Returning to work


Hello mummy,

My working hours is from 9am to 6pm... I do not have so much time to pump. Can you all tell me which way is better?
Pump once at around 1pm for half and hour or pump twice (ie 12pm and 4pm) for 15mins each??
Hello mummy,

My working hours is from 9am to 6pm... I do not have so much time to pump. Can you all tell me which way is better?
Pump once at around 1pm for half and hour or pump twice (ie 12pm and 4pm) for 15mins each??
Hi Shirix,

please do not only pump once to avoid engorgement unless you wish to wean off baby soon.

I am a low milk mother but still, I express twice (11.45pm & 5.45pm) for 30 min when at work. Also, I do not time the pumping duration of each breast, I will express alternately (ie, if left breast express till no milk, I switch to right and then left again, right again...) Then, before I finish the session, I will use my hand to squeeze the little milk left in the breasts out to totally empty both breasts...cos sometime breast pump takes ages to express the remaining milk inside towards the end. You will be surprize that you can squeeze about 10ml ~ 20ml out. :tlaugh:

Hope my advice is helpful to you.


Active Member
hey shirix,

i am also usually v busy at work, but i still try to pump at least twice, if not thrice at work between 9am-6pm. once between 9.30-10.30am, once during lunch time, once between 3.30-4.30pm. of cos sometimes need to be a bit more flexible if it clashes with meetings.

yes, it means sacrificing going for lunch with colleagues. a bit anti-social, maybe, but for the sake of my baby's food and health, i think it's worth it. i also believe my colleagues understand my situation. besides, i am still working - sending out emails, taking calls etc, when i am pumping in my office.

i take between 15-20min each time. i have a dual pump but i find it more efficient for me to pump one side each and use hand compression at the same time to assist squeezing more milk out. usu can yield 100-120ml per side each time.

when r u returning to work? dun worry too much for now. you will start off taking more time to finish pumping, then with practice you will become more efficient. i was very worried before i went back to work too. but now, after being back for a month, pumping has become part of my work schedule and my colleagues have also gotten used to me 'disappearing' for some time a few times each day. take heart and keep pumping!!!


Active Member
i pumped three times a day in office too..duration abt 20mins...using dualpump

I low milk..abt 70ml bothsides..but still pumping
i pump 3 times a day. once in the morning when i reach office. once during my lunch and once after i finish work.
usually at night my boy will skip 1 feed and i make sure i pump tat out to.
so that i will haf enuff and not waste the milk by keeping it in my breast and letting it b full of milk or even engorge


hey shirix,

i am also usually very busy at work, but i still try to pump at least twice, if not thrice at work between 9am-6pm. once between 9.30-10.30am, once during lunch time, once between 3.30-4.30pm. of cos sometimes need to be a bit more flexible if it clashes with meetings.

yes, it means sacrificing going for lunch with colleagues. a bit anti-social, maybe, but for the sake of my baby's food and health, i think it's worth it. i also believe my colleagues understand my situation. besides, i am still working - sending out emails, taking calls etc, when i am pumping in my office.

i take between 15-20min each time. i have a dual pump but i find it more efficient for me to pump one side each and use hand compression at the same time to assist squeezing more milk out. usu can yield 100-120ml per side each time.

when are you returning to work? dont worry too much for now. you will start off taking more time to finish pumping, then with practice you will become more efficient. i was very worried before i went back to work too. but now, after being back for a month, pumping has become part of my work schedule and my colleagues have also gotten used to me 'disappearing' for some time a few times each day. take heart and keep pumping!!!

Hi cmeilim,
I'm low milk mum... 4-5hrs can only pump 120-160ml from both sides.
why do you need hand compression if you got dual pump? can you explain more? You mean you just pump one side and the side use hand for15-20mins then switch side for anoth 15-20mins? so total is 30-40mins??
Hi Shirix,

1 tip to save time. You can put your pump funnel in a zip loc bag then freeze it in the fridge freezer. When you do so, 1) you will not need to wash it every time you use it. 2) The funnel will not be contaminated for your next use.

This is how I save time to express at work.


