We are TTC-ing!


Dragontail...i seen a temp shift of 0.2 in bbt compared to ytd...will continue and monitor... ;)

Am prepared for the worst..blood test and hsg test in next cycle..lol...


Hmm how come only me allowed to take bbt this cycle?? Lol...

Anyway i went to this fertility doc for the first time..not bad an experience... ;) hope things goes well...


Yukki u on ur 2ww now? So if temp cont to rise... oooh!!

Mxlo: hey gal! Congrats to u too!!!

Today I went to kk coz I made an appt prior this happy bfp n also to sorta get it checked n all... doc confirmed thru urine test but said itz too early so cant see anythin on u/s n v scan... not even a dot. I was kindda worried coz of previous incident... hiaz...


And I was wondering how come nothing de? I read dat others though heartbeat is still too early to detect, most r still able to see a sac or a dot or at least something... so I m kindda worried... sigh... dun hve, sian... hve, scared.... wah lau....


Maqisa:861020 said:
And I was wondering how come nothing de? I read dat others though heartbeat is still too early to detect, most r still able to see a sac or a dot or at least something... so I m kindda worried... sigh... dun hve, sian... hve, scared.... wah lau....
Maqisa, dun think so much and stress yourself no good. Though count from your last menses day is you are consider 4weeks but the real conceive maybe only 2 weeks therefore there is still nothing for you to see.
Did your gynae ask you to come back 2 weeks later? If yes, by then should be able to see a sac or dot.
During this period, please make your mind free from all the negative thinking and eat healthy and be happy


Active Member
Notti maq. Was sharing you won't see anything at 4 weeks. Zero. So don't think the other way.

When is your next visit?

Btw kkh doesn't have good clear scan machines. They need to upgrade. That's for the private suite side.


Maqisa...yesh if judging by today's increase in bbt...i shld be in my 2ww...kekekeke..

U ah dun worry so much ok...sit back n relax and enjoy the pregnancy process...do happy stuffs...stay happy! ^^


Hiya, u gals ah... so sweet.. really made me feel a lot better readin those replies.. thk u thk u thk u!!!!!!!

Yeah... rite now I'll try to stay away frm google evil n go watch those funny shows.. relax n jus forget everythin for e time being till I go see my own gynae, in bout 3 weeks time..