We are TTC-ing!


Mummygirl: Congrats!!!
Am going for my hsg test on friday..i could not go for bt on cd 2-3 as clinic was closed during CNY.
I understand the test is to check for hormonal inbalance..is the test being done to check other things too? Clinic told me this test costs more than the blood test on cd 21-23..tat is to check if ovulated fr what i understand..


Active Member
Heartz: cd2/3 blood test check a few items like ur ovarian reserve how Good and how many eggs left plus lsh hormone plus something else, 3tests, the one after ovulation only check progesterone 1test, So more ex lor.

lil ger

New Member
Hello Ladies,

I have been having tender breasts for the past 2 weeks. My menses shld be due on 2 Feb, not here yet and i tested with tons of those cheapo preg kit from Qoo10 since a few days ago, all BFN. Was so sad and just want to cfm with clearblue digital so i bought a kit ytd and tested this morning, it shows Pregnant 1-2. I'm confused! Could it be a false alarm?


Hi all, my menses finally came. cd 36. Quite glad that Dr Wu managed to tiao my menses frm cd 58 to cd 36!! Got improvement! But Im confused now as ytd I got spotting, only brownish spottings with a little red spottings in the late afternoon. Thereafter I got very bad menses cramps in the middle of the ngt as I took ice cream ytd ngt. This am then I saw red blood flushing out.. so should I consider my 1st day of menses be today (cd 37) or ytd (cd 36) ???


Lil ger - congrats to you! You may go to GP and confirm. ;)

Lynn - its consider this morning. CD starts on the day you have red blood coming out. Spotting not considered.


Mxlo thks!

Can anyone tell me if I want to see if I ovulated, when shall I do my blood test??
Now Im lost as I do not kw if I shd continue with Dr Wu or shall I switch to Dr Su as I want to do acupuncture as well for my bloated tummy..can anyone give me some advise?? But of course Dr Su's method of treatment will not be the same as Dr Wu as she may not hv pre o/ o/ post o type of medication.


Mxlo thks!

Can anyone tell me if I want to see if I ovulated, when shall I do my blood test??
Now Im lost as I do not kw if I shd continue with Dr Wu or shall I switch to Dr Su as I want to do acupuncture as well for my bloated tummy..can anyone give me some advise?? But of course Dr Su's method of treatment will not be the same as Dr Wu as she may not hv pre o/ o/ post o type of medication.
Lynn to see if you have ovulated, i think you have to do BBT and OPKs.


Thanks Mxlo! May i know when i should go to GP? Today or i should wait a few more weeks?
Lil ger - I tink you can go today. Since you already missed your menses and clearblue digital states that you are preg 1-2weeks. GP is to confirm you are pregnant. Then you can book appointment with gynae to see in a couple of weeks.


Take warm water, put hot bottle on your tummy and eat painkiller.

U have to avoid cold stuff from now onwards, nothing from fridge like ice cream and stuff. drinks have to let it chill outside for a while before drinking.

I also take black sugar with ginger and helps alot. I bhgt from Taiwan thou.


Lil ger, it could be a very early bfp!!

If go gp, he will ask u to poas. He can also do a blood test call beta hcg to test for the level of pregnancy hormone



Lynn, ya I second mxlo.

Day 1 of menses is the day u have the heavy flow of red blood. tiny streaks of red or heavy brown discharge not Considered day 1.

To test for ovulation, the most economical way is opk and bbt.

Think no blood test available.
At most is the scan to see the follicles ba

Hee...But I might be wrong la
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Soursop mai sian ok....jia you!!

My temp dipped to close the the coverline....today i s 15dpo and 31CD. so likely my af coming today or tmr.

Will try again the next cycle. Waiting for af to show so that i can go book my HSG test date! :)


Hi gals, thks for the clarification. So this cycle is my cd 37. Still quite happy that I got improvement! Hopefully my cycles will get shorter within 35days! Now no more cramps after taking painkiller n red dates black supar with ginger tea. Never expect to hv super bad cramps, coz I actually "purposely" took ice cream to trigger my menses to come as I got a feeling that it wont come due to my past record. (58th day cycle).. haha.. too bad it backfired! Got cramps in the middle of the ngt till i couldn't sleep!! That pain was sooo intense n nonstop..super scary!

Btw, just a few days before my menses came, my bbt was 37.1, was it normal? Usually is ard 36.7.. would it hit that high or was I hving fever?? Anyone has this experience that after drinking a cup of hot /warm water, menses would flow out within minutes?

I was told by my gynae that if I want to see my pcos profile ( if it resolves on its own), can do blood test on cd 2/3 of menses. So Im thinking if I do on these days, can see if I ovulated since cd 2/3 is for fertility purposes?? As for bbt n opk, its just prediction only, not confirm will ovulate rgt??