Thread Kami Bahasa Melayu 2


Well-Known Member
Being searching for maternity jean bt semua tk berkenan..Either it tapered kat bwh OR harga nye like BOOMMM...Went to kiddy palace bt tk cantik2,semua nye ade flower so like nyonya2..heheh


Well-Known Member
Being searching for maternity jean bt semua tk berkenan..Either it tapered kat bwh OR harga nye like BOOMMM...Went to kiddy palace bt tk cantik2,semua nye ade flower so like nyonya2..heheh
dahh try Dorothy Perkins...nice jugak pe kat sana. Ok ok, I will be out now barang pun dahh mai .letz go letz go kenits


Well-Known Member
Being searching for maternity jean bt semua tk berkenan..Either it tapered kat bwh OR harga nye like BOOMMM...Went to kiddy palace bt tk cantik2,semua nye ade flower so like nyonya2..heheh
yup true.. not nice.. me nie kali tak shop for maternity... my pants still muat lagi... baju lagi langsung tak payah nak beli... those my usual clothes muat.. tum tum very small huh...

ari tu naik mrt manyak sedih noh.. i stand almost 15mins thru out the journey of 30mins... skali ade women preg jugak tau.. they gv the sit to that lady but me they ignore... i told my cousin ada ke patut kan... my cousin said.. perut ko kak kecik lahh org tgk tak perasan... that why...


Active Member
Kumar perform kat mana now eh...last i read @ Monkeys' cafe eh ?? oh boy, miz his crude jokes sey masa dia performed dulu @ boom boom. when is your bdae ?

waiting for rain to stop then we will berambus from the house
kumar now perform kat 3 monkeys cafe at holland very... last time 3 monkeys cafe nie kat orchar towers.. dorang dah moved out pasal ada kes murder kan kat situ.. i always go there last time.. sometimes just for the brownie with ice cream.. sedap.. sigh...

hari nie thought of starving my tummy after lunch.. no more tid bits.. sengaja tak bawak duit lebih but then kan.. ngah sejuk2 nie.. sigh.. gatal tangan n mulut.. tapi aku akan tetap tabah... hahaha.. see how nanti.. cepat kol 6... tak tahan tau..lagik tadik minum air suam jer.. issyhh... mcm mana nak kurus.. ?? :embarrassed:


Active Member
Wahhh langsing nanti balik dari sana.
kesian nyer mummy nurman.. ko jgn gigit jari sudah eh... hahahhaa

Hi mummies,

I'm back from my short shopping trip..Didn't manage to go Arab st,it's was raining like cat & dog..Thunder everywhere!Went to Golden Landmark,Bought 1 blouse,2 shawls & 3 inners!Lunch with kenit at Coffee bean..Banquet damn crowded with office ppl...Wrong timing btl!!

Nari mood malas nak masak!So goin to ask hubby beli murtabak nnti!
seronok nyer.. dapat shopping.. hehehe.. shooping is the best remedy for stress.. hahahah

haiz.. mood nak lepak bawah selimut ada lah nie.. hehhehe.. teringat lunch kat coffee bean.. slalu gi jb lunch kat sana everytime i nak masukkan duit into my mum's bank account kat sana.. will jalan2 kat city square shppg ctr sorang2 lepas dari bank.. den lapar makan kat coffee bean.. den go secret recepi.. makan cake.. or if not makan kat restaurant yg letak meat atas hot stone tu.. lilek sorang2.. ahhaha.. pastu balik after shopping.. tat was last time ngah single.. heheh.. now.. nak deposit duit.. gi ngan hubby.. which is always at night.. shopping n makan kat pandan jer lah.. hehehe

dahh try Dorothy Perkins...nice jugak pe kat sana. Ok ok, I will be out now barang pun dahh mai .letz go letz go kenits
there is this stretchable belt where u can hook it at ur jeans.. so maybe u can try tat ah.. takyah nak buang duit beli maternity jeans or pants..