That's really good advice. Usually i just use hot water to rinse before and after i pump, and realise before my next pump, sometimes the funnel smells...

Hi Shirix,

1 p to save time. You can put your pump funnel in a zip loc bag then freeze it in the fridge freezer. When you do so, 1) you will not need to wash it every time you use it. 2) The funnel will not be contaminated for your next use.

This is how I save time to express at work.


You have to see what type of schedule suits you best...
I pump twice in the office, once before lunch and another time before i knock off, interval of around 4-5 hours, everytime 120-150ml, around 30-40 mins each time, coz mine is the Medela Swing, only one pump! Can save time if you have dual pumps. My colleague took only 15-20 mins everytime she pumps, since she has the PIS.

Hi cmeilim,
I'm low milk mum... 4-5hrs can only pump 120-160ml from both sides.
why do you need hand compression if you got dual pump? can you explain more? You mean you just pump one side and the side use hand for15-20mins then switch side for anoth 15-20mins? so total is 30-40mins??


Active Member
Hi cmeilim,
I'm low milk mum... 4-5hrs can only pump 120-160ml from both sides.
why do you need hand compression if you got dual pump? can you explain more? You mean you just pump one side and the side use hand for15-20mins then switch side for anoth 15-20mins? so total is 30-40mins??
well, hand compression u can drain more milk out of your breasts. i do that too - desperate to pump more milk. pumps don't actually drain out all your milk..


Active Member
hi shirix,

all the more than u must pump more often and keep pumping. supply = demand.
i started out being able to pump very little, managing only max 100ml fr both sides.

as for dual pump, i used both sides once or twice only. usu i will pump on one side, then pump on the other 10-15min per side. hand compression, esp to get the let-down going and to empty the breast towards the end, gets me more milk in less time. i dun ha to worry abt pump falling off and thus milk going to waste, and i hv one hand free to do things.


Active Member
i do both hot n cold treatment, heh heh. after pumping, if i don't have to rush off to a meeting, i will wash with normal tap water, then rinse once thru with boiling hot water, and then put into a ziplock bag into my mini fridge. the mini fridge is set very very cold, can even freeze my EBM if I leave them long enough inside! if i dun hv time to wash right after pumping, i just put them into ziplock bag into the fridge and wash it when i am done with my meeting or before i pump next. i check from time to time if the pump smells. so far so good. =>


Active Member
i forgot to add, after coming back home from work, i will sterilise bottles right away, after a day of (strictly speaking) 'improper' cleaning. that said, despite the 'improper' cleaning (without sterilisation tablets), my baby has grown chubby, happy n healthy. thank God!


Hi Shirix,

1 tip to save time. You can put your pump funnel in a zip loc bag then freeze it in the fridge freezer. When you do so, 1) you will not need to wash it every time you use it. 2) The funnel will not be contaminated for your next use.

This is how I save time to express at work.
Won't it be too cold when you need to use it?? I use tap water to wash then put in those re-useable microwave sterilisation bag... just 3mins will do... though i dunno whether will there be any bad effect to use microwave....
Won't it be too cold when you need to use it?? I use tap water to wash then put in those re-useable microwave sterilisation bag... just 3mins will do... though i dont know whether will there be any bad effect to use microwave....
I feel the same as cmeilin...the coldness is momentary and bearable.


can you elaborate on hand compression? how to aim the milk to flow into the milk bottle?

can you teach me how is it done? :embarrassed:


Active Member
hi camomile,

i dunno if there's a particular correct technique or now. but what is do is before i place the pump on my breast, i'll massage in circular motions around my aureola. after i start the pump, i will knead my breast by pushing from outer area inwards towards the pump, as if pushing the milk through the milk ducts to the exit point at the aureola. i will also squeeze my breast in a rhythmic pace from time to time. this works for me as it speeds up the milk flow and also helps to empty my breast till my breast is completely soft. i also get at least two let-downs per side per pumping session. hope u get what I hv described.


yes i do, it never gets any clearer than this...

okay..i'll try those methods out during my next breast pump.

one more question, does it still consider as breast feeding, since i am feeding him off the bottle, but of cos my pumped out breast milk