We are TTC-ing!


Yes u are rgt mummygirl. Supplements shd take consistently. I just want to test if this cw gives me constipation. I still continue to take the rest of the supplements that I used to take like omega, grapeseed and calcium. Previously I stopped these while taking CW.


Omg congrats mummy girl.
it's pretty obvious

Think morning urine will even darker

Like dragontail says, test on first morning urine tomorrow to get the confirmation

Meantime walk slowly and don't carry heavy stuff

Gong xi gong xi


Oh dragontail, I am not aware that by eating beef can hv better "Qi".. unfortunately I don't take beef, not at all. I only take chicken, sometimes duck. Pork only when made into dumpling..I don't take meat daily also. More on vege. Thats why got to drink red date tea to replenish the blood. Ytd drawn a bit of blood, 2 days later I will need to replenish bk if not feel uneasy. Luckily I was not repeating the whole set of blood test which needs more blood sample.


Active Member
Ya wanted to ask what's mummygirl secret recipe!

Lynn yes we do need some kind of red meat to stimulate Qi. Then I jialat. ..I don't eat red meat including duck. Am trying to start eat pork though. Last night told mil what sinseh told me. Then she suggests for me to eat 猪肝 。that's even worse!! Haha I wanna faint from the smell. But during my confinement from mc, she did add some of that into my chix herbal soup so not that bad. She also put a lot of ginger so it does mask the intestine smell a bit.


Dragontail, yes I do eat spinach..but frankly speaking I am not sure if iron from vege content is higher or from red meat is higher. Fyi duck is white meat, not red meat. Red meat is beef, mutton n pork. I take oats daily since it also contains iron. Oh I got eat pig liver but very seldom as I am scared of the high cholesterol content. Actually I hate ginger, but ever since I learnt to cook red date longan ginger tea frm Dr su, I started to accept ginger. But i wont purposely eat it.

No wonder Dr su previously told me my Qi not enough, she advised me to eat more rice! Not junk food... eat fatter to gain more carbohydrate coz that time i realised my menses like not flowing out smoothly, little blood only. So she said thats because my Qi not enough..

Btw, is it true that if uterus lining too thin means not enough nutrients?? I did scan on cd13,n results show my lining was only 0.54cm. Is it too thin at cd13?? That was when I got my menses at cd58.


Active Member
To me duck tastes “bloody” so I always dump it aside as red (color also dark dark!). Actually a lot of debate too that pork is “the next white meat”. I guess doesn’t matter red or white hor… so long it’s good for ttc I will try.

I think that reading is quite thin for uterus lining. Having said that, I know some friends whom have thin lining but they managed to conceive (but not sure what’s the measurement). There are medication to help thicken lining. Maybe check with you doc? Thin lining could be caused by not enough blood flow. Someone told me acupuncture may help too.


Oh I see. My gynae that time wanted to give me progestrone as she said she saw my lining too thin. But I am wondering I also did blood test same day ie cd13, progestrone is normal range leh? Or does it mean I got to do blood test during menses which is cd 2or 3 to determine if progestrone level is low to be more accurate to see if my lining is thin or not? since cd 2 or 3 is meant for fertility blood test??

I am quite sure that pork is under red meat category coz I got ask Dr (gastroenterologist) before when I got bloated stomach. When he examined my tummy, he thought Im on diet! haha..

Wah, u gave me another "motivation" to try acupunture asap!! I think I shd hv a gd start after cny, now bloated again! sigh..
I pray hard that I pass my blood test, if not I got to be "guinea pig" to keep drawing blood to see if medicine works for me..so sian! n also more time consuming to keep running hospital n see tcm.. so tired..

Btw, can anyone recommend me a gd female gynae at KK?? I am not sure if I shd see my present gynae again due to her carelessness..a bit lose trust in her. But my hubby said small issue continue with her, if change gynae now will waste more time..coz not sure if KK hospital will still accept my blood test report or not..:(
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Congrats mummygirl!! Update us again!

So happy to receive this news on CNY eve!! :001_302:


Active Member
Lynn. I did progesterone blood test after O.

Btw my excolleague also underweight, skinny type. But she managed to conceive easily. Maybe her side no problem??

Can I donate my fats to u??? Hahahaa

Happy Chinese new year to all ladies here ! Hope new year new bb luck all bfp!!


Active Member
My neighbour is on the big side but she popped two beautiful sons! Her hubby is Caucasian and the boys so handsome one. So too light or too heavy may not exactly be the (only) problem for ttc ba.

Also wanna wish the thread starter and me bfp soon! And also all the ladies here whom have been trying hard. Good year ahead!


Congrats mummygirl! :)

Tons of baby dust to all the ladies here...may all of us get our bfp soon! And also wishing all a very prosperous and blissful horse year!! ^^