Trying for Year 2010 Baby


haha... i got bad impression of female gynae... heard too many adverse feedbacks on female gynae who are v violent / nt gentle enuf....

I also shy... but i more scare of pain too...


There are a few mummies here who had experienced m/c during their 20 weeks pregnant. I really appreciate the continuous encouragement given by the kind mummies here, I found support and comfort in this forum.

Tinklish, my mum encouraged me to drink a small amount of Dom or Yomeishu before sleep, she said it helps to strengthen the body. I now eats a lot of food that contains folic, lotsa veggie and fruits, I also went back to exercise 3x per week
ちょっと一つ聞いていいですか。前folic acidを飲んだよね。


haha... i got bad impression of female gynae... heard too many adverse feedbacks on female gynae who are very violent / not gentle enuf....

I also shy... but i more scare of pain too...
Yeah, I also DUN like my female gynae. She is very ya ya & sarcastic! But I am also too shy to see a male gynae... :shyxxx:


ちょっと一つ聞いていいですか。前folic acidを飲んだよね。
はい!飲んだのに,失敗でした。。。しかたなかったんですね。 :(
でも、私は妊娠後、folic acidも飲んだ。医者が「妊娠前、folic acidを飲んだほがいいです。」と 言いました。

いまから、毎日たくさん野菜と柑橘類(citrus fruits) 食べています。


Active Member
Hi Shiseru and Cyndear

i had a miscarriage before also in 2006, at first i dare not try to have baby again cos i afraid that i will have miscarriage again. but hubby was very supportive and one and a half later i was pregnant again and have a healthy rat baby. Just celebrated his 1st birthday.

So dont't give up and keep on trying. Most important must ensure you have a healthy body if not how to have a healthy baby.

We are not trying for our 2nd baby.

Take care and let jia you together:Dancing_wub:

janicecch, Shiseru and Cyndear... Jia You to you all!!! Do not lose hope!


Active Member
Me trying for ...8 mths already... I think... quit counting how long already... dont't wish to actually...

Broke down again last month when I realise AF came... Been telling myself not to think too much otherwise too much stress also no good... But, I just do not know why I was just so overwhelmed with emotions that day...

Hahaha,,, silly me I guess...

Im not shy to say how envy I am, at those who "never plan" and got their "gift"(s) from heaven...

Been thinking how Ironic it was... when most of us are brought up in a way that we are taught, how "dangerous" it is if we have unprotected sex... how "easy" it will be to get pregnant if we didn't have any forms of preventions...

But once we are all grown up, and all ready to start a family, some of us are smacked with the truth that trying to concieve is actually not at all easy as it seems...

BTW, thought I share what Ive been reading...(borrowed frm Library): this book called "THE CONCEPTION CHRONICLES" by 3authors Shelly, Patty and Courtney. It shares stories and practical advices on everything that goes along with trying to concieve...

Reading about what I am going thru, in a "3rd" party kind of view, certainly takes the stress off for me... especially reading about the turbulent emotions every TTCs probably go thru... It makes me understand and better aware of my emotions... this book can be quite funny too...

Not sure if it will help me to conceive... but it certainly lift some level of stress off me...

ok.. enuf of the lengthy post... JIA YOU TO EVERY1 !!!


Im not shy to say how envy I am, at those who "never plan" and got their "gift"(s) from heaven...
We didn't really plan too, and when God has decided to give us a surprise, it was short live. He took it away again.

But once we are all grown up, and all ready to start a family, some of us are smacked with the truth that trying to concieve is actually not at all easy as it seems...
So true, now i am also concerned becoz of my age 35, I am worried that it would not be easy to conceive. That's why I was so painful when I lost the baby particulary it's our first after 12 years of marriage. But I really want to bear my husband a child, so i am gonna try again.

I hope the book you read helps, and you will soon bring good news.
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Well-Known Member
Been thinking how Ironic it was... when most of us are brought up in a way that we are taught, how "dangerous" it is if we have unprotected sex... how "easy" it will be to get pregnant if we didn't have any forms of preventions...

