young malay mums, lets meet over here!! - 28 Feb 2010 and earlier posts ~~

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Ic... with my gal dulu pon, EDD kena delay. Btw u opt for downs test? I tak but hubby just wants to get the downs blood test je.. we ll c hw it goes...

Smlm i mimpi i took this bus home from work n there was a sch boy, cam pri 4 gitu. He was seated nx to me n was so interested to talk to me. He said muka i manis haha. And we talked n clecked well, it was a long bus ride. N e mimpi ended there. Could i b havin a boy? hehe...just trying to link e dream.
Hi Nora...Nope my gynae tak mention pasal down syndrome test pun...Maybe coz my pregnancy still early..We'll see how as my pregnancy progresses..

My hubby sket hari ada mimpi pasal this little boy who came and helped him pump our motorbike tyre..And ever since then,he kept saying that baby kita mesti boy..Yang i pulak asyik mimpi pasal dukung baby girl...Hmmmm...Tengok la nanti rezeki kita macam mana..Insya-Allah...I tak kisah..Asalkan dapat baby sihat.. :wong19:

ehk..mane yg lain..?? lame tk nmpk..?? smuer bz ke...~~~
yuuhoo... enflor.. kak ros... arabjunior.. huda... erm..rami lagi la... mane smuer...?? ~~~
helllo everyone.... im back again!! sorry weekdays are BUSY BUSY days for sch, homewrks,bla bla bla....
LIS- i dah add u... my nick PRECIOUS ONES okk?? nice pics u've got... and oh ya yr choc fudge.... looks YUMMY
yr son oh so...... cute!!! chubby .. geram!!!:001_302:


BABYGERL - sorry to hear yr story.... yup thats how living with in laws kan!! confirm ada problems to arise but then again some others might be fortunate if yr in laws is not a big family.. i pun dulu after marriage duduk dgn my in laws for almost 3 yrs... byk la pahit manis advantage n the disadvtage...
alhamdulillah skrg dah almost 4 yrs i duduk sendiri... its gd to be independant... for everyone's own gd i think... we ourselves can learnt ups and downs of marriage life dan susah payah hidup dgn suami.... hang on in there ok till u've get yr own hse...
NORA- i hrd kalau mimpi selalu nye means the opp.... but then again tk leh 100% confirm la... ni semua rezeki masing2... ada yg dpt tafsiran yg betul , ada yg salah... anyway, have fun guessing hehe... just wanna wish both u n baby in the pink of health...
IZANYZAM- i too have a frd now almost 5 mths pregnant... its her 2nd insya allah... she's been thru like 4 miscarriages so far... for now, her recent checkups showed no problems but she's still worried that history will repeat again... she's changed from a jovial person to seorg yg byk termenung, kurang berbual.... due to her worriness... i hope you too be in the pink of health...

everyone take care .........
god bless AMIN


IZANYZAM- i too have a frd now almost 5 mths pregnant... its her 2nd insya allah... she's been thru like 4 miscarriages so far... for now, her recent checkups showed no problems but she's still worried that history will repeat again... she's changed from a jovial person to seorg yg byk termenung, kurang berbual.... due to her worriness... i hope you too be in the pink of health...

Yup that thought is always at the back of my mind every single day..Takut history will repeat itself..Sometimes it will cast a shadow over my feeling to be happy that im pregnant again..Even when i tell some of my relatives that im pregnant again,i didnt get the reaction that i wanted..They are not really that excited about the news..I feel hurt by that.

But for the sake of my mental health,i try to be positive and keep telling myself that this baby is strong and he/she will get thru the next nine months..Insya-Allah..

Anyways,thanks so much for your kind thoughts..!!! :001_302:


Well-Known Member
Monday....yg jadi SAHM pun ada Monday blues jugak. I am feeling that today.

Gonna be stress for the next couple of weeks. My kid having his exam and I have a big project to settle. I guess my fren will be my panadol extra to the rescue whenever i get the anxiety jitters. Can only :Dancing_wub:after mid May. three long weeks of agony!

lizz where r u ? Sibuk babe sampai tak jengok sini pun. The thread is not the same w/o u. :001_302: lah.

