young malay mums, lets meet over here!! - 28 Feb 2010 and earlier posts ~~

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me dah buang pun katil kayu. masalahnye skrg benda2 ni suka melekat pat tembok plak. tak kan nk pecahkan tembok ye? ikut kan hati nk buang je perabot kat rumah. kcian hubby i nk kuarkan duit beli baru...


Salam Mummies!
I nak your recommendations on where did you send your sons for berkhatan? I want to send my 2 month old son but not sure to which clinic. Grandma prefer a malay/muslim doctor. Please advise! Thanks!


Well-Known Member
ada several malay muslim docs. I kasi a few yg i tahu ok, ni pun dari kawan2 and through words of mouth.

Dr Elly Sabrina, Banyan clinic kat Jurong
Dr Sidek, SidekClinic kat East
Dr Tahir clinic at Eunos. My cuzin's jiran, anak dia went there. Said thumbs up! Also cheap2.

But mine all at KKH. senang jugak cuma tu lah bukan doc bukan orang kita.


Well-Known Member
Salam Mummies!
I nak your recommendations on where did you send your sons for berkhatan? I want to send my 2 month old son but not sure to which clinic. Grandma prefer a malay/muslim doctor. Please advise! Thanks!
ello.. i did for ma son dkat Dr Tahir too.. at eunos.. blk 1.. dkat eunos stn..
klau tk salah i, only charge at $70.. den super fast.. hehe..~~

Tinkerbell.. as for ur case.. i tink u nk kene lap tembok tu dengan minyak tanah.. niwae,katil kau tu u buang.. den waot about the tilam..? u buang tak..?


EnFlor, Lis
The reason my baby don't like her stroller and sling pasal my sisters like to carry her whenever she cried. Pasal during my confinement, i stay with my sis and she help me with the baby. First baby gal in my family so my sisters semua manja kan dia. Then when i bring her back home she demand the same attention. My whole day just have to attend her whenever she cries. Nak tido pun kena sing for her. So now like both of you suggest, i have start to put her inside her bouncer and entertain her with hanging toys. She cries a lot but have done this for a few days and today she seems to understand that. Ari nie she's like an angel so mummy pun dapat do the housework.

Like you, my hubby pun work overseas so i stay at home alone. During my preggy days lagi worst, i'm alone and sometimes pun ada fikir yg bukan2, kalau anything happen to me but i always stay positive. Plus i stay in Changi deep inside where there's no bus, shops etc jauh so my family find it a hassle to come. Reason pasal my hubby likes quiet surrounding. But the feelings of being independent that's the best part. Rumah nak tunggang terbalik ke, takder orang kisah.
It's good now that you want to move out pasal rumah sendiri is still the best. I wish you good luck in finding one.

You're 20?? That's young lah...I'm 34 this year and still young at heart : ). I dulu cerewet part finding a partner. Hehe. Hope to get another bb before 40, insyalah.
Hmm, you dah lama tak keluar eh, same like me... since i gave birth belum keluar alone with my bb mesti ada somebody with me. But during my preggy days, nak katakan i selalu keluar sampai hari yang i due, that morning i'm at Orchard with my gf. But now nak keluar mesti berdua...
Kalau u nak keluar i'm alright, tak kisah mana ajer i boleh pergi as long you kendong my bb when she cried..hehe..
Wah best nyer you can bake, mesti pandai masak jugak nie. Malu plak i pasal sampai skrg i pun tak pandai masak. My hb don't really eat meat and we seldom eat at home when he's back.

I'm happy now that my baby has shown some improvement within this 2 days... today i only carried her twice so far..


Well-Known Member
EnFlor, Lis

You're 20?? That's young lah...I'm 34 this year and still young at heart : ). I dulu cerewet part finding a partner. Hehe. Hope to get another bb before 40, insyalah.
Hmm, you dah lama tak keluar eh, same like me... since i gave birth belum keluar alone with my bb mesti ada somebody with me. But during my preggy days, nak katakan i selalu keluar sampai hari yang i due, that morning i'm at Orchard with my gf. But now nak keluar mesti berdua...
Kalau u nak keluar i'm alright, tak kisah mana ajer i boleh pergi as long you kendong my bb when she cried..hehe..
Wah best nyer you can bake, mesti pandai masak jugak nie. Malu plak i pasal sampai skrg i pun tak pandai masak. My hb don't really eat meat and we seldom eat at home when he's back.

