young malay mums, lets meet over here!! - 28 Feb 2010 and earlier posts ~~

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interesting la...salute mr admin sbb brani amik malay for 2nd language....
indonesian malay lain kan??
my BIL is a belgian tapi he speaks fluent indonesian far no miscomm la...cuma kadang2 tu kite argue jugak over certain words heheheh...:001_302:


Well-Known Member
wah mr admin.. bgos .. or shud i kol you edy..? hmm.. i have a friend from indo also.. tpi tk amek bahasa melayu as 2nd lang.. so you still have a house in indo..? parent in law have a house down der.. at tanjung pinang.. hehe.. :001_302: nk serkup mcm tu ehk.. i tau kt JB ade.. hehe.. tkkn you nk merayap jaoh smp sane ehk..? oh ya.. tk salah i mustaffa centre pon ade.. it's at the section near the kids items.. you try jengok2.. hehehe.. dulu i pernah amek gmbr wearing that hat..

an as for arabjunior.. you nk carik slua tight panjang for swimming.. you can CK like what Enflor said.. kt 'cotton on' also have.. but ol those are not waterproof .. klau you nk yg meant for swimming can but at geylang.. tempat pasar.. there's like 2 shops selling swimming costumes.. those that come w the head gear as well.. selling around 30-70 bux.. depends on quality.. :Dancing_wub:

yea..! lis boleh jadi fashion directory .. hahahahaha... :tlaugh:

Mama Ina

Well-Known Member
Wah..!! Lis so clever seh.. heeheeheee.. Cam gini leh jadi my fashion advisor .. haahaahaaa..

Ok kawan2, nak ask you all ar.. Selain dari KL dan Genting tuk gi holiday kan... Mana lagi seronok nak bawak anak2 gi Holiday?? I mean around Malaysia .. Nak ajak gi lebih dari tu tak cos LEAVE no more .. sigh.. SO plan on weekend at least 3days 2nite pun jadi kan.. heeheeehee.. Malaysia i cuma tahu KL and Genting je .. Selain dari tu tak tahu seh apa ada sana.. IshkIshkIshk!! Kental kan aku?


Active Member
enflor, lis- thanks for d info... bleh la i p carik.. haiz.. dulu tk nk carik skrg dh tercari-cari. hehehe... enflor, if u dh dpt serkup tu, bila dh pki jgn lupa post pix tau. Bleh kita tgk enflor ala bob marley.. hehehe...

wah lis... interview nmpk.. hehehe... i pun dulu ada kwn from indon dia dtg sini study tapi kan dia tk amik malay as 2nd lang. Bila dia bobal chinese pun cm kaklar gitu.. hehehe... dia org jakarta n fuyooo bapak dia own a company pat sana.. kekaya jgk dorang ni..

mama ina- family i esp my aunt suka nah ajak anak dia gi swimming.. mana2 hotel mesti ada swimming pool.. if pat msia, u nak hav fun in d sun, sand and water.. bleh la try awana kijal or sunway lagoon ke... fun jgk... pat awana kijal ada water games lyk banana boat.. best!!!


Well-Known Member
Wah..!! Lis so clever seh.. heeheeheee.. Cam gini jadi my fashion advisor .. haahaahaaa..

Ok kawan2, nak ask you all ar.. Selain dari KL dan Genting tuk gi holiday kan... Mana lagi seronok nak bawak anak2 gi Holiday?? I mean around Malaysia .. Nak ajak gi lebih dari tu tak cos LEAVE no more .. sigh.. SO plan on weekend at least 3days 2nite pun jadi kan.. heeheeehee.. Malaysia i cuma tahu KL and Genting je .. Selain dari tu tak tahu seh apa ada sana.. IshkIshkIshk!! Kental kan aku?
boleh! boleh! boleh! ape salah nye.. klau u sudi i jadi fashion advisor u.. hehe.. da rmai tao i coach in fashion.. hehe.. :shyxxx:

hmm.. nk gi holiday nmpk.. buat 'chek' jealous ajek.. ish..! okey..klau nk gi holiday.. u can try terengganu.. or langkawi.. the beach is nice.. or ...(nanti i bilang u lagi kt mane.. i go n ask ma cuzzies in m'sia..) hahaha.. :tlaugh:


Active Member
boleh! boleh! boleh! ape salah nye.. klau you sudi i jadi fashion advisor you.. hehe.. da rmai tao i coach in fashion.. hehe.. :shyxxx:

hmm.. nk gi holiday nmpk.. buat 'chek' jealous ajek.. ish..! okey..klau nk gi holiday.. you can try terengganu.. or langkawi.. the beach is nice.. or ...(nanti i bilang you lagi kt mane.. i go and ask cuzzies in m'sia..) hahaha.. :tlaugh:

wah!!! lis ada ramai contact la...anything can ask lis serba boleh...bab heheheh...