Any holiday plans in the pipeline for u and family ? Pergi mana ? i'll just bring my kids to M'sia to meet up with a few cuzins there on 2nd wk of June. Lepas tu nak rounding2 cari ikan bakar kat sana.


Active Member
halooo... galfrens.. how hav u all been? hehehe..

Wah! lama tk masuk cm byk gitu posts. Interesting semuanya.. tk sempat baca all but just get a gist of everything.. hehehe..

I bz la dgn my son sch during wkends n werk. my big biarch is coming back dis thurs n of coz dia akan pick on me behind my back la... ada senior pun tk guna.. skrg semua dia tk nk buat n d big biarch lagi bleh nk push dia naik pangkat.. Ceh! Nw pat SGH tgh nk prep screen org.. maklum lah flu babi.. boring sey...

I m wondering time u all sangkut kn, perut ada crampy2 tk? i nye perut crampy semcm.. tk pernah cmni nye crampy la.. dh la i cramp, my son lak tgh one kind punye perangai. Dgn d father dia tk nk sgt, asyik melekat je... ni "trend" baru dia agaknye... haiz... now he's down wif flu.. so i sleepless nite lagi.. Zzzzz

So wassup with u gals?

Lis- wah.. dh entrepreneur.. one day kita buat potluck gathering n each bwk mkn so we can taste n learn.. best kan.. mcm omputeh gitu.. hehehe

babygerl- i mcm pernah kes lyk urs on fiza o nye radio show "galfrens".. i feel u gal.. i lak tk kena cm u.. i kena humiliate.. asyik jumpa je ckp i gemuk la.. itulah.. ish!

Mumtobes- Congrats on d positive development of your babies... i ni tgh planning another one.. hopefully dpt gal.. dh ada a pair, stop dulu n c how.. hehehe..


Active Member
Monday....yg jadi SAHM pun ada Monday blues jugak. I am feeling that today.

Gonna be stress for the next couple of weeks. My kid having his exam and I have a big project to settle. I guess my fren will be my panadol extra to the rescue whenever i get the anxiety jitters. Can only :Dancing_wub:after mid May. three long weeks of agony!

lizz where r u ? Sibuk babe sampai tak jengok sini pun. The thread is not the same w/o u. :001_302: lah.

Any holiday plans in the pipeline for u and family ? Pergi mana ? i'll just bring my kids to M'sia to meet up with a few cuzins there on 2nd wk of June. Lepas tu nak rounding2 cari ikan bakar kat sana.
i nk gi m'sia jgk for june hols.. stakat p genting n kl. i nk mkn nasi briyani pat jln masjid india... enflor ikan bakar pat ne sedap eh? mana tau i ter-rajin ke..


Well-Known Member
ayu.. ok la tu.. satu ari i buat potluck kt umah i.. den u ol dtg la k.. jgn tk jadi la..!! hehehehe... ~~~ :001_302:


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i nk gi m'sia jgk for june hols.. stakat p genting n kl. i nk mkn nasi briyani pat jln masjid india... enflor ikan bakar pat ne sedap eh? mana tau i ter-rajin ke..

Alamak, tanya I manalah i tahu. I pi KL kejap pas tu drive up to Kuantan insyaallah. I tak tahu y Masjid India is not a fav with hb and kids. Boring sih, kalau go with them to Masj India. My eyes pulak tengok kain2 and tudung2 from afar. As for food, kena depend with the locals there to bring me around to hunt for one. But kalau u nak drive up, drive pegi Umbai sana. Situ nasi lemak powerrrrr and seafood includes ikan bakar. Ikan bakar, nasib lah, kadang powerrrr, kadang makan hilang selera.

But over here, ikan bakar yg boleh tahan is MasAyu tak silap nama restrnt dia kat Siglap. Went there twice to eat but that was donkey yrs back. Betul tak nama tempat tu, sapa tahu ?

Oh any recommendation which stall to eat kat East Coast food centre ? Brapa kali cycle past there but undecided on what to buy.
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Active Member
Alamak, tanya I manalah i tahu. I pi KL kejap pas tu drive up to Kuantan insyaallah. I tak tahu y Masjid India is not a fav with hb and kids. Boring sih, kalau go with them to Masj India. My eyes pulak tengok kain2 and tudung2 from afar. As for food, kena depend with the locals there to bring me around to hunt for one. But kalau u nak drive up, drive pegi Umbai sana. Situ nasi lemak powerrrrr and seafood includes ikan bakar. Ikan bakar, nasib lah, kadang powerrrr, kadang makan hilang selera.

