When did you find out you were pregnant?


I tested positive on the test kit for both of my pregnancies wen i missed my menses for just 2 days...!!!!! Can say that i was very kanchiong la..After the first test,i did a few test consecutively for the next few days before finally accepting the fact that i am indeed pregnant..!!

For my first pregnancy,i started to show when i was in my 5th month..For my current second pregnancy,im about 12 weeks pregnant now and tummy has started to pooch out a bit and i cant wear my normal jeans/pants..!!!! :eek:


Those who know at 20th weeks, do you all have morning sickness? If not that's soooooo lucky!! =)

I miss my menses for 2 weeks. Bought the test kit and felt so lucky as I got cystic fibrosis since 15 years old (according to gynae, the ovaries has cheeselike substance. the egg ripe but cannot come out of the ovaries. something like that). I was prescribe contraceptive pills. And I miss taking it the month before I was pregnant because I run out of it and lazy to replace. I took the pills to regulate it, rather than birth control. Otherwise my menses come every 2.5 months.

After confirming my pregnancy, morning sickness start immediately.. I wonder if it is psychological. haha!! but it was really horrible. =X

And my stomach only show during 5-6 months. My grandma keep complaining y cannot see anything. Now I'm in my 8th month, super big, but hubby still say smaller than those we saw in parenting classes. hmm... small baby = easier birth. wahaha!!


i knew it after i missed my menses for 1month. funny thing was i still rode on the rollercoaster since i didnt know i was already pregnant that time.. so far, my baby now is very active and growing very well. :D

SAme thing as mi ^^ I also duno yet play till sp happy haha....


Those who know at 20th weeks, do you all have morning sickness? If not that's soooooo lucky!! =)

I miss my menses for 2 weeks. Bought the test kit and felt so lucky as I got cystic fibrosis since 15 years old (according to gynae, the ovaries has cheeselike substance. the egg ripe but cannot come out of the ovaries. something like that). I was prescribe contraceptive pills. And I miss taking it the month before I was pregnant because I run out of it and lazy to replace. I took the pills to regulate it, rather than birth control. Otherwise my menses come every 2.5 months.

After confirming my pregnancy, morning sickness start immediately.. I wonder if it is psychological. haha!! but it was really horrible. =X

And my stomach only show during 5-6 months. My grandma keep complaining y cannot see anything. Now I'm in my 8th month, super big, but hubby still say smaller than those we saw in parenting classes. hmm... small baby = easier birth. wahaha!!
I didn't have any morning sickness or cravings or any symptoms of pregnancy. :) I consider myself lucky, my pregnancy was really a breeze.
So far I don't have any major symptoms apart from suddenly being tired or dizzy. But then again I'm only 5 weeks. Long way more to go!

I didn't have any morning sickness or cravings or any symptoms of pregnancy. :) I consider myself lucky, my pregnancy was really a breeze.


i tested on the 2nd day that my menses was due just before i showered (and i just exercised before that!) and to my shock, i saw two thick red lines showing on the kit. haha.
so i was in shocked.. quickly showered and showed the kit to my hubby. the blur him was also so surprised haha.


New Member
Mine was 1 week after i miss my mensus.. Since that was 2nd month we tried, I waited till 1 week late then tested positive. I didn't believe :nah: then tested three times with test strip and next days went to gynae and saw the sec. Heard heart beat after another two weeks.

My tummy show up only after 6month and ppl said mine is smaller than other ppl while my gynae said my boy is bigger size :eek: and push my edd forward