Tips for you..



I did not hold the bb well..
Guessed I conceived too quickly where my womb wasn't strong enuf as yet..
Sorry to hear abt yr loss puzzledME...

Seems like u share the same fate as my fren who conceived at the same time with u... she also conceived within a month after taking Dr Su's med.... and just lost her bb last week....

You did continue to take Dr Su's med even after u conceived right? Cos for my fren she stopped after she found out....

Dr Su did mentioned that her womb is not "ready" yet..... So now Dr Su is giving her meds to recover her health before she can start to conceive again....

For now pls do rest well and focus on recovering... Wish u speedy recovery...


New Member
puzzledme, sorry abt ur loss. i remember reading ur post tat u were spotting
a lot during pregnancy. is tat è reason for miscarriage?
i know exactly how u feel. i lost mine at 7 wks. é feeling was terrible. i just could not
accept é fact tat my baby was gone. it's ok to feel sad but make sure to take care
of ur body. u must recover fast so u can try again soon.
if i may ask u, was there any heartbeat before é miscarriage ? did ur gynae know é reason?
i guess u need to do a mini confinement to condition ur body. my gynae told me to rest 1 mth before
trying again.. good luck to u.


I did not hold the bb well..
Guessed I conceived too quickly where my womb wasn't strong enuf as yet..


I cont her med thru out, guess the womb is just not ready.

We did not manage to see the fetus at all. I must have lost it during the early spotting.
Will see Su and let her know the condition.
Will not try till the body is ready as I won't want this to happen again.

Thanks all for your encouragement


puzzeldme, I'm sorry for your take care and God dust to you!

zaclin or anyone, do you know if Dr Su will still accommodate me if I go around 8:30pm tonight (Friday)? My husband and I plans to go tonight before my mens start. It seems that I failed my 2nd IUI as I got bfn on hpt on my 14dpiui. Also, do they accepts Nets or credit card, or we have to bring cash? sorry for the questions..

Thanks a lot! Baby dust to all!


New Member
I cont her med thru out, guess the womb is just not ready.

We did not manage to see the fetus at all. I must have lost it during the early spotting.
Will see Su and let her know the condition.
Will not try till the body is ready as I won't want this to happen again.

Thanks all for your encouragement
puzzledME, sorry to hear about yr loss. is difficult for others to understand hw u feel right now. take gd care to recuperate yr body in meantime & see Dr Su to see how she can help you :)


New Member
puzzeldme, I'm sorry for your take care and God dust to you!

zaclin or anyone, do you know if Dr Su will still accommodate me if I go around 8:30pm tonight (Friday)? My husband and I plans to go tonight before my mens start. It seems that I failed my 2nd IUI as I got bfn on hpt on my 14dpiui. Also, do they accepts Nets or credit card, or we have to bring cash? sorry for the questions..

Thanks a lot! Baby dust to all!

hi liz5. i also plan to go tonight. i'm first timer, so not sure on their payment modes. maybe u can call them to ask. tel: 6896 1618
may I know where did u hv yr IUI done? is it SO IUI?


puzzeldme, I'm sorry for your take care and God dust to you!

zaclin or anyone, do you know if Dr Su will still accommodate me if I go around 8:30pm tonight (Friday)? My husband and I plans to go tonight before my mens start. It seems that I failed my 2nd IUI as I got bfn on hpt on my 14dpiui. Also, do they accepts Nets or credit card, or we have to bring cash? sorry for the questions..

Thanks a lot! Baby dust to all!

Hi liz5, it is better for u to call them first if they still accept customer at 8.30pm.
They do not accept nets or cc. only cash.
Good luck to u!


New Member
puzzeldme, I'm sorry for your take care and God dust to you!

zaclin or anyone, do you know if Dr Su will still accommodate me if I go around 8:30pm tonight (Friday)? My husband and I plans to go tonight before my mens start. It seems that I failed my 2nd IUI as I got bfn on hpt on my 14dpiui. Also, do they accepts Nets or credit card, or we have to bring cash? sorry for the questions..

Thanks a lot! Baby dust to all!
Hi Liz, It is not sure that you can get the q no. when you go there around 8:30pm on friday.
Their closing time is 9pm.
As my 2 times visit experience on Friday, i reached there around 6:30pm and get my turn to see Dr.Su on 8Pm.
They accept cash only.
It depends on situation, you can get the q no. if there are not many people on Friday.
Hope you can catch on tonight.. :)


Hi Liz, It is not sure that you can get the q no. when you go there around 8:30pm on friday.
Their closing time is 9pm.
As my 2 times visit experience on Friday, i reached there around 6:30pm and get my turn to see Dr.Su on 8Pm.
They accept cash only.
It depends on situation, you can get the q no. if there are not many people on Friday.
Hope you can catch on tonight.. :)
Hi Zoey, thanks for the info! Okay, need to bring some cash! :) We'll get Q no. first then eat dinner.. Is it true that Dr Su checked our tongue? or just pulse? thanks!! :)


Hi Zoey, thanks for the info! Okay, need to bring some cash! :) We'll get Q no. first then eat dinner.. Is it true that Dr Su checked our tongue? or just pulse? thanks!! :)

Yes Dr Su will check our pulse & tongue (sometimes)...