But over here, ikan bakar yg boleh tahan is MasAyu tak silap nama restrnt dia kat Siglap. Went there twice to eat but that was donkey yrs back. Betul tak nama tempat tu, sapa tahu ?

Oh any recommendation which stall to eat kat East Coast food centre ? Brapa kali cycle past there but undecided on what to buy.
ooh.. Umbai pat kl eh? hehehe.. oh my hb pun tk suka sgt jln pat masjd india coz slalu i take along time browsing so member boring..

Rest Mas Ayu tu i tau... dulu i keje Mendaki so kekadang i tapao from there... lauk pauk dia pun not bad... hmm... u ni uat i lapar je...


Well-Known Member
lapar eh, apa lagi....ngapppp aje lah. :001_302: My family and I like going to Chai Chee seafood restrnt jugak kat New Upper Changi Road. Ni next week, ada makan besar kat Pataya Restrnt. Will be my 1st time there. Eh, kita ni melencong bab food plak.

Just read abt the tennis peddlar Jiawei. Nak ada bb pun nak bilang press. Menyampah pulak kalau celebrities or the well-known nak over2. Lantak dia lah, nak bilang satu dunia pun. i don't give a dang! Skarang ni ada lagi news yg lebih menggugat then Jiawei's (and also that AWARE saga)....swine flu! Ni smua dorangnya penyakit lah ni.


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biasala.. celebrities nk big hoo ha... publicity murahan.. hehehe

swine flu skrg no case in spore yet but there's a few suspected cases. My doctors pun cannot go to other hospitals.. pat sgh ni tgh screening at every exit and those in contact with patients or goin ard hospital have to wear d thick n95 mask.. kesian 1 uncle tua ni dia ckp pki mask tu lagi suffocating...

i aru pas mtg.. skrg kita semua stand by je.. our visiting consultants pun not allowed to see patients or operate starting nxt wk onwards.. doctors yg go overseas kena self quaratine for 10 days... haiz... leceh betul la... drg nye pasal semua kene..


Well-Known Member
ahhh... ckp psl swine flu.. alang kah bgos nye klau drg leh banned khinzir masok s'pore lagi..!! hahaha..! so s'pore will b pork FREE..!! hehehe... :001_302: *berangan jek aku nie*...


Well-Known Member
lis...your andaian tu, kita smua boleh dream on je. Kaki pendek tu semua dorang bedal. Dari ke telinga, hidung, ekor, dengan dalam2 dia skali dorang buat macam2 lauk. Sedangkan tikus ngan anjing pun bangsa dorang bedal jugak. (but not in our country lah, those ulu2 negeri) Macam mana tak penyakit.

My hb pun tadi pegi flu jab sebab dia lagi at risk. slalu out of town. manalah tahu passenger duk sebelah dia tu baru balik trip from mexico. Eeiii....nauzubillah min zalik. Jauhkan lah malapetaka!

then arabjr, u kena 'berpesen' mask lah kat kerja nih ? My 2nd son asked me the other day, kalau tak pakai benda tu (the mask he was referring to while watching TV) boleh tak abang pakai my Power Ranger Mask ?:err: Anak bertuah ni!


Hi mummies,

I'm back again. Wow, i'm surprised that this thread is moving so fast..
I ingat lagi the last time i came here while i'm near to my due date. Bila lepas meletup, i ask for pantang larang lepas bersalin. It's been 2 mths already... Guess what, I really learn alot from mummies here from the tips etc.
Actually i envied those mummies who can managed with more than 2 kids. I tertunggang terbalik looking after just 1 baby. Tak sangka dah 2.5mths and time flies so fast. But i'm happy to see my bb growing everyday with all the hard work : ).... guess mummies with more than 2 kids lagi champion. Hehe.

Did any mummies feel the urge to work again after deliver tak. During my preggy days i'm already a stay-home-mum but now i really have the urge to get back to work. I think maybe i'm always at home most of the time.
Even up till now, i still don't have any confidence in bringing my 2.5mths old bb out alone. The reason my baby hates stroller and sling, so i find it's tiring to hold her all the times. How mummies here bring their infant out alone without any hassle? i guess with difficulty kan, no? Any tips etc...