Mama Ina

Well-Known Member
Wah!! Thanks ayu tapi awana kijal tu pat ne?? tak penah ku dgr lah.. heeheeehee..

Ah betol cakap our dianayousof tau.. Dun playplay.. ini lis bukan sembarang lis.. apa2 tak tahu meh tanya je pat dia.. smua dia akan jawab.. haahaahaa...

Ah lis, ni nanti duit GST kua jom jumpa pat northpoint kita shopping nyok.. haahaahaaa.. ooopss!! lupa lah sumtin.. heeheee...

Mama Ina

Well-Known Member
Hi !! im a 25yrs old mummy wit 2 childrens...
Wawan (9) Danisya (4mth)
Im staying Pasir Ris....

SALAM PerKenAnLan!!!!!

Hello there, welcome to mummysg.. Seronok tau sini.. I pun aru join ni.. Meh kita buat kawan ramai2 nyok..!! Wah! ur baby pic so cute, jelesnye i.. :wong29:


Well-Known Member
Elo, just got back after my karipap drill with my ever so kind MIL. Penat sih! Skali baru belajar, hah engkau bertray-tray kena siapkan. Dari terngangah mulut karipap tu sampai jadi expert sikit. :001_302:

Arabjr....i sikit ada tak faham ah with your typing. Heheh....aku sorang je kot yg slow nak tangkap. For example, ' dulu tk nk carik skrg dear husband tercari-cari. hehehe... enflor, if you dear husband dpt serkup tu, bila dear husband pki.' Tolong translate kat Enflor blur sotong nih. :001_302:

Mama Ina...nearby island naik ferry 45min dah sampai. But just the sand, sun, sea and the pool aje lah. But u know kids, dorang tak merayap tak pa, asal duk berendam dalam pool berjam jam, dorang ni champion. So u apa lagi, leave the kids to your Man and u go spa and urut dah.

lis ni kecik2 cili padi and macam walking encyclopedia. She is only 20 and she has achieved so much. This is what i called so young but so street and book smart. Dulu, at 20 i ke hulu ke hilir with my fails, books and specs. Nerd betul, hai nak harapkan book smart aje, cannot survive leh in this canggih world. Tabik u lah lis.....ikhlas.

Welcome to Deisi Danisya. Nice name/nick you've got there. Ok, i wanna get rid of my karipap smell on my body and solat.


hmm..olrite jugak..tpi nk kt mane nye beach..? s'pore nye beach(s) ade cket slack arh.. klau pat sentosa plak, terlalu bnyk maksiat.. hahaha.. :tlaugh:
maybe kt Kusu Island ke..? hehehe.. su, *mood horny..lain mcm jek..?* hahaha... :shyxxx:

hani..da lame tk msk..? e2 psl u miss lots of topics.. niwae u tgl ane ehk..? da lupe la..

I tinggal teban la...nowadays sibuk ngan keje and anak2..sampai lupa time sendiri...bestnye you all mummies ade buat planning 4 outing...

Mama Ina

Well-Known Member
Elo, just got back after my karipap drill with my ever so kind mother in law. Penat sih! Skali baru belajar, hah engkau bertray-tray kena siapkan. Dari terngangah mulut karipap tu sampai jadi expert sikit. :001_302:

Arabjr....i sikit ada tak faham with your typing. Heheh....aku sorang je kot yg slow nak tangkap. For example, ' dulu tk nk carik skrg dear husband tercari-cari. hehehe... enflor, if you dear husband dpt serkup tu, bila dear husband pki.' Tolong translate kat Enflor blur sotong nih. :001_302:

Mama Ina...nearby island naik ferry 45min dah sampai. But just the sand, sun, sea and the pool aje . But you know kids, dorang tak merayap tak pa, asal duk berendam dalam pool berjam jam, dorang ni champion. So you apa lagi, leave the kids to your Man and you go spa and urut dah.

lis ni kecik2 cili padi and macam walking encyclopedia. She is only 20 and she has achieved so much. This is what i called so young but so street and book smart. Dulu, at 20 i ke hulu ke hilir with my fails, books and specs. Nerd betul, hai nak harapkan book smart aje, cannot survive in this canggih world. Tabik you lis.....ikhlas.

Welcome to Deisi Danisya. Nice name/nick you've got there. Ok, i wanna get rid of my karipap smell on my body and solat.

Karipap?? Powernye!! Alamak semakin lama pat sini kan perut ku leh rasa boncet lah.. Kebanyakan topic pasal makanan.. Waduh bebz!!