Hi Liz5,

Just came back from visiting Dr Su. She will look at your tongue as well as your pulse. She will check them to see which area you are weak in and then prescribe the appropriate medicine for your body. She's very friendly and is a nice doctor. :)

Hi Zoey, thanks for the info! Okay, need to bring some cash! :) We'll get Q no. first then eat dinner.. Is it true that Dr Su checked our tongue? or just pulse? thanks!! :)


thanks maddie! need to make sure tongue is clean.. hehehe.. just went to Raffles earlier for blood test, it's confirmed, BFN! hehe.. We're advised to try natural this March, then go back on April for a scan to make sure my water cyst is gone before doing another IUI I'm looking forward on Dr. Su's medicine to get us healthy and to prepare us too on my 3rd IUI!

Baby dust and good luck to your FET!

Hi Liz5,

Just came back from visiting Dr Su. She will look at your tongue as well as your pulse. She will check them to see which area you are weak in and then prescribe the appropriate medicine for your body. She's very friendly and is a nice doctor. :)




You have water cyst? Mine is blood cyst but I got it out last year in an operation. After that have been trying to conceive, but not successful. :( Now taking Dr. Su's medicine hoping that a miracle will come..

thanks maddie! need to make sure tongue is clean.. hehehe.. just went to Raffles earlier for blood test, it's confirmed, BFN! hehe.. We're advised to try natural this March, then go back on April for a scan to make sure my water cyst is gone before doing another IUI I'm looking forward on Dr. Su's medicine to get us healthy and to prepare us too on my 3rd IUI!

Baby dust and good luck to your FET!


maddie, not sure if it's really water cyst but that's what my OB suspects..she said it will be gone naturally.. Just went to Dr. Su earlier.. she's really nice..I was amazed when she get my pulse then said that I'm having a lower backpain.. which is true!! I've been having lower backpain for weeks.. thought I'm pregnant.. hahaha.. then she said that I'm not getting good sleep which is true again! I always wake up in the middle of the night to pee! and she said I have backaches, stressed, and cold feet and hands.. which all are true.. My feet is so cold that she gave me chinese herbs to drink 2x a day..she said it will also fix my irreg mens and my cramps during mens, also cold uterus, etc.. I told her that my 3rd IUI will be april.. she told me to give her time, if I can postpone April, and move it to May..and maybe I don't need to do IUI.. :Dancing_wub: so I told her, I'm okay to move it to May.. fixing my irreg mens is a lot to me already! I have 35-60days green tea and cold drinks for me and hubby.. hubby don't have problem but she said hubby is always nervous and because of that he's stress.. she gave him capsule for 1 month..

so excited! I forgot to ask her when I should start taking the chinese herbs? I don't have mens yet.. :err: she did not mention to start on day 1 of mens.. good luck to us!


You have water cyst? Mine is blood cyst but I got it out last year in an operation. After that have been trying to conceive, but not successful. :( Now taking Dr. Su's medicine hoping that a miracle will come..


New Member
I also went to Dr.Su yesterday.
My mense will due on next week. So she said that stop her medicine if the mense is come.
Wait until mense finish and start to take medicine again.
If the mense not come, i can continue taking her medicine.
For me, she said that my body is too heaty now. That is better than before.
And she asked me to take medicine one time a day. I took 2 times a day before.


I also went to Dr.Su yesterday.
My mense will due on next week. So she said that stop her medicine if the mense is come.
Wait until mense finish and start to take medicine again.
If the mense not come, i can continue taking her medicine.
For me, she said that my body is too heaty now. That is better than before.
And she asked me to take medicine one time a day. I took 2 times a day before.
Thanks zoey! Mine is to take 2x a day.. Il better call them later.. Thanks!


Ya, I used to have cold feet and hands as well. After taking her medicine for 2 weeks, my situation gets better. Now every night I wear socks to sleep. It allows me to sleep throughout the night without going to the toilet to pee. Cannot drink cold water la coz it will make our womb and uterus all cold which makes it difficult for us to conceive.

maddie, not sure if it's really water cyst but that's what my OB suspects..she said it will be gone naturally.. Just went to Dr. Su earlier.. she's really nice..I was amazed when she get my pulse then said that I'm having a lower backpain.. which is true!! I've been having lower backpain for weeks.. thought I'm pregnant.. hahaha.. then she said that I'm not getting good sleep which is true again! I always wake up in the middle of the night to pee! and she said I have backaches, stressed, and cold feet and hands.. which all are true.. My feet is so cold that she gave me chinese herbs to drink 2x a day..she said it will also fix my irreg mens and my cramps during mens, also cold uterus, etc.. I told her that my 3rd IUI will be april.. she told me to give her time, if I can postpone April, and move it to May..and maybe I don't need to do IUI.. :Dancing_wub: so I told her, I'm okay to move it to May.. fixing my irreg mens is a lot to me already! I have 35-60days green tea and cold drinks for me and hubby.. hubby don't have problem but she said hubby is always nervous and because of that he's stress.. she gave him capsule for 1 month..

so excited! I forgot to ask her when I should start taking the chinese herbs? I don't have mens yet.. :err: she did not mention to start on day 1 of mens.. good luck to us!


Ya, I used to have cold feet and hands as well. After taking her medicine for 2 weeks, my situation gets better. Now every night I wear socks to sleep. It allows me to sleep throughout the night without going to the toilet to pee. Cannot drink cold water la coz it will make our womb and uterus all cold which makes it difficult for us to conceive.
yeah.. sad no cold drinks for us.. I called Dr Su earlier, she told me to stop the med on day 1 of mens, once clear like 5th day, can start med again.. I have spotting today, do you consider it as day 1? I was able to drink the med in the morning.. then have brownish discharge after lunch (sorry tmi).. so not sure if I should continue the med today or stop as I should consider this as day 1..