young malay mums, lets meet over here!! - 28 Feb 2010 and earlier posts ~~

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I had this problem when i was about to give birth last year. I dont mind org nak kasi barang walaupun 2nd hand stuffs but i dapat kes teruk punya. Like as if i ni tong sampah. Baju dah kuning2, stroller kes nak gi buang punya. I felt VERY offended and i decided not to take anymore. So, i beli. Then my sister-in-law said, "Kau buang2 duit aje. Bukannyer anak kau nak pakai sampai dah besar. Lagipun, kau tak keje. Jgnlah susahkan adik aku." Then i get VERY offended again!! Super pissed off! Mcm anak i tu bukan anak laki i jugak. Terus my hubby bingit bila dgr. sister In law lupa, by saying that, laki i felt tersinggung, like as if he cant afford to buy things for his own daughter. So, from that day onwards, i dont believe in 2nd hand things coz ppl kasi barang kes asal boleh.

But i dont mind if org kasi barang yang terjaga and bersih . Put yourself in their own shoes .. takkan nak kasi org barang yang kes any moment kena buang punya. Mana nak letak muka.... tsk tsk..
This is wat my mum told me during my pregnant..She said that first time biar lah beli brg2 baby....Anw,mine son is the first cucu so everythings is new.....

Now alls my son belonging i passed to my bro son.....


Well-Known Member
Where r the rest ? So quiet here!

Juz got back frm the library with my kids. Dah berzaman tak pinjam novel melayu, so ni kira first time after a decade. :err:Novel Melayu nya title kadang2 cam meremang bulu roma sebab lomantik and jiwang banget. Nak pinjam pun segan. Hopefully, tak baca 1/2 way. Finally got one abt yg ada family values. Now starting on this English novel. Funny and interesting abt a demented housewife's diary. Bila baca macam ada related to my life a bit.

Looking 4ward to Prison Break tonight. Anyone a fan ? Sumtimes a bit lost coz dorang ni asyik lari from some people aje.


Well-Known Member
Where are the rest ? So quiet here!

just got back frm the library with my kids. Dah berzaman tak pinjam novel melayu, so ni kira first time after a decade. :err:Novel Melayu nya title kadang2 cam meremang bulu roma sebab lomantik and jiwang banget. Nak pinjam pun segan. Hopefully, tak baca 1/2 way. Finally got one about yg ada family values. Now starting on this English novel. Funny and interesting about a demented housewife's diary. Bila baca macam ada related to my life a bit.

Looking 4ward to Prison Break tonight. Anyone a fan ? Sumtimes a bit lost coz dorang ni asyik lari from some people aje.
hee.. me baking walnut choc chips today.. it taste relli like famous amos coOkies..!! hehe.. * bohong..* :shyxxx: i baked it for the 2nd tym oleady.. ma hb yg suroh.. he's a FAN of famous amos..

i ade bnyk buku.. tpi lom bace2 lagi.. but now i'm half way thru on "PAHALA SEPERTI 7000 TAHUN".. it's a good book..

i like prison break wen it 1st played.. but now.. jadi soO confusing.. da tk paham da jalan cerita die.. haha.. but i'm a big fan of RED THREAD now.. hehehe... :001_302:


Active Member
Looking 4ward to Prison Break tonight. Anyone a fan ? Sumtimes a bit lost coz dorang ni asyik lari from some people aje.
Im a big fan here!! I have this season's dvd. If u nak pinjam, let me know. Mana tahu u ada miss some episodes..heheh.. I dah tgk sampai habis.


Well-Known Member
lis, what a coincidence, i tengah munching my mak mertua nya chocolate cookies nih. Satu botol depan I ni. Wow famous amos. Untung nya jadi neighour you, hari ni dorang free cookie aroma.

lis raya you take order buat apa2 biskut tak ? If you do, what are they ? Manalah tahu i can order ke.

that prison break, ada sikit blur sekarang esp kalau miss one or two epi. But sebab my hunky bf Wenworth ada acting, i dont't mind romancing my eyes to stay glued to the show. :tlaugh:Husband i kata i perasan!