Active Member
Kumar perform kat mana now eh...last i read @ Monkeys' cafe eh ?? oh boy, miz his crude jokes sey masa dia performed dulu @ boom boom. when is ur bdae ?

waiting for rain to stop then we will berambus from the hse
bfday 10 dec.. wwoohuuu..!! dah tua..!! hahahaha


Active Member
yup true.. not nice.. me nie kali tak shop for maternity... my pants still muat lagi... baju lagi langsung tak payah nak beli... those my usual clothes muat.. tum tum very small huh...

ari tu naik mrt manyak sedih noh.. i stand almost 15mins thru out the journey of 30mins... skali ade women preg jugak tau.. they gv the sit to that lady but me they ignore... i told my cousin ada ke patut kan... my cousin said.. perut ko kak kecik lahh org tgk tak perasan... that why...
hahahha... kesian nyer.. mine pon dulu sama.. my first pregnancy n wif badan yg terlebih gebu nie.. tak nampak preggy.. unless u wear something which tight baru lah dorang nampak.. nasib baik tak lama kan han.. hahaha.. kalau lama kan.. ko pekik jer ckp... "im pregnant ppl.. give me the seat!!" ahahhaha/./

Mama Ina

Well-Known Member

Now at my colleague's desk.. Trying to cleanup her desk.. Semalam all day ku pat meja shipping dia buat selerak.. Boss and the other's tengok geleng kepala je.. Ni kan wen the lady come back from her trip COMPOM menyumpah je noh.. Hahahahahahaha... Today felt slightly better cuma later kena crack brain to do DO for airfreight & seafreight.. This kind of DO sungguh berlainan dengan the normal DO i do for accounts.. And using antique printer lagi.. Adoiiiii!!!

So did i miss anitin??

Mama Ina

Well-Known Member
yup true.. not nice.. me nie kali tak shop for maternity... my pants still muat lagi... baju lagi langsung tak payah nak beli... those my usual clothes muat.. tum tum very small huh...

ari tu naik mrt manyak sedih noh.. i stand almost 15mins thru out the journey of 30mins... skali ade women preg jugak tau.. they gv the sit to that lady but me they ignore... i told my cousin ada ke patut kan... my cousin said.. perut ko kak kecik lahh org tgk tak perasan... that why...
Betol cakap cousin kau tu.. Aku pun terpranjat tengok kau.. If dari blakang takan ku tahu kau tgh preggy sehh.. Maybe kau pakai tudung so ada skit tercover tummy kau yg bulat tu kot? So amaciam bebz, kan ku dah katakan mu nampak aku full body lain dari picture kan.. Aku lagi besau dari kau.. Wahahahhahahaa.. Cuma atas tu kau menang ar... Hahahahahahhahahaaaa


Well-Known Member
Good am having light breakfast. Siap kids, then nak blah to meet up cik kecik cili padi kita tu.

Ina - tak mo stress sgt. For stress reliever, juz go and mess up your kind colleague's desk tu.

Am not cooking again long, my stove not heated up. Tengok kitchen mcm ada bling bling gitu on top of the stove. :001_302:


Well-Known Member

Zhann - my baju & jean still bleh pakai bt biasa kan klau tak membazir bkn aku...wakakkakaka!!Ne my ibu dah 'sound',if boy,jgn suka hati nak shop for bb clothes byk2...

Ltr aftnn nak date with my ibu gi bugis or Toa Payoh..Balek ptg masak kari daging jek,klau tk penat nak uat roti kirai sikit...Hope weather today tk mcm smlm lah!!

Enflor - You both nak meet up kat ane??


Active Member
Hallooo… baru bleh nampak ina tersenyum nari.. hehehehe.. kalau tidak.. asyik tsunami jer.. hehhe.. lilek oraits.. !! :wink:

Pagi semua.. me sarapan beancurd and cheese pancake.. … nari terlupa nak bawak inhaler.. coz my seretide inhaler dah habis.. now depend on ventolin jer.. sekarang.. inhaler ker.. ventolin ker.. suma ‘ilek!! Hahaha… but later hubby will send it to me.. nasib baik dier bleh balik umah… nari hari lupa ku.. sungguh tak suka sekali.. :wong7: dah nak masuk tahun baru asyik lupa jer.. baru kena marah ngan hubby abt my lupa2 nie.. not a good way to start my day.. :weno: :tsad:


Active Member
Betol cakap cousin kau tu.. Aku pun terpranjat tengok kau.. If dari blakang takan ku tahu kau tgh preggy sehh.. Maybe kau pakai tudung so ada skit tercover tummy kau yg bulat tu kot? So amaciam bebz, kan ku dah katakan mu nampak aku full body lain dari picture kan.. Aku lagi besau dari kau.. Wahahahhahahaa.. Cuma atas tu kau menang ar... Hahahahahahhahahaaaa
biar betol.. ko kurus lah ina.. issyhhhh....ku tengok gambarmu sungguh slim melim... enflor pong sama.. aku jer yg gedabak memboyak.. ahhahaha..

