We are TTC-ing!


Dragontail, my AF juz came today so visiting CARE tomorrow to get my stimulation injects n learn self injection. Finally it's starting....


Dragon tail, I am also seeing the gynae next tue at nuh.
Can I ask for some help, these are my opk for the past few days but it seems i never got a actual + opk.
Am I right to say all these are - opk?

I got a smiley using clear blue on CD15, duno why the opk never show +


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Active Member
Minty yes finally it's here... Self injection just takes a few practice and you will be a pro shortly. I also self inject for two cycles last year.

HFA yes we both hope for this cycle surely. Also must be prepared for my plan B. I'm testing on Monday. Because if bfp then I need to get my ass back to work on tue! Haha because tue which is the KKH appt I'm taking mc.


Active Member
Msyoyo oh update after your appt ya.

Trust your clear blue. I'm sure that was your LH surge on cd15. don't bother about these cheapies already.


Thanks dragontail.. Shall not think too much for now.. We bd on cd 15 and 16.. It was so tiring to bd for two consecutive days..


Hello gals

Maqisa I should be 7 to 8 weeks now. MS of cos. Whole day long and worse during evening and nite time. Feeling quite sick sometimes.


Msyoyo...u cn trust cleablue...quite accurate de!
Anw dun gg tink too much...gg see ur gynae first...me went for mine and hv lots of additional info...knw wad to do next aft tis cycle...


Just visited gynea today after completing all tests..my left tube blocked.she suggested i go for lapo..anyways i mentally prepared myself already..she say no pt try iui since based on scans done before i o fr left side in 2 consecutive mths..no wonder on clomid O fr left ovary cant get preg...any ladies went through lapo?


Mintminer, all the best for ur ivf journey!

heartz, what's the Lapo for? To unblock the left tube? If I'm not wrong, lapo is key hole surgery right?

can move on to ivf instead since gynae says no point iui?


I agree with mintminer. I rem trying dat out once frm cd10 onwards n suddenly sumthin which we both normally enjoyed becomes such a chores~~ really tiring.


Hey gals somehow me dun hve any ms... I mean I feel fine n all... breast nt dat sore only the nipple felt tinglin sore when touched... kinda worried if little one doin fine inside...


Active Member
My ms last time came only after 7weeks I think. Some lucky ones never ever throughout. Maq you could be one of the lucky ones. Did you get progesterone pills from your gynae by the way?
I nvr had any ms throughout the 11 weeks. Don't worry too much. Really diff people, diff symptoms and even diff pregnancies with the same person will experience diff symptoms too!


Active Member
Heartz I know of some friends who did lapo. And they did get preggie not long after. I think most fertility docs won't jump on ivf unless everything else is tried. I strongly suggest go and unblock the tube and try natural for a bit first. Ivf should be the last resort.