We are TTC-ing!

Actually is tracking the BBT more accurate or observing the CM? I'm not a very observant person so if anyone ask me, I don't think I can say exactly which day of the cycle is my O day.

Faithmummy, I'm trying out the BD only when I feel the urge as advised by Dr Su. Last night BD but I don't really ve the feel cos DH has. Suddenly early morning I have the feel.. This is really driving me crazy! Btw even after lifting the pelvis, there will def be some leaking of the semen I think.. I have a friend who can get up 10 mins after BD and wash up and still get preggie.


Active Member
Thanks ladyluck! I feel very heartwarming everytime I hear stories of how couples managed to conceive naturally after years of unsuccessful medical help. When the time comes, you cant stop it :)

Superwoman, personally, if I have to choose, it will be CM. But with the help of BBT, at least I know my ovulation has passed and we will take a break from BD.

I would think the “feel” doesn’t work for me because sometimes during my AF I also have the “feel” so not very accurate for me :p
Dragontail, superwomancqy, littlehamster

Thanks everyone for the reply…
Oh, so I really “O-ed”
Amazing… because in the past, I never realise I have this kind of abdominal pain.. maybe it is because I never really take note of my Ovulation signs…
I just worried, because I find that really a lot of semen/spermies leaking out… (I don’t know how much is a lot in your definition, but I really find that a lot hahaha… its like blow of nose, then one shot a lot come out…. Sorry for being gross !!!! haha)

I think I will just leave it to fate bah…. What is mine will be mine….


Yes yes, I also follow the urge this month… plus I also use CM tracking, OPKS, BBT…. I don’t really know whether my CM is really egg white…. I also don’t know what is the standard BBT that a normal woman have…. I think the only reliable one is OPKS…
And I can understand your feeling…. Its like feeling the urge in the middle of a Weekday Work…. Its like there is nothing u can do..
What u can do is, Go home tonight and BD with your hubby, since you have the urge now…. Good luck… :)


Active Member
@faithmummy, I second that on the O-pain. Before all these reading up on ovulation signs, I also never observed that I got O-pain. All these theory kinda make us more wary about our body. And good luck J

Actually my hubby has been subtly telling me lets take a break from BD (half year or so). He sees that my recent MCs have taken a toll on me and wants to get our minds off this topic for a while. I guess I don’t mind if I’m still young and all but I’ll be 41 soon and I don’t want to wait. He is much younger so he can still “afford” to play with time a bit. To me, as soon as my sinseh says yes please BD and I will hold no horses already.

I know he’s concerned and doesn’t want me to go through another MC (if, unfortunately) again especially there’s a lot of unknown if we try too soon again. But to me, I feel fine and feel my body is ready again. I trust that every pregnancy is different and I will take it with stride with each one, whatever the outcome is. I think perhaps he needs to hear from the sinseh on the green light when we should try again. I’m looking forward to this Sunday and hear more advice from her, together with my hubby.


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Hi everybody!

Same here - I don't know how to track cm. I have a book that shows the various states so I can compare but with bd, how to differentiate between leaking semen and cm? And I also wear panty liner after bd so can't see cm?? The book said to do kegel 2 hours after bd to expel unwanted semen but i thought ley chey cuz I usually sleeping by then.

How does o pain feel like? I thought I had abdominal pains yesterday then bbt changed from 35.88 to 36.01. But I took opk yesterday afternoon and got circle (no smiley face). *confused*

The feel method doesn't work for me. Hahaha I don't trust my own feel cuz it can be subjected to so many external factors like post disagreement / argument make up bd/feeling sudden bouts of closeness etc :p

anyway I supposed to bd tues thurs sat and mon but dear not free on sat so we wonder if after midnight on fri can be considered sat???

@dragontail - ya understand where you are coming from in terms of age. Whilst I am not at your age but I would wanna conceive before 35. So as long as there is the green light must chiong. Then again, I told my dear that we will take a break in feb if this month not successful - as in we won't have a schedule to adhere to and I won't keep harping on the o week. I guess I have to reward him for following the bd timetable as prescribed by doc and I don't want us to end up feeling that bd has become a scheduled chore - we have always been the spontaneous couple sort before this whole bd campaign....


