We are TTC-ing!


Hi dragontail, thks! I think i got the misintepretation of the progestrone test earlier.. yup now i understand. I thought its supposed to tell me abt the last menses if ovulation had already ocurred.


Dragontail, I would like to clarify this issue. My menses came on 4th March. If I intend to do a progestrone blood test on the 21st day (ie 24th march) to see if ovulation occurs, this test is to confirm my last menses got ovulate ( ie 4th March) or to predict my future cycle??
lynn, this one I know the answer!!
its to confirm if you have ovulated for your current cycle (cd 1 on 4 march). For eg, if u ovulate on cd14, by the time you do the progesterone test on cd21, the results will show a certain level of progesterone hormone. If too low, means you didn't ovulate for this cycle.


Active Member
Maq, how about sit down and clear your mind a little?

First thing first, the past was the past. You must believe this is the one. Beanie can feel you. So shoo away those thoughts. All you should fill up are happy ones.

2ndly, please see a gynae tomorrow morning. There are alot of walk-in gynae clinics (I'm not sure who is the best but when I had my first bfp I walked to one at TPY and I like him because he was very nice and gentlemen. Haa because he kept giving me assurance and also gave me a hand when I was getting up from the bed). I know everyone says no point seeing early... cant see anything on scan.... but this is the time you may need progesterone support. And do tell doc about your MC experience. And please dont expect to see anything on the scan.

Some people still travel during pregnancy. I think the best is to ask doc what he thinks. But if it's me, I will forget about travelling. No two ways about it for me. My hubby wont allow too. See if you can transfer name? or change date? If all these not possible, I will forgo and not think about it anymore. What's more important, right?


lynn, this one I know the answer!!
its to confirm if you have ovulated for your current cycle (cd 1 on 4 march). For eg, if you ovulate on cd14, by the time you do the progesterone test on cd21, the results will show a certain level of progesterone hormone. If too low, means you didn't ovulate for this cycle.
Hi soursop, yup.. thats what i thought so.. you are very sure rgt? coz last wk I just consulted my gynae n asked her this qn.. but im confused by her intepretation as she said provided I kw when will be my next menses... n if my menses cycle is a 28 day cycle.. if not very difficult to catch it. But I thought its supposed to "confirm" ovulation had taken place for my current month rgt?


Active Member
I don't think it's appropriate to ask someone if she's very sure when you have seek help for answers to your questions. Lynn, I see that now you doubt soursop, doubt sinsehs... this can go on forever.


Oh if thats the case, then i can confirm no ovulation for this cycle or perhaps I "O" late.. then this progestrone test is out for me since its to be targeted for a 28day cycle.


Oh no la..dragontail. U kw that day my hubby n I were with the gynae for one hr!! I couldn't remember so many things.. so am trying to recall what she told me earlier.. but I kw Im on the right track as soursop.. but cos she explained to me too many info and im trying my best to digest what she said.. but i think she meant the same meaning as soursop as perhaps she used the other senario to explain to me thats all.

Yes u are rgt to say scan can trace the follicles if I going to ovulate.. blood test cannot always do weekly if not will go anemic. I thought of doing blood test but seems not possible now.


Dragontail: thks gal... lurve u n e sensible advice u jus give. .. jus got off e phone with hub... he is totally against me flyin over... n yes he's very happy.

Guess I'll see gynae next week n prayed hard this one stick.


Thks yukki... I will def try... will update more if u gals r keen to know...

Lynn: ur gynae very patient to spend an hour with u...

I rem I used to get real stressed n kan cheong n super emo when I see all our hardwork wasted mthly.. den I f care n dun bother frm jan onward... honestly, I really wasnt expecting anything this mth...


Yes, Maqisa.... quite happy that she understands my concerns n willing to explain abt my condition. Furthermore she charged reasonable fees. haha..this was my first time hving a long consultation indeed. I think not easy to find a gynae with gd patience.
Wow morning wake up to gd news! Congrats Magisa! I agree with the rest, shoo away all bad tots! Positive thinking n u will be fine!
Lynn, i went for blood test on CD23 too as well as per my kk gynae instruction. My reading is always v v low which meant tat i did not ovulate. My tcm ask me to so for scan to c if have folices or nt. It seems tat i have but tat time when i scan it was too small.
I am nw CD 43 n my af haven cme, my menses still so irregular. Going to c tcm this afternoon n c wat she say.
I think my mil start to rush me already juz pass me another tcm name card say her frnd daughter struck the jackpotafter 3 visit. Anyone heard be4 Dr Tan Kian Sing from TCM Healthcare Medical Centre at Clementi?


Hi apple, apparently dr tan in clementi has quite good reviews. Some said hes better at treating men. But no harm seeing him.
I think hubby nt tat keen on wanting a bb. He will always say take things naturally etc etc. I dunno if he saying this so tat i wun be too stress or wat. Last time when he accompany to c gyane at kk, he was nt happy tat gynae suggest him to do SA test first.
I noe he was worried abt financial (he was out of job for a yr n onli manage to start a new job this mth + plus BTO flat coming end of this yr). I think all this stress also make me more diff to concieve. I'm feeling so emotional stress this few wks! Sob!


Hey Apple, don't be too stressed by all these. Not good for you and hub.
Maybe we should all learn from Maq, just heck care and everything will come naturally.

Hey Maq, share your winning formula leh.
I love to read success stories. Very motivating!! Hehe


Congrats maqisa! Happy to hear that one more lady graduated :)

yukki, I think our cycle is about the same period... starting the next cycle again.. We need to Jia you..


Msyoyo..currently me now in e mid of my cycle...till now bbt haven't rise yet...though i'm pretty sure ovulation alrdy occurs based on opk. Ytd i been to fertility doc...if this cycle still out..next cycle i will gg for blood test and hsg test.

How about u? ;)