We are TTC-ing!


Active Member
Greentea my hsg done few weeks ago were without those medication prep. But having pain killers should do good. I didn't pop any.

HFA my cramps and sore boobs already started since Thursday. Now boobs more n more sore. It's my typical af symptoms.


New Member
hi littlehamster,
yeah my doctor said she's concern when seeing my uterine lining not smooth. at that point I din ask her why la :s so she ordered that test for me lor.
Dragontail, AF symptoms n preggy symptoms r similar so we jus hold out till it really comes...
greentea, I only read that uterus lining may b uneven due to scarring during d&c ....i think uneven lining may not b conducive for fetal development shld one become preggy. Maybe littlehamster will know more.


New Member
thanks all for the info! u've been helpful :) I hope the scarring can be treated? hmm.. so worry now about the outcome of the test, even it's in a week time.. :(


Active Member
I'm not Sure abt d&c cos I dun have any. I read that it's a sign or hormone imbalance. I have lower progesterone, So after o if there is any pregnancy it won't be able to hold


This is my 2nd day on Lurcin n I only experienced tiredness. I feel sleepy the whole day. The jab was not really that hard to do even though I m scared of needles.


Active Member
Yukki I hope tomorrow your temp starts to soar!

If I don't start to spot by tomorrow I will test. Else then I will go ahead with my kkh on tue.
Nope haven cause last sun i c my tcm she did not mention anything. Anyway i dun thnk i got O at all this cycle. My tcm onli ask me to test next wk if still no af.