We are TTC-ing!

Fiona Pea Chan

New Member
Ladies, there's a fengshui master who might be able to help in pregnancy. He mentioned a couple who still couldn't give birth after IVF, went to him and got pregnant shortly later. Anyone keen? I didn't try before but I've my fortune told by him and he's pretty accurate.


Active Member
littlej, I personally dont prefer tmc. Many reasons but one of them is definitely the atrocious parkibg system. lol. I cant accept it.

At some point, the BD just evolves into a chore. But I guess we can try to spice it up a little :)

ladyluck, yes lets jiayou together and hope you're just as lucky as your nick!

fiona, how was it this morn? Can pop champagne?
Congrats Fiona! Have a smooth pregnancy :)

Littlej I can't help laughing when your DH commented on the BD schedule. Though intensive, do enjoy the whole process and good luck!

Dragontail.. I remembered my first time at TMC and I was surprised to learn their car park is so small and they didn't allow me in. I had to park at the public carpark opposite TMC and walked to TMC via a bridge. What if its an emergency?


Active Member
I understand there's a passenger van that transports you from the opposite CP to TMC? I thought I heard my colleague mentioned that. I also dont feel comfortable with the valet parking system, and when it comes to payment. Not sure if there has been any difference now. Have not attempted to park there again anymore. If I do have to visit someone at TMC, I will park at the opposite CP. To me, KKH parking has always been a breeze. I want to go to the gynae with a relax mood :)

ladyluck, so I am curious. Why a horsey baby? One that goes well with your first son's? What's your first son's chinese animal?

For me, I never had a chance to have horsey friends! I think if I'm lucky I like to aim for a snakey. My BFF is a snakey.
Hi Dragontail,

I'm quite pantang in a way. Read in some Chinese thingy that my hb n myself will not be able to get along with a snake baby if I were I get preggie this year. It's something like 'clash'. I'm a tiger, hb is pig. My son is rabbit :)


Active Member
These horoscope thingy is interesting sometimes! My hubby prefers a snake to horse. Well, we will try but ultimately leave to god's will :)

Not that I have ever got a full term but my last 2 MCs just made me feel very incomplete. Ha! I also look forward to being preggie again and getting all those morn sickness allover again. it does feel good being in one.


Active Member
@dragontail - I can be your first horsey friend =)

for me - if I can conceive can already... Whilst I would also like an ideal horoscope but I think now cannot choose.

I wonder if the man will follow through with doc's instructions. I am abit afraid he will be so put off making out if there is a schedule to keep. I am sure he understands why so but well men are still men and my guy is kinda the more spontaneous type who doesnt particularly like regiment. Still wondering how to subtly ask his thoughts...


Active Member
That sounds good to me, horsey littlej!

Hubby will be seeing Dr Wu next Sunday 13Jan, for the first time. He cant take the powder yet until he's out of reservist on 5Feb. I'm just guessing I may be O-ing in mid Feb so I dont know if 2 weeks potion for him is enough to boost his swimming friends. Will see what she says.

I know what you mean.. I had to do the soft approach. It might help for your case too ;)


Active Member
@dragontail - since it is cny mid feb I assume your hubby will have no reservist? Oo good that he is going with you on sun.

@fiona - congrats :)


congrats Fiona

anyone know if i shd still try to BD coz think I O-ing (but its CD24 already)...........


Active Member
@littlej, ya I will tell relatives dont come visit during cny because we will be busy bd-ing. Just kidding:p

@poohy, good to read your body signals. Sometimes we might just be o ing late.
I have some doubts , hopefully someone can help me

I had positive OPKS yesterday Noon… but I didn’t test again at the evening..
The positive was quite dark….

In the evening, I have lower abdominal pain, which I read could be ovulation pain.. its sharp twinge… lasted from evening to night, a few hours, on and off

I tested OPKS again today… mid day… it was negative (very very faint line)

Can I say that I have already “O” ?

But the thing is my Temperature is Not very High… only from 35.53 to 35.58 to 35.83

I was expecting the temperature to go 36 or 37 after “O”
Is this normal?

And yesterday I have positive OPKS… I BD in the morning yesterday…
However, I go bathroom about 2 hours after the BD…. I realise quite a lot of semen or spermie leak out… is this normal?


Active Member
Long time no see, faithmum.

I would think you've already Oed. And the O-pain seems to have coincided it too.

For my own case, my pre-O temp hovers around 35.8 to 36.1. When I O, it goes up to around 36.4 to 36.5. So I think your 35.83 is actually the right O temp for you (I'm just basing on my own pattern). I guess you need next couple of days to see that the temp stays up to confirm you have Oed.

After a week or so if you do see your temp shifts up to high 36 and above, then it could be a triphasic chart (preggie sign!).

Did you try to lift your pelvis after BD? Spermies are good swimmers. By the time it's 2 hours later, they are already long gone at their destination :) Those flown out is probably just semen.
Dragontail, jia you in trying for snake baby :)

My sis is expecting her 1st baby in abt 2 mths time. It's gonna be a snakey gal. I'm so excited to see how my niece looks like. Hehehehe

For me, I hope I would be able to conceive within horse year. Had prb conceiving the last time. Went thru IUI & IVF but not successful. My boy was eventually conceived naturally aft 3 years of marriage :)


Active Member
faithmummy: my after O bbt temp also doesnt jump v high. yes u O liao haha. my jump took 2 days; 35.84->36.21->36.48 (But this cycle i not sure why my chart is very spikey.. :S)