What can i do?


New Member
kkh is really not as bad as we all thought. both my kids were born there. I stayed in the b1-class plus my gynae is at the pte suite as well. so i am not allowed to stay anything below b1. i thought the service of the nurses was quite good.
however, the day i delivered my son in nov 08, all the delivery suites were also busy, so literally the delivery nurse who was attending to me was running in and out of the delivery suite i was in. the nurse did kindly explain that all the delivery suites were occupied hence the nurses' slow response.
throughout my stay there thenurses were very attentive and responded quite fast, and they were very experienced as well same for the student nurses from NYP.

I do empthaise with you on your home situation, but perharps you could make your stand be known to your in-laws. No point suffering in silence. Let your in-laws and sis-in-law know that $$ is very impt in times like this and plus with the pending arrival of your baby.

Enjoy the pregnancy while it lasts and hope you have a smooth delivery!


Well-Known Member
I tink as outsiders, we can only tell u how we feel and advises.

but let me share with u my fren who is in similar situation as u.

1. her ILs sold their house n moved in with them. their house was paid using her hb's CPF.
and FIL took all the money, refused to return them. when they bought their new flat, all use my fren's CPF.

2. her FIL, MIL, BIL stay with her n her hb n they got a son. BIL is earning ALOT, but refuses to contribute and refuses to move out. she nicely ask her BIL to move out on many occasions but he refused. and when she said tt her boy needs a room, his reply was, he can sleep with u wot.

3. her ILs not working. everyday go out when they r suppose to help look after baby. then when they go out, they bring the baby along. go to coffesshop to smoke n drink, with a stroller beside them.

4. her hb kenna retrenched, n her pay is onli 1k take home. whole family depending on her.

end up, she gave her BIL final warning. she told him either pay rent/expenses or u get out. give him 1 mth to find a plc. then he drag n drag n drag, she got fed up, got a lawyer to send letter to him to inform him formally that he has to move out. 3mths after giving the lawyer's letter, she packed his things n placed outside the house.
very hard hearted but no choice. cos her BIL delibrately quit his job after she ask him to move out. then he say he got no money, cant move out. then he'll stay home everyday to watch tv, on aircon whole day, eat n sleep.

her ILs nvr scold her or say anything cos they noe their son is at fault. but after tt incident, they very nice to her and listen to her. n her MIL even help out by taking in 1 kid to babysit to earn extra cash so tt they dunnid to give her allowance. i tink her FIL now got his CPF money le and also got give them a lump sum.

sometimes u hv to be hardhearted. ur hb seems very nice (like my hb). tt's y i control the money at home. my hb's pay is debited into our joint acct n i transfer enuf for his basic necessities. if my hb has control of e money, he'll loan everything out, definitely.


hihi... stonston, i now also in charge of his salary & purposely draw out money & keep at home he cant find wan. I only left abt a hundred inside his & mine own a/c... so he saw le den he noe how to spend wisely. When i go check up he also scare i got no enough cash & he din use his $ in his a/c. Now most of the time, he ta bao lunch to work as my MIL wake up early to cook breakfast. As for FIL, he tot we have $$$ and i deliberately show him my hubby's a/c statement which only left bal $30+++.

I tell my DH for the time being, cannot help anyone even tot they very chiam cause we also cashflow problem.

We suggest SIL to go out & work instead of carry on with the business, as we cant & unable to help her anymore in term of cash. (she abit unhappy but no choice lah, DH & me think BB is more imp)

At least now, they noe our situation. Next step is stop him cousin coming to my hse & use computer for whole day as well as give excuse no enough $$ wanna borrow. Anyway, $ under my control so if they wanna borrow need to ask me.

I feel relax now, & wait for my bb to come... Haha...

Thanks For every suggestion, comment u all give... Muacks!!!


I felt sad for you
Now u r pregnant so try dun give too much stress .
This is always bad for u n baby.
I couldn't believe ur husband side family so " buai zi dong" .
TRy to stay cheerful baby need lots of laugh ok.

Ask ur hubby talk to the sil , now house finance more tight so can she kindly help up the house finance a bit 300 also can.


I felt sad for you
Now u r pregnant so try dun give too much stress .
This is always bad for u n baby.
I couldn't believe ur husband side family so " buai zi dong" .
TRy to stay cheerful baby need lots of laugh ok.

Ask ur hubby talk to the sil , now house finance more tight so can she kindly help up the house finance a bit 300 also can.
yes, i will keep myself happy. Actually my pattern is angry only a moment after that giv me what i want to eat (ice-cream) den i cheer up again le... so type of happy-go-lucky bah... sil never giv a single cent from the very 1st day she stay with us, mil got ask her to give some but hor haiz..

When she working, she used all her income to buy HP, Clothes (for clothes i understand every girl will buy wan) and other stuff which she actually have or dun need wan. She can change HP every month, so rich hor...

When she open shop, she will claim not enough $ as no sale so cannot give $.

Dun worry, anyway i juz happy if got ice cream to eat & now durain puff... Also hide the $ inorder to save up for my bb & hospital bill...

At this moment, my DH side me keke...


Active Member
En Flor,

i went to see my cousin-in-law last month when she gave birth, she stayed in C" class. WHen she was feeling unwell, press the help button and the nurse took quite long to attend her. Altot is her 2nd child lah, but mayb encountered different pain after delivered then this senior nurse sort like scold her " scare of pain dun pregnant lah" & before he senior nurse left she remarked "next time earn more then can go private hospital".

1) My cousin-in-law feel the vaginal was painful and wanna ask the nurse wat can be done to reduce the pain as she dun feel pain in her 1st birth?

2)Ask the nurse y so long to come?

I think my DH & me heard of KKH scaring story but none of positive side. Or maybe those who go there whom we know are unlucky
wow... the nurse really saying all these terrible things?? i'd just throw something at them ..haa!



how abt considering SGH or NUH. Heard quite good service and slightly lower hospitalisation rate than KKH. :Dancing_wub:


Hi ger-mummy

i think in kkh or other pte hospital, it really depends on luck. kkh not so bad but i do hav my share of poor service experience though most of my peers who delivered in kkh n stayed B-ward or below find their service good.

when i 1st delivered at kkh (8 years ago) the A1 ward was fully occupied n i had to stay at B1 or B2 ward for a day. I do find the drastic difference in service between A-ward n b-ward. the b-ward nurses r impatient n rough give u 'bad mood face' when they attend to u. i was really yound n weak n tired at that time thus i did not pursue.

from then on, i insisted in goin to A-ward only!! but like i said those around me said that their service have improved but i still think its luck.

i think its quite unsafe to keep too much $$ at home, its best to open another bank acc n keep it safe somewhere n earn interest at the same time -- if can dun use the $$ dun use it. i think its a good move to keep 'si fang' $$, i do so too. b the home financial controller, cos men seldom put family 1st, face more important -- thus, difficult to turn down request from others!!

all the best to u, good health to u n ur bb!



i have successfully change to KKH, their service mayb really improve coz 1st time there mah. Waiting time wise take about half hr to see doc lor. I feel fine with the "surprise"( mean the doc), they ans whatever i ask. My huBby also fine it quite good as he can go & eat, buy drink as there is kopitiam, McD & so on... Overall i am fine with it