When does your stretch mark start appearing?


Well-Known Member
not sure if all of you share the same concern as me...but to me stretch marks there or not it doesnt make any difference.....coz actually the hardest thing to tackle is cellulites....till now my cellulites are still parking there FOC....seems forever there liaoz....:shyxxx:
buahaha... ya! Hate the cellulite!!!!:001_302:

Yuki Miaka

Wah, no symptoms, appear out of no where, sounds so scary...

Yuki, what stretch mark cream do you use?

palmers cream for stretch mark... i think it depends on individual because my frn keep saying my stomach doesnt look very bulky even until now...

maybe because the tummy didnt stretch too much so tht's why i dun have stretch mark ba....


never use any stretch mark since day one of my pregnancy. bought it but too lazy to apply. my friends all use it during their first trimester and when compare we still have stretch mark after delivery. But it's all up to individual, some are just lucky that they're free of stretch mark. Mine start to appear only during the 6th months or so.
Same like jan4january, my gynae also never recommend and he told me it's up to individual. Guess most mummies always take prevention by applying it earlier, it's good but have to do it religiously to see effect.
HiHi..i agree..I started using stretch mark cream during my 2nd mth pregnancy, stretch mark appear on my 7th mth..Its very individual, prob the different skin texture and elascity...


HiHi..i agree..I started using stretch mark cream during my 2nd mth pregnancy, stretch mark appear on my 7th mth..Its very individual, prob the different skin texture and elascity...
hey Shulyn babe~~~

so long neber see u online~~~~

hows things?


ping26 babe~~

yr bb beri ke ai~~~lols

looked like my boy when 1 month old ~~~~

same expression right?? agree?
The problem is mine is a girl!

CL says she got boy face. Right now, she looks like neither of us. She actually looks like CL:nah: both are round.



The problem is mine is a girl!

CL says she got boy face. Right now, she looks like neither of us. She actually looks like CL:nah: both are round.

heeeee....sure anots look like CL lols~~~

mebbe coz of the hair la...hahahha but beri ke ai oso la......


Hello CanCanMum,

I'm fine, delivered my boy on 9th Jan'09..Still remember yr precious advice when im having high fever during my 3rd trimenster...i have started wrk a mth ago and been busy with my boy...

My hubby has created a website for my boy, visit www.treston.weebly.com

Hey, add me to yr facebook, we can share lots photo..shulyntan@hotmail.com
wow~~~u r tokkin to your sonnie~~~

wah....congrats worh...website beri nice~~~~reminds me of my own delivery hahahha~~~so touching, seeing newborns and cries ~~~


New Member

Just to share.. I am having my second pregnancy now. first pregancy i heard stretch marks are inherited. i applied alot off stretch mark creams from palmers, the stretch marks still came. then this pregnancy, i only apply bodyshop body cream.. not much difference.. only difference in $$ .. well, anyway i gave up..:001_302:

:Dancing_wub:Little Apples