Society, NPO and Charity for young single parents and their children


hi samuel, hope this will work out well.
do let me know if i can help in anyway, will try my best too~
Thanks everyone....

Anyways, I'll be meeting up with Ginny and Frae personally on Friday over lunch to explain to them more about what i intend to do and to get their personal approval and support for this.

I'll also be meeting mag_huiling on Saturday to run through some ideas and explain my stand more clearly.... Anyone who wants to know me and my cause better or just to scrutinise me can join us this saturday....

God Bless,



Saturday meeting will be with JoyBliss and Mag_huiling, place not confirmed yet.
Would be in the afternoon, looking for child friendly place.
Ting want to join in?

Anyone else wants to join in? JoyBliss and Mag_huiling, please ask around see if anyone else is interested in joining us?

God Bless,


Staff member

Good luck on this new society. If you ever formed the society and needs any help, MummySG will behind you guys / gers !



Well-Known Member

Saturday meeting will be with JoyBliss and Mag_huiling, place not confirmed yet.
Would be in the afternoon, looking for child friendly place.
Ting want to join in?

Anyone else wants to join in? JoyBliss and Mag_huiling, please ask around see if anyone else is interested in joining us?

God Bless,
let me the know the time n location, i see if i can make it, cos hv some plans on sat alr. :)


let me the know the time and location, i see if i can make it, cos have some plans on sat already. :)
Hi Ting and all interested,

We will be meeting at the flyer at 4-5pm on Saturday....
Going to one of the cafes there....

I'm also trying to see if i can get an access pass for the flyer.... (no promises)



Well-Known Member
hmmm flyer my bf can get staff rate, his fren is a manager there.
we went there last mth, n his fren let us (me, him n pin) hv one whole capsule to ourselves. :)
i'll cfm with u again to see if i can meet u guys there. but flyer abit mafan to go ahh~



Saturday meeting will be with JoyBliss and Mag_huiling, place not confirmed yet.
Would be in the afternoon, looking for child friendly place.
Ting want to join in?

Anyone else wants to join in? JoyBliss and Mag_huiling, please ask around see if anyone else is interested in joining us?

God Bless,
Sure! Bring the babies along so while we're talking, they can entertain each other...! lol


Active Member
Totally support this though i m not single mum nor am i a mum.but looking at all the problems and trials the single mums in the society face, i do hope that i can do a part to help them if possible :D

One of the very common issues i see here is child care leave/who take care of child (they need to work) especially if parents are not supporting them, it is really hard ..

(No offence to married mums.. they have different type of trials and difficulties too)


Totally support this though i m not single mum nor am i a mum.but looking at all the problems and trials the single mums in the society face, i do hope that i can do a part to help them if possible :D

One of the very common issues i see here is child care leave/who take care of child (they need to work) especially if parents are not supporting them, it is really hard ..

(No offence to married mums.. they have different type of trials and difficulties too)
Hey littlehelper,

You're welcome to join us! :D

On the other hand, sorry ladies, i am unable to get the flyer pass due to the school holidays + public holiday thing.... My dad says all the passes in the office are fully booked.... sad....

Maybe we can go sit flyer some other time.... The pass can admit 3 free + 50% discount for 4 more ppl....

But never mind, the cafe is still very nice anyways.... :D



Ginny's client's water bag broke this morning, so not meeting them for lunch this afternoon, rescheduled to next thursday.... So anyone else wants to join us for a little get together/discussion tomorrow?

Anyone who is free to come along tomorrow can contact me @ 84187420
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Answer from MCYS

and Behold,

I actually got answers from MCYS and plus assigned a case number after they checked me out.... :D

a) Firstly, why is there a requirement for the mother to be married to the
child's father?

Ans) The Baby Bonus is a marriage and parenthood (M&P) incentive scheme
targeted at married couples. Its provision only to eligible married persons
reflects the prevailing societal view that parenthood should be within the
context of marriage, as well as the belief that two-parent families provide
the best environment for a child to grow up in.

b) What if the mother of the child is legally married to a man who may not
be the child's natural father but the man is registered on the child's
birth certificate as the father?

Ans) In such situation, the man registered on the child's birth
certification will be deemed as the legitimate father of the child and the
child will qualify for Baby Bonus.

c) What if the mother marries a man before the child is six years of age,
and the man is not the natural father? Would they be entitled to the baby
bonus, now that they deemed to be a "standard" family unit?