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Littlej, continue ur Opk everyday till u get faint line, which I guess shld be start on tue/wed. Once u see faint lines, test 2x a day. Then u can gauge whether morning or evening/night u have O, stop once u get a negative

Cm hard to see sometimes I think n differ from person to person

One thing I noted (maybe u girls can observe also) if i bd during non fertile period, eg before O, hubby Semen will leak out very fast after he pull out (and thus dirty the bed). But during O times, the semen will not leak out so fast unless anyhow move. I read up, they say cos the cervix is open during O and then will "accept" the semen or something. Maybe u can try observe urselves :) that's how I gauge fertile n non fertile period also

Dragontail: I very kan jiong so I think I will go ahead regardless of doc
Say ok ornt hahaha. Maybe if u feel better I don't see why cannot bd hmmm. I heard after mc sometimes very fertile one
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To me, so long the CM can stretch beyond 1.5cm or so, I take it I'm fertile and whack the base already. Semen doesnt stretch like that at all. I dont do kegel. And it's actually best to BD before bedtime when the chance of having outflow is lower.

Having said that, not everyone can observe EWCM but still get preggie. Therefore if this method doesnt work, then probably have to rely on OPK already.

hmm... how to describe o-pain? It's not a dull feeling. It's quite a sharp twinging sudden pain (sensation but it's not like utterly painful) around your ovaries, uterus area.

LOL I can so relate to your "feel".

Yes yes, can be considered Sat. I think there were two days we didnt BD exactly in that cycle, according to sinseh's instruction. But I conceived anyway. So abit plus minus can do one.

Actually the whole purpose of doing BDs a few times during the cycle comes in two :
1. The probability of conception is increased when you BD multiple times in your fertile window.
2. Having sex often ensures that the sperm ejaculated is as healthy as it can be. Storing it up can decrease its motility, so dont be tempted to put off BD until you ovulate.

Since your doc says to bd on these days between tomorrow and next monday, it could mean you're going to ovulate end of this week. You can start to OPK tomorrow twice a day. Dont take your urine first thing in the morning because the LH surge happens first thing in morning but it will only show in your urine few hours later. I find testing around 10-11am is ok. Then test again at 6-7pm.

littlehamster, oh I didnt notice that before. I will observe :)

Personally I also feel I can t-c-c anytime already. I mean I didnt do any d&c (which may thin the uterus lining) this time; it was a natural one. But both my gynae and sinseh say just wait for one AF first. So ok I wait ba....Feb still in time for snakey :)

your hubby is very sweet to you :)
but i feel that as long as you feel mentally ready to start after one cycle, you should be able to do so...
Get the green light from your sinseh and you can start to get busy again
Good luck, may all of us "graduate" soon....


Ohhh I'm so confused....could I be having pms instead of ovulation pain? Or could it be implantation cramp? Hahaha I'm so confused....and it's making me mad.

Seems like a lot of you monitor bbt. ...I never monitor before leh. U all use normal thermometer?


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Mentally, I'm ready. I hope everyone here gets a baby snakey, except for ladyluck who's aiming for a horsey :)

poohy, mdm sadiah told me she will refer me to her daughter Ana. I asked her if Ana is as good as her, since my friend recommends sadiah what. She said her daughter has 5 years experience and can find her in FB. Anyway, I will try her once tomorrow and if good then I will continue 2 more sessions.

Yes, t-c-c is a tough business. It's recommended you use a BBT thermometer. Guardian sells one for $10ish I think. It's supposed to be more sensitive can measure to two decimal points.


Dragontail. ..oh her daughter taking over her? Anyway it's pay by per session basis right? If don't like can don't continue....let me know whether the daughter skill is good!

Oh guardian got the thermometer? I shall go and see! Now I also Duno whats going on in my body.....like haywire


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I forgot to ask is it mdm sadiah is retiring ;p I thought she is overbooked so she recommends her girl. Yes I wont go for package kind so tomorrow I will share the verdict! I've spoken to Ana and it's ok the massage can be done on my bed.

BBT is indeed a good monitoring tool to knowing our own cycles better. But it does require some kind of discipline. I started off losing sleep! Because I wanted to be very sure that I was measuring at the same time everyday (6am. My usual wake up time for work). I would wake up in the middle of the night thinking did I miss the alarm. Ha! But after few months of BBT-ing, I dont feel so tensed up anymore.


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OH man - TCC is really tough business. Just read the fertility foods link and pineapple really? Hahaha I remembered old wives tale is to eat as many pineapple to get a miscarriage?? (Or was I mistaken).

Anyway, I just told my dear I am so willing to give up my career and my bags and my shoes, if I could have one healthy baby :(

The OPK i bought is the Clearblue one with and without smiley face. So all I see the past 2 days is a circle with no face. But when I ejected the 'urine stick' - there were 2 lines with a darker upper line and a faint bottom line. So how to see? I tried to google but all I can find on Clearblue is to see smiley face or no smiley face.