Aiyoyo itu red thread hah, sorry to say , that Adrian menyampah dianya acting blind. Something needs to be done to his hair. So out of trend. And why him of all actors. tengok trailer je dah lemau sih.


Well-Known Member
nysnc su - tell me tell me, did Wenworth die in the end ? Ya lah this episode on TV he has those bloody nose prob. So tense sih, when u said u have the dvd. But i guess i ikut tv epi je. And whatz this Scylla abt ? Tak faham langsung apekebenda tuh


Active Member
nysnc su - tell me tell me, did Wenworth die in the end ? Ya this episode on TV he has those bloody nose prob. So tense sih, when you said you have the dvd. But i guess i ikut tv epi je. And whatz this Scylla about ? Tak faham langsung apekebenda tuh
Kalau i bilang u kat sini, mengamok org yg nak tgk. Hehehe...


Well-Known Member
nsync_su : Tak bilang I lagi i mengamok....errrrr. Takut tak:001_302:

Are u ladies into diaper bag ? I not one who is/was crazy over it. I was the type ok with just haversack which i could lug it behind me. Just needed a small milk warmer bag. Just find it amusing that some diaper bags can really be costly. Like i said, practical n cost saving is my way of living life.


Active Member
nsync_su : Tak bilang I lagi i mengamok....errrrr. Takut tak:001_302:

Are you ladies into diaper bag ? I not one who is/was crazy over it. I was the type ok with just haversack which i could lug it behind me. Just needed a small milk warmer bag. Just find it amusing that some diaper bags can really be costly. Like i said, practical and cost saving is my way of living life.
Oklah EnFlor... Scofield tak mati, ada org tolong dia. *winks*

Diaper bags?? Ok.. me tak bawak diaper bag. I bwk normal bag to put my daugther's things. If go JB, hubby bwk bagpack. I have 1 diaper bag (bought it when i was preggy) and it cost me $98. It was supposed to be easy bag but instead menyusahkan kita!!! Hehehe... so, i chucked it in my storeroom. Whahahah!!


Well-Known Member
Prison Break, smalam kesian plak si botak prison warden tu kat dalam coffin. Till the sadist T-Bag pun boleh jadi cry bb. Wah can't wait for the break in to Scylla. Since they can't touch the floor there, guess it will be like the famous Mission Impossible scene tak, where one of them hangs from a rope.
Sucre kena tembak hari tu, after that still can walk and so kuat. Tak logic sikit. That Gretchen geram tengok her acting with her mata yang aksen but her so black hair lawa. Amacam dia boleh hook up with pak tua tu ?
Soooooorrrry ladies side track manyak to bab crita Prison Break. I am just too excited with the show. Anyway, morning to all mums and mums2be

Mama Ina

Well-Known Member
Mama Ina - kancheong lu! :001_302: register anak P1. Tunggulah the official registration. Senang je, before the registration day, get all paper doc ready. On the day, complete the forms and wait for reply of acceptance/ballot. Wanna read more go to MOE website. Kat situ ada kasi comprehensive details on what to expect, registration process and the Phase. Very soon after the registration ends the website will feature schools yg ada vacancies. This is to help those kids who can't get to the school of their choice.

Nak pi holz, pi sekarang and anytime. Nanti anak dah masuk P1 lagi susah nak merayap.
Awak pun..!! Mana kita reti ni smua.. heeheeehee.. Kalau leh nak cepat register can and settled down haahaa... Lepas tu aru leh relax and holiday ni.. haahaahaa.. oooh MOE website eh.., k will check it out later.. Thanks:Dancing_tongue:

BTW... Prison break?? Dulu first2 kua je i ok tengok jgk tapi lepas tu stop trus.. haahaaa..


