby and hired my CL... really no regrets . Think I will suffer from post natal depression if I never hired a CL... it is very tiring and stressful especially with TBF.
for my experience..i think its wise to book earlier...and its definitley good to find a good confinement lady...
for my case ...i am luck to find one! :001_302: she is helping out now at my place to look after my new born and my wife...what a relief..:tlaugh:
she not only plan her work well...she take good care of the baby...and cook good food for my wife...
if you should need someone like me.. i will let u contact her yourself...jus to clearify ..she is of no relative to me...and i am not a agent too:001_302: jus try to help out ...cheers


By the way, my CL will only be in Singapore till 11th July working at my house then she will be returning back to Malaysia.

So, in case you need to contact her, her Malaysia contact no is as follow:

Home: +60 6431 7107
Mobile: +60 17 393 0801
how much Lan Jie charge??

Missy S

how much Lan Jie charge??
She charge me $2000, her usual rate is $2200 for 28 days. Excluding 2 Ang Bao, one given upon her arrival & one to be given before she leaves. It is a common practice for CL to receive 2 Ang Bao.

You can tell her that you are introduce by Si Yin, she will charge you the same rate as mine. When is your EDD?


Alpha Male
Realise that it is always difficult to get the right person to do the confinement job. Most important is that confinement lady must have experience to take care of the baby and able to communicate well with the rest of the family members.

We want to recommend Auntie Chua from Malaysia, the confinement lady for my wife and many of my friends. She is experience and a very well cook. She was once a catering chef and can cook many delicious dishes. Recommend for vegetarian family too because she can also cook pure vegetarian foods.

She can speak many Chinese dialects but not very well in English. You may request her to cook for the dad too as she is not calculative and do not charge additional. However, she is scare of dog so not recommend for family with dog.

She charged $2000 for 28 days (old rate). Interest should contact her directly to book a date. She is contactable at +60166817280 (Malaysia no.).

Opp... we dont’t earn commission. We recommend her because she has done a well-done job and we all very satisfied with her service.


New Member
BTW I always heard complain from my friend that they had enganged experience confinement lady to their house (some even recommend by the mummy in this forum) to do confinment for them.
From the begining the CF auntie is ok but after engang for ard 2week, found out the CF auntie is lazy, not really know how to cook different CF foods, not really knows how to cook tonic soup, not really know how to take care of baby....:-(
(some even give excuse to go back M'sia to chop passport & never come back).. But we still cannot ask them to go & still need to endure till 28days..
That why I been helping my friend to ask ard for CF autie who willing to work short terms...(at least if she not good we can dont continue her after 2 week later)

Finally let me found a more than 10yrs experience S'porean non stay CF lady who offer 2week frd had try her service & found out her cooking is very nice & delicious. My frd say she finish every meal she cook & not even 1 single rice left...(especially her "ZHU JIAO CHU"....hahaha

Any mummy want her contact for trying her service call hp:98476976...


New Member
Re: Confinement lady to recommend!!!

Hi all, I just finished my confinement during dec. The lady was very good in her duties that i extend her 2 more weeks to help me out. She does housework,cook 3 meals, take care of baby n me. She would teach me hw to take care of baby.She stays at our house and would chat with me. Help out whenever my family members need anything. Cooks tonics for me.. She clean, and very hygiene..This very impt for bbs!!!Pm me for more details.

Hi py85, my EDD is on 29 January 2011. Can you email me the contact number of your CL? Email address: Thanks.:tlaugh:


New Member
Re: Confinement lady to recommend!!!

haha ... for me, Quality of a Good Confinement Lady:
1. Caring to both mother, baby and extended to the whole family
2. Ability to "tahan" the night shift (baby feeding, pampers changing etc)
3. Cook healthy quality meals for mother and the whole family.

I just delivered to my 2nd baby. I used a confinement lady from malaka, her name is
Auntie Shen Ping... and recommend her cause she is really value for money ...
(means you pay RM 1 to get RM 3 worth of service ... )

For more details, how she looks, photos of her food
visit: Evanna's Video Blog as Malaysia Will Writing Professional & Rockwills Estate Planner: Vblog #26:Healthy Confinement Diet.Malaysia Will Writing & Estate Planning Blog

ps: I am the founder of and immediately after delivery, I need to
periodically work (from my laptop) and having a good confinement lady really helps a lot a lot...


New Member
I m new to this forum but I found it very useful. I m due in Nov 10 n looking for a confinement lady. I found in one of the pages a list of nannies' contacts n called most of them on Sunday. But most of them are already booked. I managed to book w/ Yu Jie tentatively. Does anyone know anything about her? N I also called Aunty Liqin to try my luck. Like mentioned by Stan, she is booked but she recommended her friend, Aunty Anne. From my teleconversation, I found Aunty Liqin very aggressive in following up w/ me on whether I want to engage her friend. She is now in Malaysia but she called me at least 4-5 times to follow up w/ me. N get her friend to call me. As Aunty Anne will be in Malaysia for the rest of the coming months, Aunty Liqin asks me to pass the deposit to her this Sat as she is coming to SIN tomorrow. I m skeptical cos although I spoke to Aunt Anne n she sounds quite fine but I still a bit worried like the above who commented that the ones she recommended may not be good. But I didnt read any recommendation about Yu Jie or another Siew Ling Jie who may able to help me. Any advice?


Well-Known Member
I too also EDD in Nov and IMHO good one all long taken up when nov mom were 9-12 wks pregnant and those that are still available i will give big discount which is why i dun bother to even contact the freelance CL. i rather go to an least if i am not satisfied i can still change within the month. price wise only the levy difference but at least i get peace of mind that they will turn up than those freelance who may or may not turn up or may simply just find any friend to take over


New Member
Hey mummie here

Call this S'pore non stay CF lady, she honest & nice, more than 10yrs experience, great cook wif different CF food on 28days & tonic soup.

I had try her twice & recommended to my all my frd, they say her cooking is very nice till they finish every meal she cook...

Call her at HP: 98476976:wong19:


New Member
Re: Confinement lady to recommend!!!

Hey mummie here

Call this S'pore non stay CF lady, she honest & nice, more than 10yrs experience, great cook wif different CF food on 28days & tonic soup.

I had try her twice & recommended to my all my frd, they say her cooking is very nice till they finish every meal she cook...

Call her at HP: 98476976:wong19:


Hi all mums, I'm new here and is looking for a good confinement nanny. I've called Auntie Lian and she recommended her friend, Lily, as she herself has an assignment already. Anyone hired Lily before? Any comments? Thanks!


New Member
Hi all Mummies

I have a well-received confinement nanny to recommend.

She can cook all kinds of Confinement food(Herbal Soup, Zhu Jiao Chu, Ji Jiu....etc), very nice!!!

This is just a recommentation to you all as she is really good, if you're interested,let me know!!
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New Member
Confinement nanny to recommend :)

Was lucky to find a good confinement nanny who will be very much missed. She was patient and good with my bb, clean and hygienic, cooked yummy dishes and tonics/soups for me and my hubby and gave useful advice on infant care which will come in handy when she's gone.

From what I understand, she has assignments for the rest of this year (will have to confirm with her), but should be available next year. If you're keen on a nanny for next year, do pm me and I can put you in touch with her contact :)


New Member
[FONT='Arial','sans-serif']My mother is available to be a Confinement Lady and she is having so much passion about it. She loves children and has good cooking skills. She is a Malaysian, chinese, 58+, speaks chinese, cantonese, hokkien. All 5 of my brothers and sisters are grown up now, and she is happy to provide her service to any mother. [/font]
[FONT='Arial','sans-serif']Anyone interested can contact me at[/font]