We are TTC-ing!

I called my gp, the nurse say they can send me to their other clinic to scan, so must go n c the gp n c hw first. Act i dun noe if i should go back kk to look for the gynae who put me on clomid or not..... normally scan is gynae scan or the lab tech scan?


Apple, I'm not too sure too. Usually our scan is at gynae or kk whereby they put a stick like device into your vagina.

Since u mentioned cd14 scan, I believe will be transvagina scan to see the follicles. Normal scan on stomach won't be able to see I think


Soursop ask ur hubby dun be disheartened. My frend hubby is at only 2% and they tried for a yr plus no results. But they manage to conceive and 2 kids within a yr. So u nvr know. 2nd one was an accident becos they thot wil not kenna!

Multi vits can be heaty so make sure u chk with ur sinseh if can eat together with tcm medi. This I was told by my sinseh so my hubby stopped taking.


Yeah...me need lots of hugs...tks mxlo...
Anyway my expected af is 1-Jan..today's bby reading at 36.90...dropped from ytd's 37.02...out this cycle again..hahaha...shall look fwd to e nxt cycle though i'm kinda disappointed...tt gg holidays can help us relax abit...


Gd Evening Ladies..How's the weekend going?Otw to orchard to get gifts...w/o Hubby..stimes i feel can shop in peace without him ard...hahaha!!!he will join later...
My Af due next week so now its still waiting game...but my tummy is bloated.this is how it is a week before AF due...hope some ladies can strike jackpot this mth...

red dates

Apple, I suggest u can just go bk to kk for the scan and get the report...after which, u can then decide if u wanna continue seeing the doc who put u on clomid. Save the trouble of asking around and I suppose it might be cheaper too.

Anyway, I'm seeing a fertility doc at kk and was put on clomid too. I conceived after my first clomid cycle but bb heart beat stopped at wk 8. But will continue to see my fertility doc lah...since he knows my condition best

apple121079:847960 said:
I called my gp, the nurse say they can send me to their other clinic to scan, so must go n c the gp n c hw first. Act i dun noe if i should go back kk to look for the gynae who put me on clomid or not..... normally scan is gynae scan or the lab tech scan?


Hello ladies....

can i know if there's any FB pages for those ttc ladies gather for more info? I m keen to join.... Please advise..... Xie xie


Apple, I suggest u can just go bk to kk for the scan and get the report...after which, u can then decide if u wanna continue seeing the doc who put u on clomid. Save the trouble of asking around and I suppose it might be cheaper too.

Anyway, I'm seeing a fertility doc at kk and was put on clomid too. I conceived after my first clomid cycle but bb heart beat stopped at wk 8. But will continue to see my fertility doc lah...since he knows my condition best

Hi reddates,

Can i visit a gynae alone for an initial consultation? Hmm.... Ladies, any gynae or fertiity doc to recommend? Cos i m very very new to all these......


Active Member
Certainly can visit gynae alone. I did that. My hubby has never gone with me. I only sent my hubby's army for SA and doc went through his report with me.

I saw Dr Chew at Glen E.

He is a very nice and fatherly person. I suggest you call and ask the nurse you wanna speak with him first. Talk to him on your concerns. If you feel comfortable, you can fix the appointment from there.


Certainly can visit gynae alone. I did that. My hubby has never gone with me. I only sent my hubby's army for SA and doc went through his report with me.

I saw Dr Chew at Glen E.

He is a very nice and fatherly person. I suggest you call and ask the nurse you wanna speak with him first. Talk to him on your concerns. If you feel comfortable, you can fix the appointment from there.

Thanks dragontail,

you know hor, today is my CD45 liao..... How i wish my AF could come now, if not, i was like....wait n wait....

He is a fertility doc or gynae? Or actually fertility doc & gynae is same de? Thanks a lot for e contact.... I will give a call to inquiry on monday.... :)
do we have to visit often? Cos i m on my new job, cant take leave often......

btw dragontail, one of my friemd's friend recommended a gynae Adrian Woodworth... I think he is quite popular? But not sure if he will help on fertility issue..... Ladies here any experience with him?
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good to be:848123 said:
oic. I guess yr sinseh might scared you will get too heaty.
Yes goodtobe u are right her medi for follicle one makes me heaty. .. that I kept getting headache. The medi for ovulation is ok. She did also give me vit c as well.


Active Member
Mummgirl you're welcome.

I do think gynae and fertility specialist are different. Like I've seen a gynae at kkh during my bfp days. He will ensure my pregnancy is healthy but I won't see him if I wanna conceive. If I have issue conceiving, then best to see a fertility doc whom has different set of expertise.

Have heard of that doc too. At this point, I'm just trusting my sinseh to help me (of course I have to help myself to be less stressful on this ttc journey). I told him I've seen Dr Chew for the treatment during my first visit. He told me for my case no point seeing a fertility doc because there's no problem with my body. It's what's in my head, aka stress. By forcing my body with medical intervention, won't help me. That's what he says la.

Anyway I do see drastic improvement with this sinseh especially his acupuncture. Thumbs up.
So for now, I'm keeping my faith just on him first.


Active Member
Mummygirl perhaps different ladies have different treatment but mine was quite intensive with dr Chew. I saw him twice weekly at some weeks. He wanted to do close monitoring on me. I do think it will be a challenge to take leave if that's your concern. For me my job doesn't allow me to be fixed at the desk so I could still get on with that.

good to be

Yes goodtobe u are right her medi for follicle one makes me heaty. .. that I kept getting headache. The medi for ovulation is ok. She did also give me vit c as well.
hi mxlo, you got to drink more water. no tea or green tea for those trying to conceive.

right now, I'm on 2ww but I feel that I had bloated stomach. not sure whether is it AF coming soon.