But once we are all grown up, and all ready to start a family, some of us are smacked with the truth that trying to concieve is actually not at all easy as it seems...
The fact is it's easier to concieve when you are younger. That's why ppl always tell newly weds to have kids while they are still young!


Active Member
We didn't really plan too, and when God has decided to give us a surprise, it was short live. He took it away again.

So true, now i am also concerned becoz of my age 35, I am worried that it would not be easy to conceive. That's why I was so painful when I lost the baby particulary it's our first after 12 years of marriage. But I really want to bear my husband a child, so i am gonna try again.

I hope the book you read helps, and you will soon bring good news.
-Sorry to hear abt wat happen...

-Ya.. must not lose hope... Im sure Heaven has smthing planned for u and everyone already... just didnt know wat and when...

-the book ah... not sure if it can help in TTC.. but it certainly did relieve some stress of TTC...


Hello everyone..​

We have been trying to concieve actively since it should be 6mths already but it's only 1 cycle ago that I charted my temp and checking on my ovalulation on a daily basis...​

I also went to ACJ for body checkup and went to traditional chinese medicine doc to have my body "tiao" for this cycle..The traditional chinese medicine doc told my husband to go for SA and the report show he's perfectly ok except that he need to eat multivit and drink more H2O...for me, both checkup at ACJ and traditional chinese medicine show perhaps maybe im lazy to track my ovalulation and skip bd for 1 day during my supposed fertile period...sigh must jia yo ... if not I was told to go back for HSG if my AF arrive for this cycle **TOUCH WOOD**...Crossing my fingers​

Congrats to all who are preggy and let jia you together for those who are trying to concieve actively! :Dancing_wub:​


I also went to ACJ last wk for ultrasound to see if i've ovaluated after taking the Clomid med. Gynae say only right ovary got 1 egg but slightly small..(usually by D10, shd be 15mm)... Weep weep!. The other ovary got 2 small eggs which he don't know is growing well.... X 2 weeping...!

Can anyone tell me usually each ovary should ovaluate how many eggs? Is it more eggs got more chances of getting pregnant?
My knowledge of human sci is real bad....


Active Member
Wah i m not good with all these scientific part also. But i tink normally one egg frm one ovary during an ovulation i think. but there are also 2 eggs at once. Maybe tats hw non-identical twins come abt... Nt reali sure... Why dun u ask the gynae???


Wah i m not good with all these scientific part also. But i tink normally one egg frm one ovary during an ovulation i think. but there are also 2 eggs at once. Maybe tats hw non-identical twins come about... not reali sure... Why dont you ask the gynae???
I got ask.. but he casually say do i want twin or triplet? I even ask him i tot must hv lots of eggs so that the soldiers can choose the eggs....

Then i paisei ask all the details liao...

Anyway, i need to go back to him this wk to check if the egg's growth & did it ovaluate....

Pray hard hard... hope growth ok then gynae will tell me when to ML....:we2Randy-git:


Hello everyone..​

We have been trying to concieve actively since it should be 6mths already but it's only 1 cycle ago that I charted my temp and checking on my ovalulation on a daily basis...​

I also went to ACJ for body checkup and went to traditional chinese medicine doc to have my body "tiao" for this cycle..The traditional chinese medicine doc told my husband to go for SA and the report show he's perfectly ok except that he need to eat multivit and drink more H2O...for me, both checkup at ACJ and traditional chinese medicine show perhaps maybe im lazy to track my ovalulation and skip bd for 1 day during my supposed fertile period...sigh must jia yo ... if not I was told to go back for HSG if my AF arrive for this cycle **TOUCH WOOD**...Crossing my fingers​

Congrats to all who are preggy and let jia you together for those who are trying to concieve actively! :Dancing_wub:​
mami, can i know which TCM u went to to "tiao" ur body... ? I'm thinking of seeking TCM's help... :Dancing_wub:
Went to other thread in TTC that Jurong East one must wake up v early... n also heard abt Marine Parade one (which is too far for me)