Ah, tmpt yg u ckp tu macam seronok gitu seh.. So itu SGD dollar ke ruppiah ke RMringgit ehk?? heeheeehee.. Ada hotel ar leh bobok sana ehk? U ada website nye senang i nak tengok seh.. Kalau tak habis lah u will feel irritated by me tau krana i will kip asking mcm2 noh.. haahaahaa.. Niways thanks, betol ckp u, meh kita ke spa.. huuhuuhuu..

Sama lah dulu bila i 20 pun haiz.. Beng bin Ngap!! heehee.. Apa org ckp turut kan.. BoFoDohFo kan? heeheee.. How i wish i can turn back time!! :shyxxx:

Mama Ina

Well-Known Member

I tinggal teban ...nowadays sibuk ngan keje and anak2..sampai lupa time sendiri...bestnye you all mummies ade buat planning 4 outing...

Yuuuhaaa Hanipose... Oooh Teban Garden kah?? Sana ada Nasi Briyani Power kan yg pat sebelah NTUC.. Suka i makan pat situ lagi2 bila hubby free can go lunch wit me.. Mana lagi nak gi kan during lunch time, Teban je lah..

Outing ni tuk smua mummysg lah.. Nyok ramai2 nyok kita berdansar..!! :Dancing_wub:huuhuuhuuhuuhuu..............

Tapi bila ehk? Dimana yah?? Oi! Siapa nak organise ni?????:err:


Well-Known Member
Mama Ina- here's the site for you to check

But some of the places here dorang accept US$ je tau. leceh and parah to the max. So if u go and wanna budget and don't mind a lil adventure around the island, bab makan u can get local food and pay in rupiah. Or what i did, one of the haversacks i campakkan roti, nutella, biscuits, chips....agak2 for 2 days one night trip with on the go food.

Went to Banyan...with my darling only. Superb hotel room!
Went to Nirwana with kids along. Place was cool and nice to my expectations lah. Yg lain2 belum jejak lagi.

Kalau kat Johor, Sibu Island tak silap. I've never been there but relatives who went there gave thumbs up for the island. Blanja sana balik modal ah coz RM, puas kan.

Bab tickets arrangement and bookings i dunno much ah coz hb yg arranged.


Active Member
enflor- sori typo error... i dont type those.. mayb comp i ni tersotz sket... hehehehe... and yap.. betul tu enflor bleh buka klas buat karipap... i loike..

lis ni dia mmg tk padan kecik.. she's knowledgeable. Time i at her age, certain parts of S'pore pun i tk tau. hehehe... I aru step into singapore general hospital last your if not i pun tk tau singapore general hospital pat ne... heheheh..

Mama ina- awana kijal tu pat trengganu area. very nice place for relaxation. I loike.. ada jacuzzi lagik.. hehehe... ni i nk gi genting pun 1st time stay overnite pat sana. normally stakat visiting jek... hehehe...

Oh ya laydees... jgn lupa 1st July most prob duit GST or smething masuk... yay!!!!

And Welcome to new mummie! heheheh... lupa lak your nick... (^,^)


Active Member
guys... something is wrong... when i type esp for enflor, i tk type the words "dear husband" but when i post quick reply mesti dia kluar... tau tak naper?

tgk nanti d words appear at dumb places...


Well-Known Member
heheh, relax ah arabjr, i bukannya marah sih. Cuma trying to comprehend, not just that particular post to me, when u post to others pun ada terkeluar that 'dear'. So bila i baca, sumtimes ada skit tak faham.

Yg i realise just recently, Singlish and some short forms this forum here dah tak recognize lagi. Try type the short form of Mother-in-Law. I think dorang ada tukar setting sikit kat sini. Tengoklah my nama pet, jadi -boo aje. Actually the first syllable ada but it does not appear. Kesian dino aku!

Apasal plak my doter ni speaking macam American accent nih! Mana plak dia belajar. :embarrassed:

Karipap, Enflor buat, sendiri makan.....wuahahahaha! Enflor tak nak share ngan smua...wuahahahahah!:001_302:

Mama Ina

Well-Known Member
OOooohh... Ok noted!! Thanks kawan2... Tengah plan ni actually nak go bandung on national day ni.. Tapi me nO more leave ar.. So kalau leh nak go yang dekat2 gitu lah and also cheap2 lor heeheeee...

Yay!!! Happy sangat sangat kan 1st July dapat $$$... heeheeheee..


Well-Known Member
Wah, nak gi Bandung. Abislah $ but if convert our $ to rupiah jadi jutawan kejap kan kat sana :001_302: Oklah, enjoy nanti ok and update us abt it. Ok will MIA for a couple of days agaknya not holidays but nak gi 'bertapa' kat umah lain. C u ladies soon!
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