Active Member
That Gretchen geram tengok her acting with her mata yang aksen but her so black hair lawa. Amacam dia boleh hook up with pak tua tu ?
Soooooorrrry ladies side track manyak to bab crita Prison Break. I am just too excited with the show. Anyway, morning to all mums and mums2be
Haizz.... love is blind wattt.. whahahaha! Tua pun jadi lah.. So physically strong but when it comes to pak tua... lembek!! Hehehe...
Hmm... mission impossible ehhh...boleh lah tuu..


Well-Known Member
hmm. bout RED THREAD.. i tink the show is nice.. entah.. somehow i was hooked to it coz ma fav actor is der.. Adrian Pang.. haha.. *Enflor mesti bingit*.. i started to like him coz of the way he act in ne of the chinese series.. hehe.. :001_302: n bout his hair.. i got no comment.. bini die suke kot rambot die mcm tu..? khakhakha... :tlaugh:

diaper bag.. i ade satu.. but kadang2 jek i pkai.. anak lelaki nie i tk kemarok sgt la.. maybe nanti anak gal kot..? haha.. but relli la.. i pon mcm Enflor.. more practical.. i usually bwk backpack klau klua ngan anak i sendirian.. jadi senang i nk dokong anak i naik bus or MRT.. psl kadang2 i tk bwk stroller(leceh).. so i jadi supermummy la kejap.. den i cume bwk handbag bile kite klua ngan hb.. jadi die bwk backpack.. mak(syafi) melawa la.. khakhakha..!! :tlaugh:

niwae ladies.. i will away from tmr till mon.. will b going over to indonesia for ma holiday.. hehe.. last min planning ngan hb smlm.. so c ya ladies ard..!! *please dun forget me wen i'm gone..* :shyxxx:


Well-Known Member
weiiii....nak gi Indon for holz. mana boleh, i pun nak itut, nak itut! :tlaugh:

ok lis, take care and have fun.

nsync_su : Pak tua botak tu pakai tongkat Ali owang putihnya. :shyxxx: Eh lelaki pun have their own version of menopause kan ? I know that i read it somewhere....Ooopps, side track abis lah topic ku kali nih! :001_302:


weiiii....nak gi Indon for holz. mana boleh, i pun nak itut, nak itut! :tlaugh:

ok lis, take care and have fun.

nsync_su : Pak tua botak tu pakai tongkat Ali owang putihnya. :shyxxx: Eh lelaki pun have their own version of menopause kan ? I know that i read it somewhere....Ooopps, side track abis lah topic ku kali nih! :001_302:
mmm...Tul tu Enflo,

Lelaki punya menopause lagi buruk prangainye!!!tak bole angkat,very senstive.

Mama Ina

Well-Known Member
betol betol betol...!! Pasal lelaki ada menopause ni memang betol.. Ku sokong kamu smua.. Kita pun boleh kalah seh... haahaahaahaaa...

Lis, sampai hatimu meninggalkan kita smua seh.. Indon tak agak2 tu.. Wah, beruntung betol itu anak.. haaahaa.. Ok, once you back chit chat chut ok... Banyak ku nak soal kau pasal indon ni.. heeheehee... Enjoy!!


Well-Known Member
am having mixed feeling today. Excited/happy + 'Lemau'. Good feeling coz hb ard after almost 2 wks MIA. The lemau dunno y, rasa tekak haus and tummy bloated semacam. REd flag coming soon agaknya. Also so eager to finish up reading my Eng novel. tu sebab boring bila kena leave my novel for a few min even. kena cook a feast ah sebab tukang makan dah balik.


Hi, I'm a newbie here.
Melayu jugak .. ehehe .. now I'm 8wks old pregnant.
Btw I'm NO.1 fanatic for Prison Break ... I have watch all the the episodes for the current season .. SG lembap arr ot oair it on TV .. :)
Aniwae Prison Break mmg POWER with all good actors, actresses plus with a great plot!


New Member
wow..lis p holidae..enjoyz ur holidae k..n take good care of when u r there..especially with the H1N1 skg..for me lau kuar with the kids, i usually bawa backpack..easier..1 tangan pimpin my boy whereas tangan sebelah tolak pram..hehe..


Welcome abroad sis! Expecting ur 1st child right now?
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