Mama Ina

Well-Known Member
Good am having light breakfast. Siap kids, then nak blah to meet up cik kecik cili padi kita tu.

Ina - tak mo stress sgt. For stress reliever, just go and mess up your kind colleague's desk tu.

Am not cooking again long, my stove not heated up. Tengok kitchen mcm ada bling bling gitu on top of the stove. :001_302:
Hahahahaaa.. I can imagine sangat bila dia balek nanti how she gona react noh.. Tapi tak baik ar tak sampai hati betol.. Ni smua bukan salah dia tapi si TUA tu.. Cos he yang tanak employ 1 more staff.. He expect RECEPTIONIST dia smua boleh buat..


Zhann - my baju & jean still bleh pakai bt biasa kan klau tak membazir bkn aku...wakakkakaka!!Ne my ibu dah 'sound',if boy,jgn suka hati nak shop for baby clothes byk2...

Ltr aftnn nak date with my ibu gi bugis or Toa Payoh..Balek ptg masak kari daging jek,klau tk penat nak uat roti kirai sikit...Hope weather today tk mcm smlm !!

Enflor - You both nak meet up kat ane??
Kau tahu tak the last 2 time ku makan pat pandan city aku dgn Q keep eating roti kirai.. Si kecik tu boleh tahan sehh kasi 1plate tak cukup tau.. Sumore steal mine lagi.. Gini macam ku nak kena order dari mu soon... Ayah dorg kesian cos lepas 1plate licin he kena walked to the stall and kip ordering sumore for us.. Hahahahahahaaa

Hallooo… baru bleh nampak ina tersenyum nari.. hehehehe.. kalau tidak.. asyik tsunami jer.. hehhe.. lilek oraits.. !! :wink:

Pagi semua.. me sarapan beancurd and cheese pancake.. … nari terlupa nak bawak inhaler.. coz my seretide inhaler dah habis.. now depend on ventolin jer.. sekarang.. inhaler ker.. ventolin ker.. suma ‘ilek!! Hahaha… but later hubby will send it to me.. nasib baik dier bleh balik umah… nari hari lupa ku.. sungguh tak suka sekali.. :wong7: dah nak masuk tahun baru asyik lupa jer.. baru kena marah ngan hubby about my lupa2 nie.. not a good way to start my day.. :weno: :tsad:
Alhamdulillah bebz cos so far semalam i realised one thing.. Aku dpt information dari one colleague ku saying BAPAK send everyone email to assist me and help me out to pickup calls as i am doing more extra jobs.. And also semalam ku realised kan everyone starts to do their own stuff w/out DARE to come to me and asked me do their stuff.. Macam aku ni kan Queen gitu lor.. And also semalam punya task I DID IT!! even though it takes me half the day to finish all that.. hahahahhahaa.. Slengernye staff..!

Kau ada asthma?

Mama Ina

Well-Known Member
Ok me done wit 1 of the DO to Jakarta.. Still left wit 2 more DO.. Now at my colleague's desk i believe can relax jap.. Dah lama tak exercise jari manis ku.. Hahahahha.. Cos sini punya desk baik arr blakang no one.. So privacy..!! Trying to convince my BAPAK pls let me have the desk at the back.. :embarrassed:


Active Member
Hahahahaaa.. I can imagine sangat bila dia balek nanti how she gona react noh.. Tapi tak baik ar tak sampai hati betol.. Ni smua bukan salah dia tapi si TUA tu.. Cos he yang tanak employ 1 more staff.. He expect RECEPTIONIST dia smua boleh buat..

