Small baby at 29th week


Well-Known Member
DD is was a small baby at birth, 2.1kg. Had to go back to KKH for check ups a couple of times to monitor her development. At her first birthday, she hit 75% percentile for height and >50% for weight, and she was discharged. So those with small babies, don't worry, they may be small at birth, but it doesn't mean that they wouldn't be able to catch up after that.


Glad to know u r eating healthily. Actually it's not true that above 3kg is good. If too big, u may need to do C section. Mine is 2.6kg now at 37weeks. Gynae say it's normal and I think it's ok too, not too big. Baby grow very fast once they r out and u start breastfeeding them! My fren total breastfeed her bb girl and she's so cute n chubby!

My baby was all along lighter weight but he speed up his weight gain in 3rd trimester so I guess that's when baby has growth spurt inside haha. I ate some durians to help him grow bigger during 2nd tri n it helps but dun eat too much. I only ate a few seeds spread out over a week.


yap baby too heavy also no good. But now u are only 29 weeks, still got another 8-10 weeks to go, so don't worry because at the later stage esp after 30plus weeks onwards baby might suddenly grow very fast.

As long as u eat healthy, eat properly, shouldn't be a problem. Don't control or eat less because scared of fat and don't over eat because u want baby to put on more. :)


New Member
Hi all Mommies to be and Congratulations to all who have delivered safely and having fun with their bundle of joy:))

Well I am 33 w and my baby weighs 1913 g--- gyne says its along the 10 centile.:(.The abdomen is small as compared to head and limbs.She says its not Intrauterine Growth restriction yet but I am worried:(.Advised me to take protein rich diet and to start drinking Anmum milk powder.I am not a big fan of fortified foods and so didnt take it earlier and was mainly focusing on balanced diet.But got Enfamama A+ now.Hope my baby puts on weight and building up some muscles.

Does your gyne tell the baby weight on every visit?? See all parameters on the USG and give an estimated fetal weight?
I was told till my last USG at 20 w- baby growing ok and no problems. Even till last appointment at 30 wk with my gynea she told baby growing fine(she did fundal height measurement only).
I have my next appointment 1 wk later to check if baby is growing fine followed by another scan at 36wks.Hope she tells me fetal weight on my next visit at 34 weeks.