Ans) As mentioned in (b), if the man whom the mother married is registered
on the child's birth certificate as the father, the child will qualify for
Baby Bonus.

Where the man the mother married is not the child’s natural father as
reflected in birth documents, the child will qualify for the Baby Bonus if
the man whom the mother married and the mother jointly adopt the child
before the child turns 6 years of age, assuming that the child meets all
other qualifying criteria.

d) Secondly, why is there a need for the mother to be married, and what is
the official stand and explanation on not granting single unmarried mothers
the baby bonus?

Ans) Kindly refer to the answer in (a).

e) Has this restriction statistically played a role in the number of
abortions performed in Singapore?

Ans) We are unable to evaluate this hypothesis.

f) The second question i have is regarding the CDA. Can i safely assume
that the CDA is part of the baby bonus scheme and will not be extended to
single unmarried mothers?

Ans) The CDA is part of the Baby Bonus scheme and single unmarried mothers
would not qualify for it.

g) If this is true, is the child of such a mother suffering a disadvantage?

Ans) Even though single unmarried mothers do not qualify for the Baby Bonus
scheme, their child would still be eligible for government subsidies for
healthcare and education, just like all other Singaporean children.


Well-Known Member
Re: Answer from MCYS

abt the qn C, so eg now pin is 2 plus. n if b4 she turn 6, me n bf marry n adopt her means we can apply for the baby bonus???? n get the 6k( isit?? or how much) in her CDA acc???


Re: Answer from MCYS

about the qn C, so eg now pin is 2 plus. and if before she turn 6, me and bf marry and adopt her means we can apply for the baby bonus???? and get the 6k( isit?? or how much) in her CDA acc???
I had suspected this all along but just needed official confirmation from MCYS.

Here's how it goes:

Pin is 2 plus, let's say your bf and you gets married and adopts Pin when she is 4: You will get the $4K cash gift and Pin can now have a CDA account that the government will match dollar for dollar up to a cap of $6K. You have up to 31st Dec of the year that Pin turns 6 years old to top up her CDA account.

Plus the best thing is that Pin will be no different from any child when you register her for primary school and will have the label of "illegitimate" removed from her life.
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Re: Answer from MCYS

What happens if I married only after my child turn 6yr?
(Still branded as illegitimate/ no baby bonus/ no CDC?)


Well-Known Member
Re: Answer from MCYS

joy, no baby bonus.but wont be branded as illegitimate.
as long marry and both of you adopt him as your child then not branded alr.
thanks samuel, i sorta understand now.
top up cda acc means its top up 2k right? if gov give dollar to dollar means will have 12K right??


Re: Answer from MCYS

joy, no baby bonus.but wont be branded as illegitimate.
as long marry and both of you adopt him as your child then not branded already.
thanks samuel, i sorta understand now.
top up cda acc means its top up 2k right? if gov give dollar to dollar means will have 12K right??
That's right,
You will qualify like any other mother would....

If you don't mind not having the cash money, you can put the $4K into pin's CDA account and she will have $8K in her CDA to use.

$4K(Cash Grant) + $6K( Your own money to put into CDA) + $6K (CDA dollar for dollar topup)= You pay $2K + Put the $4K cash into pin's CDA account and Pin gets a CDA with $12k

You get maximum $4K + $6K = $10K govt money....


Well-Known Member
Re: Answer from MCYS

abit confusing....
4K(Cash Grant) + $6K( Your own money to put into CDA) + $6K (CDA dollar for dollar topup)= $16K right??
or $6K( Your own money to put into CDA) alr inclusive of the $4K cash grant?


Re: Answer from MCYS

Thanks Ting and Sam ;)
So the perks are the cash bonus and CDC if I can find a dear husband to adopt my child tog. before he turns 6 yrs old... hehee, sorry, i just find it funny... I have never won in any lucky draw... so really need the divine intervention to find this Mr Right who can accept this package of 1+1 in 6 yrs time... meantime, better depend on own self to work harder for more $$$ ;)


Re: Answer from MCYS

abit confusing....
4K(Cash Grant) + $6K( Your own money to put into CDA) + $6K (CDA dollar for dollar topup)= $16K right??
or $6K( Your own money to put into CDA) already inclusive of the $4K cash grant?
Paisei, might be a little confusing....

Ya, the $6k is from the child's point of view:
Mummy and Daddy give me my $4k, put additional $6k of their own money into my account and the govt top up my CDA with another $6K.....

Most parents would be like $4k grant + $2k additional cash put into CDA and CDA becomes $12k....