I'm happy now that my baby has shown some improvement within this 2 days... today i only carried her twice so far..

bgos la.. alhamdulillah anak u da tunjuk perubahan.. good for both baby n u.. nanti lame2 die faham la.. especially small kids.. it shud b 'kite ajar drg,bukan drg ajar kite'.. so kite mesti tunjuk ajar mane yg btol & salah.. kadang2 we dun even have to scold them.. lagi2 budak zaman skrg.. drg cerdik sgt.. we juz need to tell them nicely,nanti die faham.. lagi kite marah,nanti die tk faham sbb we parents often made mistake wer we scold them but forgot to EXPLAIN to them 'y we scold them?'... ermm.. hopefully u faham la ape i ckp.. i ckp da mcm counsellor plak.. heheX..~

niwae,yes i'm onie 20.. will turn 20 tis coming sat.. :Dancing_wub: .. in fact i feel happy for maself tat i've achieved soO much for ma age.. wer ma peers have not achieve.. hehe.. :001_302: klau pasal pandai masak.. tkla jugak.. i maseh dlm stage belajar lagi.. but willing to cook new dishes la..
nie pon i started to have the interest in coOking pon sbb ma hb.. coz nk hambat hati suami.. i belief lelaki nie akan rase puas klau isteri pandai masak.. as for baking.. boleh kate ok jugak la.. i lebih mahir dlm bidang nie.. coz started baking since ma high school daes.. tpi still belajar2 lagi.. der's still lots to learn sey.. no end to it..

hmm.. nk i pujok anak gal u klau nangis tym klua jln.. boleh..~~ ape salah nye.. mesti boleh nye.. lagi pon anak i independent cket.. not so clingy.. so senang la.. u tgl kt changi sebelah mane sey..? ckp psl changi, dah lame~~ i tk pergi sane.. miz eating the nasi ayam penyet.. hehe..:shyxxx:


Active Member
ello.. i did for ma son dkat Dr Tahir too.. at eunos.. blk 1.. dkat eunos stn..
klau tk salah i, only charge at $70.. den super fast.. hehe..~~

Tinkerbell.. as for ur case.. i tink u nk kene lap tembok tu dengan minyak tanah.. niwae,katil kau tu u buang.. den waot about the tilam..? u buang tak..?

tilam me dah bungkus dgn shrink wrap so pijat2 dah tk hang around lagi kat situ.. now they are at mysterious places....


New Member

ur hubby is werking as what? i pun masa mengandung with my 2nd kid, I also suffered slight depression..pikir mcm2 benda..whether lei cope ke tak with the 2nd baby etc..that time i didnt know that i was preggie with my 2nd kid..tu pun after i went to the doc and have a scan..that time i was already 3 mths..tu da takpe..i keep vomiting sampai lah i salinkan my daughter..imagine what's my situation was that time w/o my hubby at my side as that time my hubby was away..nasiblah when i was in my 3rd trimester hubby came back..

about ur daughter, sama lah dgn my daughter..she quite pampered lagi2 my hubby..suka dukung dia selalu..menjak dia da start merangkak, da jarang she ask for i senang jer, either letak dia dlm walker ataupun bagi dia merangkak..hehe..i already discuss with my hubby psl nak cari rumah..dia da skg ngan cari rumah lah ni perlahan2..


Well-Known Member
Hello mummies,

I dah lama tak masok,so many topics.....
Hello to new forummer....

Rite nw,i dah start working,so quite bz lah...Alhamdulilah...
At time i missed my son,rite now my mum jaga.....

Abt swine flu,wah the school that i worked for very strict seh....staff also have to do routine check up...heheheh...
skg ne pun i ngan down wif flu...


Well-Known Member
wah adik lis kita nak tiup 20 lilin ah minggu ni. Eh lis, minggu ni, i happy birthday to u, and you happy birthday to me eh. But my lilin 30 lebih. Kalau light up the candle, dengan kek2 skali terbakar hangus. :001_302:

Nur_Irfan : U ni cikgu sekolah mana ? I think all sch kids kena take temp kan. My kids' schools pun sama. Nasib baik they don't have to bring their own thermometer.

