We are TTC-ing!


Active Member
Hey hey. Was at kkh with the ivf doc this morning.

All seems pretty Ok and I'm cleared to go ahead with my ivf. Likely in April.

Still waiting for af. No sign of her yet.


Active Member
Well will monitor next few days. So strange my af is so late. or maybe I count my dpo wrongly. But i did another digital hpt this morning just to be sure.

My blood tests and hsg were already done weeks ago. Today was to go through the results. Tubes and uterus look alright. I also have good egg reserve.


Digital hpt nvr show positive? Hmmm...maybe observe another few days.. as for me if by sun no news i will gg arrange blood test n hsg test le..


Tks dragontail for e well wishes... ^^
I'm keeping all my fingers n toes crossed plus my hubby de...lol..

Anw...dun worry...mayb tings will gg on well
..keep us updated...i do wanna knw more abt ivf too... ;)


Active Member
yukki i think everyone on ttc should go for hsg. It's so vital to know if there's any road blocks!

minty, I remember it's so hard to recall which side I have jabbed the last time. Ha. But the bruise will go away in few days.


Mint miner, do u mean too close to the each other that's why got bruise??

Dragontail, keep poas!!
U might not need ivf after all
Oh did ur ivf Dr recommend long or short protocol?
When are u going for the counselling?


Active Member
soursop, now I think maybe i have calculated my dpo incorrectly. I thought i am 13dpo today. But maybe it's only 11dpo. My LP is 13days. I will poas again this Friday if really nothing shows up.

These are the questions I'm eager to know too. KKH IVF team will call me sometime and I will go down for counselling and sign some document. Maybe some tests will be done and i will be adviced if I'm hopping on long or short protocol.


Okok dragontail, hehe we'll bug u again on Fri for hpt result

Oh ya I remember someone here had a natural iui done at tmc ..
Who is it huh??

I just read that this procedure cause harm to the woman body

"Why is Sperm Washing Necessary?
Sperm must be washed in order to be used with IUI. Raw semen cannot be inserted directly into a woman’s uterus. This is because semen contains chemicals called prostaglandins. Prostaglandins cause muscular contractions and are responsible for cramps during menstruation and pregnancy. If raw semen is inserted directly into your uterus, rather than going through the cervix first, it could cause severe pain and cramping. It could also cause your uterus to collapse, causing severe complications."

Source : http://www.sharedjourney.com/iui/sperm_washing.html