YAY YAY yay!!! ITZ 2010 first DAY~~~NOCianz - CHIT CHAT TALK CRAPS


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XAVIER is doing it everyday........ then will show you the Hao lian look :001_302:

why must draw then put in again :tlaugh: Blur Blur
apollo dearie : i tink his gums itchy laaa....dante also lik that.....nth to do,he'll do that...veri annoying looo...
what draw draw draw???
SOMEONE TELL MI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
to the 2 dearies, make sure ur read carefully on the link Ting provide, dun blur blur if not kanna smack.. haha!!

i hope hope is gum itchy, den he will outgrow it..

i agreed with ting dearie..most likely is gum itchy.

i will slap her face to stop her from doing when she is sleeping..

tell you all horrrr...i also grind my teeth badly during my sleep..

my woody complained so much about the loudness..said he cant sleep well bcos of me.mine is bad too:001_302::001_302::001_302:
actu i 'slap' him too but when i slp him, he will laugh very loud!! OMG!!

haha, will become smaller meh??
WONT !!!
when she baby she seldom laa, cos she always bite things instead..
but now she do it sometimes is on purpose cos she thinks its fun to annoy me.... i will ask her to stop..
i tell her she do it later she teeth will drop..
but i think ashton so young, very hard to teach/tell him not to.. maybe you give him something to bite when you see him grinding his teeth?
yalo so now hav to make sure there is sth for him to bite... i hate the 磨牙 sound!! ehhhhhhhh~~

good morning all dearie babes...

i ask you all ar...
grind teeth the teeth wun e not nicecos milk teeth will drop rit??
how about sucking pacific..
i heard when baby suck pacificer the teeth will be crooked is it true??
i so worried andrea teeth will not be nice cos she take pacificer.
although she only suck when she want to sleep but still will be crooked right>
i dun think so lehh.. me n my bro baby time got suck pacifier dee our teeth very straight... andrea v good liaoo i see some babies 24/7 suck pacifier dee... hehe..


Well-Known Member
but milk teeth will eventually drop when they r abt 5-6 yo maa, so i think it doesnt matter right??
andrea still young is OK.
as long she doesnt suck the pacifier til 3 yo n above i think is ok.
pin stopped arnd 2 yo, also only slp time she need pacifier.

i think normally crooked teeth is cos b4 the milk teeth drop, the adult teeth coming out then "intersect" then will crooked..
those in btw got gaps deee, i not so sure, isit genes??
my 2 sisters is like my dad, the teeth got gap.. but im like my mum, strat sets of teeth.


Well-Known Member
good morning all dearie babes...

i ask you all ar...
grind teeth the teeth wun e not nicecos milk teeth will drop rit??
how about sucking pacific..
i heard when baby suck pacificer the teeth will be crooked is it true??
i so worried andrea teeth will not be nice cos she take pacificer.
although she only suck when she want to sleep but still will be crooked right>
My ger quit sucking pac when she was 3years old but her teeth also not nice how:tlaugh:I think look like my stupid ex hubby...

Xavier now also will Grind his teeth like his daddy zzzzzzzzz...

3 of them can have competition for grind teeth.... im the most pityful one:001_302:


Well-Known Member
but milk teeth will eventually drop when they are about 5-6 yo maa, so i think it doesnt matter right??
andrea still young is OK.
as long she doesnt suck the pacifier til 3 yo n above i think is ok.
pin stopped arnd 2 yo, also only sleep time she need pacifier.

i think normally crooked teeth is cos before the milk teeth drop, the adult teeth coming out then "intersect" then will crooked..
those in btw got gaps deee, i not so sure, isit genes??
my 2 sisters is like my dad, the teeth got gap.. but im like my mum, strat sets of teeth.
fion dearie : dont worry,when i was young,i take pacifier too,my teeth are straight...just that is naturally yellowish...=-(
really ar... i was sooo worried abt this issue.. wanted her to quit.. actually she slp can dun suck but she keep flipping here n there.. but when i give it to her she still flip but not so bad....

Apollo Dearie: Sometime andrea naughty i also "slap" her.. but she not scare of me de... she will quiet dwn abit but nv cry. still can look at mi n smile.. bu tahan....


Well-Known Member
i that child is more poor thing lorr, how can the guy do that, then why dun he give up his 3 step kids for adoption huh!?!?!?!?


tt 3 stepkids also not his, why he give up his own flesh n blood for other ppl's kids??? not fair to tt kid lor!


Well-Known Member
i that child is more poor thing lorr, how can the guy do that, then why dont he give up his 3 step kids for adoption huh!?!?!?!?


that 3 stepkids also not his, why he give up his own flesh n blood for other ppl's kids??? not fair to that kid !
tt's y! every child is precious! this is too complicated until i catch no ball.. LOL!

fion dearie : dante also samesame,i whack also not scare,never cry also...
they are buay kiasi babies! LOL! sometimes i beat ashton, my hands v pain but he still can laugh at me, giggles giggles.. LOL


Active Member
fion dearie : yaa,i oso tink he tot i play wif him...if hubby whack,sometimes he'll keep quiet only,nvr cry deee....if he make mi angry,i'll ignore him...then he keep tok to mi...so funny deee loooo...


Active Member
apollo dearie : yaa,bui kiasi one....but hoh,he scare of e toilet bowl flushing...*giggles* coz sometimes i bring him out alone then i wan go toilet so go handicap one hoh,then auto flush maa,he'll cry...So funny deee loooo....


Well-Known Member
apollo dearie : yaa,bui kiasi one....but hoh,he scare of e toilet bowl flushing...*giggles* coz sometimes i bring him out alone then i want go toilet so go handicap one hoh,then auto flush maa,he'll cry...So funny deee loooo....
den next time he naughty u say "dante, u naughty somemore mummy go flush toilet horr.." LOL!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
that's why! every child is precious! this is too complicated until i catch no ball.. LOL!
need me to explain to u mahhh??
u dun read her first post, read the 3 rd one, the REAL story.
the first one is just illustration.


Well-Known Member
apollo dearie : yaa,bui kiasi one....but hoh,he scare of e toilet bowl flushing...*giggles* coz sometimes i bring him out alone then i want go toilet so go handicap one hoh,then auto flush maa,he'll cry...So funny deee loooo....
wahahah~ pin is cared of hand dryer.
but she see toilet bowl flush, she ask me: HOOOOO~~ WHAT'S THAT!? WHAT HAPPEN?!!??
n she like to flush toilet..



Well-Known Member
Wah!!!!!! Waste water ! :tlaugh:
no laa, only when she goes toilet..
but she really like to waste water!
always got to the sink n WASH things.
hand abit dirty then must wash, then wash her cup, her toys, milk bottle, clothes...
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