We are TTC-ing!


Rem to relax and keep your mind distracted
Look at one point of the ceiling and focus on it.

So u won't be too tense up

Keep us posted!!


It was fine, not that difficult to jab. After moving down for jab spots, it seems easier. Juz a itch after the jab which is normal. Not much pain for me. Now it's like routine but luckily hubby support me n try to be around for every injection I do.

Jia You, everyone let's continue to work hard.


Soursop2014..i will try my best nt to be tense...oh yah wanna ask anyone knw if hubby can accompany me thru e hsg test? ;p


Yukki, are u doing at kkh?
If yes, what I know is spouse will wait just outside the room

So far never heard of anyone who can go together

Oh ya u will be ask to change into a gown. Underneath the gown can still wear your own top.
So if your hub was to go in he might have to change...

The room is actually quite small with huge machine and a total of 4pax including yourself

But no harm asking
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Oooo..soursop2014...i'm doing at mount E...hmmm..kk so do i need to do anyting or avoid eating anyting before gg? The nurse only ask me eat the painkillee 30-45mins before my appt time...i do hope hubby cn gg in with me though...


Active Member
Minty, hope many many great eggs to be retrieved soon :)

Yukki, kkh doesn't allow company for hsg. Not sure about mount e. You should be able to know if your tubes are all clear right after the procedure.


Ya lo nothing much
Just relax

Keep your mind occupied on other things during the procedure

Maybe bring wet tissue to wipe cos will be quite messy
Most likely mt E will provide sanitary pad.
Kkh gave KOtex one


Tks dragontail and soursop2014...oh so i must bring sanitary wipes lo...not those normal wet tissue hor...lol...

Kk..i will standby all these items just in case...yeap aft my tests i will gg straight back to my fertility doc...


New Member
Hi all, last cycle i O late.. ard cd19/20.. i tested after 2wks n gt a positive. Wen to gynae 2days ago n sadly cnt see anythg... quite worried now. Read sm cases on blighted ovum n chem preg. If FF detect my O on 10mar, may i know how many wks m i now? 4?


Hey sunshine
Don't worry too much
It's common that Early pregnancy can't see anything yet

Another way is to do beta hcg test every alternate day to monitor the increase in hcg hormones

If it double up then pregnancy is on the right track

What's the first day of ur last menstrual?


Based on your lmp it will be 5.5 weeks
Still rather early..

So hows ur bbt chart?
U want to share with us here?

Anyway what did ur gynae says when nothing was found?

Don't think too much ok

When's ur next appt?
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did the gynae do a blood test for you? hcg level cld be a rough gauge to how your pregnancy is progressing at the early stage.