Kau tahu tak the last 2 time ku makan pat pandan city aku dgn Q keep eating roti kirai.. Si kecik tu boleh tahan sehh kasi 1plate tak cukup tau.. Sumore steal mine lagi.. Gini macam ku nak kena order dari mu soon... Ayah dorg kesian cos lepas 1plate licin he kena walked to the stall and kip ordering sumore for us.. Hahahahahahaaa

Alhamdulillah bebz cos so far semalam i realised one thing.. Aku dpt information dari one colleague ku saying BAPAK send everyone email to assist me and help me out to pickup calls as i am doing more extra jobs.. And also semalam ku realised kan everyone starts to do their own stuff w/out DARE to come to me and asked me do their stuff.. Macam aku ni kan Queen gitu lor.. And also semalam punya task I DID IT!! even though it takes me half the day to finish all that.. hahahahhahaa.. Slengernye staff..!

Kau ada asthma?
bagus ah gituk.. kan.. insha Allah... Tuhan tu akan tolong kita bila kita dalam kesusahan.. desparate sgt2.. heheh.. at least ko sekarang dah blajr new things.. Bapak good with u.. nasib baik ada boss mcm tu.. hehehe..
aku ada asthma.. jap2 cik semah nak datang singgah sibuk2 kan diri.. heheh.. i got it wen aku dah 24 or 25 yrs old.. dari kecik aku takder..nut my mum told me tat wen dier ngandung kan aku she got asthma.... me n my arwah father ada semput.. yg lain suma takder.. time ku mengandung pon masih semput tapi tak rabak sgt.. i can still go on one day witout inhaler.. i hope its a good sign for baby bayu ah..


Active Member

Zhann - my baju & jean still bleh pakai bt biasa kan klau tak membazir bkn aku...wakakkakaka!!Ne my ibu dah 'sound',if boy,jgn suka hati nak shop for bb clothes byk2...

Ltr aftnn nak date with my ibu gi bugis or Toa Payoh..Balek ptg masak kari daging jek,klau tk penat nak uat roti kirai sikit...Hope weather today tk mcm smlm lah!!

Enflor - You both nak meet up kat ane??
mummy irfan just bawak jer payong n apa2 yg patot coz this morning radio ckp its gonna be rain n thunder today.. jalan baik coz u ngandung kan..


Active Member
Good am having light breakfast. Siap kids, then nak blah to meet up cik kecik cili padi kita tu.

Ina - tak mo stress sgt. For stress reliever, juz go and mess up your kind colleague's desk tu.

Am not cooking again long, my stove not heated up. Tengok kitchen mcm ada bling bling gitu on top of the stove. :001_302:
my stove tak pernah bling2.. kalau ada pon malam jer.. sekejap jer tu.. ahahahaa.. i dah blajar lagik satu kuih semalam.. gendang kasturi.. hehehe.. hari tu kuih keria.. hmm.. next week nak buatkan resepi baru for baby bayu.. heheh..

Mama Ina

Well-Known Member
bagus gituk.. kan.. insha Allah... Tuhan tu akan tolong kita bila kita dalam kesusahan.. desparate sgt2.. heheh.. at least ko sekarang dah blajr new things.. Bapak good with you.. nasib baik ada boss mcm tu.. hehehe..
aku ada asthma.. jap2 cik semah nak datang singgah sibuk2 kan diri.. heheh.. i got it wen aku dah 24 or 25 yrs old.. dari kecik aku takder..nut my mum told me that wen dier ngandung kan aku she got asthma.... me n my arwah father ada semput.. yg lain suma takder.. time ku mengandung pon masih semput tapi tak rabak sgt.. i can still go on one day witout inhaler.. i hope its a good sign for baby bayu ..
For now je in critical moment people BOH PIAN kena good wit me.. Cos if i now buat hal meletop, siapa nak buat? Hehehehe.. Dorang tahu angin aku pe.. This people here must show them ur trueself so dorg tahu bila tak terpijak bomb.. hahahahahaha..

Ooohh..? Normali semput dari kecik kan? Tak ku tahu sehh wen u reach 20-an can get.. In my family lak aku sorg kecik2 ada tapi i guess tak terok ar sampai kena inhaler cos i remember i kip kena go TOA PAYOH HOSPITAL tuk sedut itu GAS and so far takde hilang trus.. Hubby ku pun sama dulu ada but now alhamdulillah so far dah tak nampak lagi cik semah tu.. But his case kena jaga2 ar alih2 muncul dah susah tu..

Hope it go away for u...