Bila lis and ross cakap pasal Changi. The other day, i went to Changi Village Hawker Centre with hb. I looked around and noticed most stalls with B grade cert terpampang kat stall dorang. I rasa my past visits, macam tak nampak those grade certs. Apa dulu dorang sembunyikan stall grades or just because of the recent case, they start to tayang their certs ? ermmm, or maybe i was the potek one! We ate the Mee Rebus Inspirasi (claimed to be the best mee rebus original branch @ Bedok Interchange).Sama aje dengan mee rebus yg lain2.


Well-Known Member
wah adik lis kita nak tiup 20 lilin ah minggu ni. Eh lis, minggu ni, i happy birthday to u, and you happy birthday to me eh. But my lilin 30 lebih. Kalau light up the candle, dengan kek2 skali terbakar hangus. :001_302:

Nur_Irfan : U ni cikgu sekolah mana ? I think all sch kids kena take temp kan. My kids' schools pun sama. Nasib baik they don't have to bring their own thermometer.

Bila lis and ross cakap pasal Changi. The other day, i went to Changi Village Hawker Centre with hb. I looked around and noticed most stalls with B grade cert terpampang kat stall dorang. I rasa my past visits, macam tak nampak those grade certs. Apa dulu dorang sembunyikan stall grades or just because of the recent case, they start to tayang their certs ? ermmm, or maybe i was the potek one! We ate the Mee Rebus Inspirasi (claimed to be the best mee rebus original branch @ Bedok Interchange).Sama aje dengan mee rebus yg lain2.

haha.. klakar la u nie.. terbahak- bahak aku ketawe.. 'smp hangus ehk kek tu'..?? hehehe.. ~~ hmm yala... u pon taurus la... ape date u..? si ayu aka arabjunior pon tiz mth jugak.. die on the 13th tk salah i.. hmm.. best la.. klah.. i wish ENFLOR & AYU hepi advance bdae...!! semoga dipanjangkan umor.. ditambahkan rezeki.. dan semoga menjadi ibu, menantu, isteri & anak yg mithali & soleha.. heheh.. panjang btol..~~ :001_302:

niwae, si irfan bukan cikgu la.. die bru dpt keje kt skola.. as admin.. klau boleh i pon nk keje gitu jek.. mcm ma aunty.. keje admin kt skola.. half day work ajek.. best sey.. tak stress..

psal grades stalls tu.. i tak pasti plak.. i pon tak gi bother sgt nk tgk grades drg.. :embarrassed:


Well-Known Member
erm.. u can try this no.. i went to search the no for u.. hehe.. ~~

Dr Muhammad Tahir - 6745 8624


Hi Lis,
Happy Birthday to you...
Btw, i stayed kat blakang changi village where there's a colonial bungalow. It's at changi golf course and my house betul2 menghadap that golf course. So everyday, dapat lah tengok orang main golf every morning. At nite, very dark and quiet so very peaceful lah. I can walk to changi village but takes 30mins kalau long way and the shorter way is thru the golf course. But in the morning susah sikit pasal nak kena go thru those ppls playing golf. Kalau tak nampak diorang swing, silap hari bulan benjol kepala..

My hb work mostly at site area, he's a project manager for shipyard/marine. So, kalau ada new project at any location, he will be sent over till the projects end. Sometimes take months or even years. His schedule is not fix all depend on project. Before, he was doing contract basis and the time pun boleh fix but now as regular so schedule tak tentu. When he's a regular, pay also kena cut. Now because of financial crisis, his work also affected meaning he has to do more and no pay rise because his com stop hiring more ppls. Actually we rent our place coz he don't like noise and usually stress after work.

Well, i pun tak perasan sangat with the grades at CV stalls. I perasan some stall have it and some i tak perasan plak. But i frequent Magic Wok Thai-Chinese most time. Most of their foods nice and serve in big portion. I'm a fan of Thai foods lah.. so i thumbs up this one.

Now, i'm at Jakarta coz my hb was posted here last week. Maybe for a month. He cannot fly back to Singapore on weekend pasal he works 7-days week now. Yesterday i fly here and leave my darling with my sister. Lucky she give green light signal. 2 weeks i will miss my daughter.
Maybe probs again kalau i balik baby mintak kendong lagi and will start all over again to train her...

Kat sini hujan lebat yesterday and flooded everywhere and 'macet' (trafficjam). Baru makan sop betawi at the roadstall just now. Delicious and cost me less than 2 bucks for a big bowl and rice. Yummy!! Tonite plan nak makan ikan gurame...

