YAY YAY yay!!! ITZ 2010 first DAY~~~NOCianz - CHIT CHAT TALK CRAPS


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today Ting babe nebber take medi arhhh :p:p:p

today not enuf slp.. ytd 2 am plus then slp..
so must do things to keep me awake..
n tt is to ...



Well-Known Member

like that next time his teeth will be more straight?

guess its itchy laaaa, gums/teeth growing
will straighten teeth by grinding mehh? haha

haha, wont , its normal..
pin now also like to grind her teeth..
anyway is milk teeth, so not nice nvm.... :D:shyxxx:
really? when pin did tt? when she was lik ashton's age??

the other day my this colliq he disturb me say CNY he gg to take ang pao from me (cos i never say i not married, they all thought im married), then i tell him cannot.. then he say, you marry already what im not married..
theni say, you older than me cannot take from me...
wahahahaahahah~ then he -.-"
HAHA! gif angbao inside put chocolate. LOL!

your ashton is a baby and is already grinding this teeth.

my ger 11 yrs old has this problem since few year ago till now....grind badly and loudly...i tink is bcos too hyper active..mind still cant settle down even sleeping...what i heard is that,they dont sleep well and get tired easily.cant concentrade much in class..that's what i know..
he now going 8mths old liaoo... he only does tt when he 'nth to do'.. if we giving him teether, he will snatch and grind the teether.. machiam v 'desperate' lik tt.. =P

or regina babe

izzit ashton angry with you

sO he grind grind teeth clutch clutch his fists izzit?

no lorr.. my ashton wont angry with me dee.. LOL!!


Well-Known Member
orleng dearie: ehhhh, i cant rmb liaos~ ashton is like only 8mths.. tt is more than 2 years plus ago..
but even NOW she still do it on purpose.. super annoying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!hear alr very gao wei..
i think now ashton teething, his gums itchy..tts why he does that..i think pin younger tt time wont do tt cos she always take everything n put into her mouth n grind n bite..
even til NOW! -.-"


Well-Known Member
btw ting dearie, when pin grind her teeth, did u 'beat' her or scold her telling her cannot? or she stop doing tt herself??

ARGHZZ!! i so scare later ashton teeth yue mo yue small =(


Well-Known Member

since ytd ashton has been 'grinding' his teeth aka 磨牙!! use lower teeth to 'grind' upper ones... any of your babies lik that before?? will hurt his teeth mahh?? later his teeth spoilt or not nice how?? :embarrassed:
XAVIER is doing it everyday........ then will show u the Hao lian look :001_302:

not 3rd day draw our 4th day put in mehh?? so is 3rd feb draw money out, 4th feb deposit right?? i know i know =P
Y must draw then put in again :tlaugh: Blur Blur


Well-Known Member
orleng dearie: ehhhh, i cant rmb liaos~ ashton is like only 8mths.. that is more than 2 years plus ago..
but even NOW she still do it on purpose.. super annoying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!hear already very gao wei..
i think now ashton teething, his gums itchy..tts why he does that..i think pin younger that time wont do that cos she always take everything n put into her mouth n grind n bite..
even til NOW! -.-"
btw ting dearie, when pin grind her teeth, did you 'beat' her or scold her telling her cannot? or she stop doing that herself??

ARGHZZ!! i so scare later ashton teeth yue mo yue small =(
i agreed with ting dearie..most likely is gum itchy.

i will slap her face to stop her from doing when she is slping..

tell u all horrrr...i oso grind my teeth badly during my slp..

my woody complained so much abt the loudness..said he cant slp well bcos of me.mine is bad too:001_302::001_302::001_302:


Well-Known Member
btw ting dearie, when pin grind her teeth, did you 'beat' her or scold her telling her cannot? or she stop doing that herself??

ARGHZZ!! i so scare later ashton teeth yue mo yue small =(
haha, will become smaller meh??
when she baby she seldom laa, cos she always bite things instead..
but now she do it sometimes is on purpose cos she thinks its fun to annoy me.... i will ask her to stop..
i tell her she do it later she teeth will drop..
but i think ashton so young, very hard to teach/tell him not to.. maybe u give him something to bite when u see him grinding his teeth?


Well-Known Member
i agreed with ting dearie..most likely is gum itchy.

i will slap her face to stop her from doing when she is sleeping..

tell you all horrrr...i also grind my teeth badly during my sleep..

my woody complained so much about the loudness..said he cant sleep well bcos of me.mine is bad too:001_302::001_302::001_302:
my dad also will. my mum sometime also BTH..


Well-Known Member
good morning all dearie babes...

i ask u all ar...
grind teeth the teeth wun e not nicecos milk teeth will drop rit??
how abt sucking pacific..
i heard when baby suck pacificer the teeth will be crooked is it true??
i so worried andrea teeth will not be nice cos she take pacificer.
although she only suck when she wan to slp but still will be crooked right>
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