We are TTC-ing!


Active Member
Never had but I read that it's possible! Very interesting actually. If ovulation did take place, it may mean you have popped two eggs on separate occasions.

Were you the one who showed us your bbt chart? After cd17 no spike yet right? I also read that sometimes our body may attempt to ovulate if the first recent one didnt succeed. Maybe that's the case for you? Try to bd again till you see the shift.


Yes, it's me.. No spike after cd17..I googled and read that it is possible.. Find it very strange.. I got many watery discharges these few days that's why I tested again.. Which means this cycle could be longer than the usual cycle..


Active Member
So strange indeed... the body sometimes cheats people. Haa. Gives all the symptoms but left us high and dry.

Today is my CD1. From now till mid July, have to practice safe sex! I cannot be preggie (hello like it's so easy m.e.h?) before my coming treatment at kkh before start of my ivf.


Active Member
Thanks mint. I can't believe how time flies too. I'm waiting for you to join me when you're ready. But of course I hope you don't need to ;)


Dragontail going for 2nd round!! Jia you!! Hoepfully hear good news soon!!

So far good news this thread has gone down!! Hopefully can hear some soon! ;)


My 2ww ended this morning when AF reports.
Dragontail, actually doctor want me to try IVF soon but my time does not allow me at the moment. I hope to be able to start in dec if time permits. I dun wish to put off for too long.


Active Member
Got 2ww fever now? Besides mxlo?

Mint, Dec sounds good. Can take HL with ease (maybe Dec season work not too loaded). My coming HL is in Aug which will clash with my teammate's reservist. And I'm supposed to cover him. Oops. But dont care already. Anyway boss also says "maybe reservist not so bad" . Because those guys will still work from phone email wwhen in reservist.


New Member
Hey guys. Just came back from my short anniversary trip! Felt rejuvenated as we were in the mountains, literally. lol.

I am also in my 2WW but not expecting much also cos i kinda feel the cramps a little. Orz.

Will be taking a "break" as fasting month is around the corner and will just have faith in Him as He is the best of planners.

You ladies hang in there. I hope to hear good news soon. ;)


Active Member
You all don't be so pessimistic....of course there's good hopes! Must believe it's gonna be good.

Don't happen then say :p there's always a plan B.