Ok, i'm going for my lulur now. I manage to get a good deal at $35 for massage, scrubbing and hair spa/massage. :)


Well-Known Member
wah.. best la ross gi jakarta.. boleh shopping sakan sey..~~ hehe.. brg kt sane smuernye MURAH GILER~~~..!! hahaha... :tlaugh: boleh la u tlg i beli bju2 guess tok baby kt sane ke.. ke bju long slleve tok i ke.. hehe.. *tk malu aku nie* :shyxxx:

i tk pernah gi jakarta la.. tpi ma PIL gi sane.. coz ma FIL is Indonesian.. drg slalu shopping kan i kt sane.. but i frequent Tanjung Pinang la.. best.. relaxing la kt sane.. tk stress.. ~~ cume skrg ma FIL kene schedule lame cket.. so lom dpt gi TP lagi la.. maybe june hols ke..


Well-Known Member
Helooo Mummies!

Im new here.. hope to get to noe everyone out there...

Anyway, im 25yo, surirumah spenuh masa/hm based admin, have 1 daughter age 4yo... =)


Well-Known Member
BBgerl...another member spouse dia pun kerja shipping industry lah. And that's Ross. :001_302: I suppose BBgerl and I truly understand the men in these kind of profession huh.

waduh waduh, senang bangat badan dipicit-picit :001_302: Tai-tai Ross, next time i volunteer jaga ur cutttttteeeee lil baby. I pun tangan dah 'gatal' sangat nak gendong bb newborn. (gendong newborn bb yang lain boleh pokoknya bukan newborn bb gue...pengsanz badan!) Apasal lah loghat Indon ni!!!

lis - my mum gi Jakarta tak abis2 buat langsir. I too blum jejak kat sana. Brapa kali coax hb pegi sana but dia kasi macam2 excuse. I tahu dia tak leh tahan the macet there and my confirm shopping sakan activity. Last2 dia cakap next time i have job there u tag along. Alamak, nampak gaya i wait long-long nak jejak jakarta.

Ross - those colonial bungalows tak da cerita pelik2 ke ? Kadang2 bila lalu situ, bulu roma berdiri.


Well-Known Member
hello zhann, welcome to this thread. Jangan malu2 and segan2. Buat macam rumah sendiri :tlaugh:. Here we talk just about anything and everything. We try to learn a lot from each other.

like our cik lis...dia kecik2 cili padi. Umur paling kecik kat sini but experience bab jaga anak and rumahtangga fuyoooh, dia terror lagi.


Well-Known Member
hello zhann, welcome to this thread. Jangan malu2 and segan2. Buat macam rumah sendiri :tlaugh:. Here we talk just about anything and everything. We try to learn a lot from each other.

like our cik lis...dia kecik2 cili padi. Umur paling kecik kat sini but experience bab jaga anak and rumahtangga fuyoooh, dia terror lagi.

thks for the warm welcome....

ya i do read the thread.. cik lis the youngest... hmmm.. teringat wen i was 20.. tat wen i was pregnant my gal.. n now she 4yo.. tym flies very fast nowadays....

How about u? =)


Well-Known Member
hello zhann, welcome to this thread. Jangan malu2 and segan2. Buat macam rumah sendiri :tlaugh:. Here we talk just about anything and everything. We try to learn a lot from each other.

like our cik lis...dia kecik2 cili padi. Umur paling kecik kat sini but experience bab jaga anak and rumahtangga fuyoooh, dia terror lagi.
alah Enflor.. jgn ckp mcm tu... mane ade 'terror'.. cket2 ade la.. maybe i noe a little bit of here n der in life coz i was brought up in a tunggang-langgang femili.. so..~~ but still der r lots to learn in life.. in many aspects..

ehk,u lupe jwb la.. bile birth date u..?


thks for the warm welcome....

ya i do read the thread.. cik lis the youngest... hmmm.. teringat wen i was 20.. tat wen i was pregnant my gal.. n now she 4yo.. tym flies very fast nowadays....

How about u? =)

ello zhann.. welcum to the club.. juz talk bout aniting under the sun.. hehe..
i had ma son wen i was 18.. n now soon ma son turning 2yo.. cepat gitu sey.. hehe..~~ :001_302:
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