Trying for Year 2010 Baby


Hi all,
hv not been posting for the past few days.... me getting bored of waiting for my 2WW.

BTW, can anyone tell me when shd one be doing HPT ahr? Straight after ur AF due? or wait for a few more weeks?
Like me, my AF can come 2-3 mths once:nah:
:wong29:Tired of waiting n waiting to do the HPT...:red:
Hi there

I am also trying for a 2010 baby ut I was hoping for a June or July one. :)

We have been trying for 6 mths.. alot of emotional roller coaster for me. Every month I get really disappointed and upon hearing friends who are pregnant 'by accident', I'd get even more upset, though I should be happy for them.

anyone else also trying for over 6mths?:bbconfused:


Hi Smokeyeyes,
i've been trying for abt 1 yr. So I've 2X more disappointed than u....
Think pple here hv been trying 6mths onwards...

We will keep each other support here.... !Jia You!


Active Member
Hi Smokeyeyes,
i've been trying for about 1 your. So I've 2X more disappointed than you....
Think pple here have been trying 6mths onwards...

We will keep each other support here.... !Jia You!

Ya.. most of us here are trying for more than 6mths already......

Hope baby dust sprinkle on all of us very soon!!!!


New Member
Hmmm... Can say im superstitious or something, but i heard from my mom and granny that tiger baby not very good? Anyone heard of such thing before?
(also dont know they say this due to objection so would like to hear more comments regarding this) :)


Well-Known Member
Hmmm... Can say im superstitious or something, but i heard from my mom and granny that tiger baby not very good? Anyone heard of such thing before?
(also dont know they say this due to objection so would like to hear more comments regarding this) :)
yes.. if you're born in the yr of less *fierce* animals, you will *eaten* up by the tiger.. they also say tiger babies more fierce etc etc.. but i don't think it really does matter.


Most importantly is how u think! We trying to TCC for so long liao... do you want to waste 1 yr of tiger yr not trying?

Think old folks are more worry that when they get married, they may face some problem. ie... Tiger bride marrying a Rat groom, the groom's side may not feel comfortable cos they worry the groom will be eaten/controlled by the bride.


Well-Known Member
Most importantly is how you think! We trying to TCC for so long ... do you want to waste 1 your of tiger your not trying?

Think old folks are more worry that when they get married, they may face some problem. ie... Tiger bride marrying a Rat groom, the groom's side may not feel comfortable cos they worry the groom will be eaten/controlled by the bride.
usually if its a boy.. the older folks won't be too worried.. my husband is against having a tiger baby.. i'm inclined to agree with him.. but i'm also afraid i can't conceive. :(


New Member
Im already 9 weeks! Next year May's tiger. Came in tcc to read up more :)

Hope you ladies quickly get your wishes!!! Jiayou!!
Praying with all your heart to god helps too! :)


Active Member
Aiya.. if really wanna be superstitious... then alot of things need to consider already... like the time the date the day your baby is born... the name you give you baby......

I was told even 7th lunar ghost mth also got auspicious date... and timing... so... things that are deemed bad still have its good side...

Doesnt make sense to waste a year of not trying for a baby jus to avoid the tiger mah....

If you already have a tiger baby coming... Congrats!!! see it as a blessing... no need to compete with the pool of dragon babies (or other popular years)... hahaha..

For me... after trying for this long... I dun think I shld even be choosy whether I wan which zodiac, boy or girl...


It really depends on individual. For me I have lost a moo moo baby, and I will be very grateful if God will to bless me a tiger baby. I don't mind about gender or the chinese zodiac anymore, I just want my baby healthy and safe...


Active Member
It really depends on individual. For me I have lost a moo moo baby, and I will be very grateful if God will to bless me a tiger baby. I dont't mind about gender or the chinese zodiac anymore, I just want my baby healthy and safe...

yA... Exactly!!!


We shld all be happy with the blessing of nature when it comes!!!!


ya. agreed w Shieru, a safe pregnancy and a healthy bb is the most things we are hoping....

The rest, we can "fan" later or when they grow up! haha...!
oh.. i have heard about the tiger being 'not good' blah blah and ox is better kinda things too! But most of you already mentioned, we've been trying so many months, not going to stop now at any reasons and any costs... :p Whatever animals I am given, I am going to take it! :001_302:

Though I wanted a Gemini or Cancer baby, but now.. whatever I am given, I will also TAKE!!!:001_302:


Poke Poke Winnie_gal.

whats ops wor?

counting my 1st mense from D & C, i am trying for 3rd or 4th month liao. Stress man.everytime :we2Randy-git: on O days but didnt get it.:nah: