We are TTC-ing!

Soursop, I din hv mc per se. Just that my bob had Neuro tube defect and can't survive. My progesterone level is actually within good range but on lower end of good range.
Ok I m going tmr morning to do blood test and take some medi. For progesterone n something for the uterus lining. I asked why need to improve
lining, tot doc said mine was smooth, then nurse said can b better. Wa Lao, wat does that mean...bluff me initially? Urghhhh.
progesterone level can b measured through blood test...that's how they c if u r pregnant too n how far along even....
Tmr I m gg Dr Cheng's clinic to get medi n do blood test. If numbers r high enuf then dr Cheng will do scan for me. Otherwise, they hv made an appointment for me on 23rd mar. So now I hv two appointments with 2 docs, I duno how to dump "dr Cheng" now that I m starting my first visit with him...


Hehe just don't turn up for the second appt lo....
or call one/two day sin advance says to cancel the appt

urh by the way how fast can u get the blood test result? Is it immediate?


Hopingforangel...tdy me at my 10dpo bbt dropped from ytd 36.96 till today's 36.77...still abv coverline though but i been feeling sore boobs..seems like af is approaching...not sure yet...est to test on this sun if she nvr appears...


Hopingforangel...i dun dare pin high hopes...kinda feeling af is here any moment...but of coz i will be super happy if it's gd news!! Weet~pray hard for me!! U too enjoy the pregnancy process... ;)

Yeap yeap..waiting for dragontail updates... kekeke...
yukki, it looks ok to me. there is an obvious pre and post O temp and looks like implantation dip somewhere. :Dancing_wub: I took a few days of bbt this cycle too actually, but it was worse than urs, I couldn't pinpoint my O temp, luckily I did opk. my +opk day I had 36.2, then next day 36.3, then 36.4 and I stopped temping. before +opk, I oso had 36.3 and 36.4 temps. so itz really erratic. I couldn't see my pre and post O difference at all. I think it could be due to stress caused by my HSG scan.


Woohoo...hopingforangel...but u hv a bfp le ^^..sometimes really cannot based on bbt alone...so many other factors too...

Now i'm having a bit of weird feeling in tummy...lol...paranoid le... ;p