Sometimes I wonder if the twinging pain is my ovaries or is it because I have a poor digestive system... Cuz Dr Wu said my chang wei no good.

@Dragontail - 6am is your usual wake up time?!?! Geez! I'm still blissfully sleeping at that time. 6am is the time I wake up when I had to go to school a long long time ago :p

Ah yes yes, tracking BBT used to 'scare' me too. But unlike @dragontail - what happened for me was that I woke up too early, went back to sleep and overslept. I'm still not as disciplined in having the same timing thing.. But I guess at least I'm not super duper late for work anymore so timing more or less the same in a way.. Unless I have really early morning meetings. Then again, I wonder if it's based on wake up time timing or the # of hours you sleep? So for instance, can wake up 8am but what if I slept for fewer hours - temp will also affect right?


Active Member
I think pineapple is good so long as you stop once you ovulate. Dr Wu told me pineapple is a no no when preggie.

You'll get there, littlej. Dont give up those nice things yet :)

Those smiley ones must cost a lot if you have to test twice a day for a week! What do you mean by ejected the urine stick?

Ya, 6am you read it right. Soon later this month, it will be 530am because my office will be moved to a further spot in SG. I need an hour and 45 mins everyday to prepare that's why. I can never rush myself in the morning! But luckily I dont have to do that for work everyday. At some days I can snooze in a little more.

Yes, I find my temp is drastically different when there's too much variations. It affects most when I have disturbed sleep. If say I wake up at 4am, I will temp at 4am and will not temp at 6am anymore because it was a disturbed sleep so if I temp at 6am, it wont be accurate. On weekend, I will also set my handphone alarm to 6am just to temp. But if I oversleep and get up at 9am, I wont temp anymore as again, it's not consistently correct. I just take it there's no reading for that day.


Active Member
Oh the clear blue comes with this equipment which you need to insert the urine sticks into. So when I ejected the urine sticks after seeing the result - I noticed there were 2 lines on the stick. I assume smiley face works the same way as other normal opk just that the equipment shows you a smiley face or not.

Ya I bought clearblue that time cuz the pharmacist told me easiest to use. Now that I realize should test twice a day I was like huh - so ex! Anyway since I have this now I thought I use this first. Then I get the cheaper ones next time.

So 2 lines top line darker means ??

Oh dragontail - I did the opposite from you. I just chart whenever I wake up. Cuz I know if I dun chart for one day it will end up 2 days then 3 then more... And I end up not charting at all! So now that I am in the habit of turning over for theomeyer when I wake up I don't dare to break the pattern!

Oh my! I take 30 min to get ready. Shower brush teeth change make up. It is impossible for me to bd in the morning cuz I always end up rushing. Oh my... 530am sounds like an insane time. You know some people just finished clubbing at that time only :p


Littlej. ..I also find cleablue not as easy! Same case as u....no smiley face but when took out stick to see..got faint line. Well guess by logic of those cheap opk..it shd be considered negative? But then I've been testing for week and still neg...I gave up.

Wah measure bbt need to be so disciplined ah...and Dragontail really wake up so early! I still zzz
today my BBT become weird again
35.52 haha seems like a drop from 35.83
weird.. i thought i ovulated and OPKS is negative...
maybe because i take the BBT at different timing of each day..
haha sometimes 6, 6.30, 7, 7.30.... depending whether i on leave or wake up early/late hahaha
will the timing affect the BBT so much?
haiz... then i guess OPKS should be more reliable for me....


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Hmm.. I think for BBT the timing affects... Like what dragontail has said.

For me - My BBT is also sometimes weird.. Trying out OPK this cycle but it gets a bit disappointing to see no smiley face.

@ poohy - I may change brand after this cycle - if i still wanna continue with OPK.


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I envy you ladies who only need half hour in morning before getting out of the house. I need one hour to shower, makeup, blow dry hair. And the other 45mins to touch this touch that and settle my dog. Sometimes I take so long to prepare too on weekend that my hubby gets impatient ;p

Oh I never tried the clearblue OPK before so not sure how it works. So far I only tried one round of OPK with the cheapie ones and I gave up already.

For BBT, the temperature can be quite erratic before I Oed. Once Oed, then somehow the difference is not much everyday, until my AF comes.

Faithfummy, that’s why I quit OPK as very hard to gel everything together! You see what works for you and you just observe one or two method can already. Else I find it very confusing for myself too.