We are TTC-ing!

Hi ladies, measured OPK tis morning and is positive, nt sure if I shld measure again tomolo morning? I jus bough clear blue OpK advanced digital 2O sticks for 2mths supply, able to detect 4fertile days,hope it's help to detect my problematic body as I don't c shift in temp tis few mths n wait for stock to arrive.


hihi ladies, just went to doc to follow up on the hsg report. everything is clear. the doc recommended to go for the timing of ovulation on CD12 next cycle to check on the egg, and must repeat every 2-3 days..

i am still in my 2ww, my O is late this cycle.


Hi to all ladies...how's everyone doing?

Msyoyo..me in my 2ww too...weird is my ovulation day ia way too early ar ard day 8...and nw i'm 12dpo...tink tis cycle haywire since my failed so-iui cycle...lol...attached is my bbt chart...weird... :p



Actually soursop2014...my normal cycle shld rabge btw 26-28 days...but ovulation in e past is ard day 10-14...but after my failed so-iui...my ovulation day gg haywire...

Then also this cycle me abit lazy to tk bbt on time...also missed one day due to nvr sleep for that day...lol... oooppssss :p if still no gd news...gonna gg start my 2nd round of so-iui le...


If basis on e fertility app...the expected af due date is friday....if basis on my normal cycle days...it shld be ard 9-jul which is next wed...am so confused due to ovulation day being so early....lol...


Yoohoo~it's been quiet here...
*knock knock* currently me still in my 2ww...dunno when to expect af as cycle gone haywire...

Any more gd news? Hw's everyone doing now? ;p



I wish for more good news here!!

I am also in my 2ww and expecting af to come and same, my cycle has been abit haywire after the D&C. Stomach has been feeling crampy lately!!

I wanna book for my holiday this mth end so waiting for af to turn up then i can book! and also to start the new treatment with the new sinseh! ;)


Yeap jia you mxlo...
Kinda stressful right while waiting for af to appear...lol...
Gd gd..plan for a short getaway or trip to relax... :p