We are TTC-ing!


Meaning big fat positive for pregnancy test :)

Dragontail, can jab one on left side and one on right side?
Rem to jab on the fattest part of your tummy

Mrs Koh

Ahhh i see.... Thanks.

Fattest part of the tummy meaning lesser pain?

For those ladies on IVF, good luck and hope we shall all have 2015 babies.

Mrs Koh

Afternoon ladies...
Weekend soon, then its going to be another long weekend. :D

Oh Dragontail, ur sis having twins?
How many months?
Twins sound so exciting, my hubby has a fantasy with twin babies.


New Member
Hi i am on clomid 2-6 the lowest dose, 1st try. blood test on 9th April. Nurse confirm i hav ovualted. however until now 24 Apr (CD37) i dont have any pg symptoms, negative test and no period yet. i called back the nurse yesterday and she ask me to wait till end of april and start testing on 1st week of may if i still didnt get my period.
waiting is terrible

any one with similar experience that clomid delays period? or any BFP after long wait?


Ohhh my friend having twins from IVF is popping tmr morning due to some complications. Intially was on May 8 now its tomorrow!

Mrs Koh

Hi Snowing,

Ya waiting is terrible.

Im so sorry im unable to offer help, as i just started TTC.

Dun be so stress, do something to distract urself.


Hi snowing, I'm on clomid same dose as u.
50mg morning CD 2-6.
Currently in my two weeks wait.
Menses due next week.

Where are u seeing?
I'm seeing at kkh
They put me on cloud but doesn't do blood test to check If I ovulate or not


My last hope gone. AF Juz came but I still need to go do my blood test tomorrow. My body is always so cruel. When I try naturally, it come on time every month leaving me with no chance to do hpt every time. Tomorrow then my blood test, y muz come today. Haizzzzz.....


Active Member
Mint do you have frozen embies? My sis took 3rd ET to have bfp. There is still hope. Hang on there.
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New Member
Hi ladies. Been a while since I've been here. Went to Taiwan last week when af appeared.

Still on bbt. Thought I had 2nd bbt surge but no luck. I think I was just dehydrated. I'm back on tangkwei and now drinking the Black sugar ginger tea we got from Taiwan, apparently supposed to be good to tio the body.

Will opk on cd15 onwards and try again.


New Member
Hi soursop, I took the pills frm TMC. I started Cd2 on 19 march.So bloodtest on 9th april says that I don need clomid as I ovulated on my own. Till now nothings comes by.. cd 37 today...


Oh for me I start clomid on cycle day 2 on 4april.
I do get a positive ovulation kit

So that means next cycle no need to take clomid?

In the first place, why ur gynae put u on clomid?


I am okay n will be fine. I just not the lucky one to strike on the 1st cycle. I do not have any frozen, so need to start afresh. Well, I have to discuss with my doctor n see how.