Hmm, already 2++ in the morning and i'm still macam burung pungguk rindukan bulan!



Active Member
lis- good idea tu.. i got to know d kaki pendeks here dorang import from indon and meat yg pat supermarket tu mainly from Australia. my kwn cina smpi tk nk mkn kaki pendek lagi..

enflor- cute nye anak u.. slamat i pat sini tk ya pakai mask coz i tk da patient contact. i setakat uruskan doctors je dlm ofis. mask tu bleh buat u suffer. rimas sgt2.. difficult to breathe.. hehe.. nanti org sesak nafas bkn pasal penyakit, pasal mask.. haha... i dh plan if i kena cover, then i pki style tudung org arab, tutup half my face.. lagi slamat..

pat sini semua health check tgh very high.. meaning mana2 exit semua kena kepong so i nk p lunch pun leceh sey.. my docs leave semua cancel and their postings semua frozen.. mcm no one is allowed to go anywhere.. drg takut jadi mcm SARS.. i pat sini pun byk2 doa tk jadi apa2 yg serious sgt...


Well-Known Member
Hi Ross, welcome back, with good health and 'full-time' mummy job. Jaga anak ni lifetime career. Don't worry all first time mummy esp yang baru, will have so many things that they are worried about for their bb. Biasalah, been there done that. You will pick up mummy-skill as you go along coz jaga anak is an everyday learning process. In fact, we learn how to react and response through their actions. So sabar and enjoy lil Hannah yang belum pandai merayap. Nanti bila dah merayap....hah itu stress lain cerita.

Apasal plak u nak kena berkepit gendong bb all the time. Nanti bila dia dah besar sikit, nanti parah tau u or her caregiver nak jaga coz satu kerja kat rumah pun tak boleh selesai. Now that she is smaller, it is easier for you to train her. Letak aje kat bb rocker , playpen or tilam. Have those mobile plaything with tunes so that she can look up and be entertained. You can even fix toy gadgets on stroller. Don't just give in to all of your bb's cries, nak kena tegas on some matters. Probably, her dislikes on stroller or sling is just a temporary phase.

Arabjr : Tu dah 'pesen' Mardiana Ali Baba lah! :tlaugh:Whatever it is, take care while at work. Harap tak ada piggy flu tu kat SG.


Well-Known Member
ello ross.. welcome back..

hmm..i agree ngan Enflor.. u tkle give in slalu..u have to b firm at tyms.. nanti lame2 die jadi lemak plak.. den bile u nk gi toilet pon tkle.. u nk kene biase kn die rase independent.. have to train her from now.. klau ckp psl bwk klua.. so far i alhamdulillah tym anak i masih kecik lagi.. around ur baby's age now, i bwk die gi Bugis Village yg memekak tu.. slamat anak i tdo nyenyak.. hahahaX..~~ :tlaugh: i pon train maself to b independent.. hehe..

u can try klau u nk.. u tgl mane..? mungkin u leh try klua ngan i ke..? hehe.. i pon da lame gak tk klua gi jln2..


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any1 ada masalah pijat yg membiak kat rumah tk? despite cleaning the house regularly tetap tk hilang gak. even after my bro in law ya keje kat pest control dtg utk spray my place, the prob is still not solved. ada petua utk hilangkan benda alah ni tk? tolong!!!


Well-Known Member
any1 ada masalah pijat yg membiak kat rumah tk? despite cleaning the house regularly tetap tk hilang gak. even after my bro in law ya keje kat pest control dtg utk spray my place, the prob is still not solved. ada petua utk hilangkan benda alah ni tk? tolong!!!
ade..petua adalah...~~~ throw away the tings tat have come into contact w the pijats..!! coz.. walau mcm mane bersih sekali pon.. drg tetap ade coz they can smell tempat lame drg.. so u gotta get of the tings..

dlu i pernah nmpk pijat kt sofa umah ma mom.. den kite lekas2 buang sofa tu.. den da tkde case pijat dlm umah lagi.. u cube la.. hee.. :Dancing_wub:
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