young malay mums, lets meet over here!! - 28 Feb 2010 and earlier posts ~~

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Hi Lis & ArabJunior

Thanx alot for ur advice

Nari bring my daughter g poly woodland..Still having fever..Up & down nie..Buat blood test den doctor cakap blood test clear & normal..Selamat cikit..Doctor kasi antibotic for my daughter because she small size..Da weight about 10.5kg

Tkot adr dengue or penyakit laen je..Hehe

My daughter da macam my son..Before he went for surgery kan, he always fall sick dlm 1 month, dalam 3 or 4 times..dia lari2 dengan my daughter kan, he come to me yg ckp :

Mummy, penat..Sedih tau me dengar dia cakap cam tu..2 months after operation he saying this word again : Mummy, penat..Den he just baring je..Agi teruk bile dia jatoh sakit..

He just baring & banyak tdo je..My daughter da macam dia sekarang..da tak active also
sis, u sabar k... doa byk2.. maybe if ada air zamzam u try letak kan d bottle in front time u solat do u bleh baca kan ayat2 Al-Quran.. den let ur kids drink it.. InsyaAllah sis... Kids nye immune system very low so they normally baring je time sakit... u try kasi dia makan vitamin c.. dats wat my doctors did. dorang slalu interact dgn patients so in ofis drg slalu drink vitamin c water or milk to strengthen their immune system dats y sometime drg sakit pun they still strong enuff to work n stay overnite for emergency cases. U try la sis..

my son lak down wif sinus n since born dia not enuf calcium in his blood so dia cepat dapat trigger feet.. i kasi dia minum ribena n milk and kasi dia makan colostrum to increase dia nye immunity coz dulu baby dia slalu sakit n doctor mahal so i try kasi colostrum so far alhamdulillah...


Hi Ladies,

Sorry to hear about those yg anak tengah sakit. I hope they feel better soon. Mmg every mum's nitemare... Lagi2 ni musim swine flu..haiz.

U know ladies, smlm i pengsan otw to work in the morn kat boon keng mrt. I was feeling light-headed tiba2, padahal lagi 1 stop..I was standing all e way for 13 mins. Bila I kuar train, i cant balance myself to walk straight and was swaying...then i fell to the ground. Tk kuat sangat, luckily. Also my head pon luckily tak hit the floor or e pillar nearby. It was about 9 05am. Ada jugak orang tolong... I terbaring sideways for about 5 mins plus before i sadar abit as they were calling me.... then i sat and the mrt staffs came.. They took a wheelchair n wheeled me to the office kat atas where i waited 4 hubby to fetch me.

I guess cos 4 e past 2 days i tak mkn...takde appetite. And pagi tu lak, tak breakfast. I went to KK 240HR Clinic pas tu just to check... e doc kata my glucose low sb tak mkn... Tapi kan, they check my pressure n glucose n all tapi tak check baby heartbeat. I was expecting u lah nak tau my baby camne. The lady doc said at 12 weeks takle dgr heatbeat thru doppler! I heard my gal nye heartbeat thru doppler at 6 weeks ok! I was so mad at her. U all know kan, I tak amik a gynea even for my previous pregnancy. I still tink she should have used the doppler. But instaed she said, my passing out wont affect the baby.....

And now, i force feed myself 4 e sake of baby.... Haiz... I want my appetite back..


Personally I can say that this man is definitely not a good partner.
Beating and criticizing is far too much in treating a woman. You’ said that you’re independent woman and I believe you can still be independent without a man like this. Maybe you’re doing this for the kids but you also have to think about your own happiness.

But at the end of the day, the answer lies in your hearts. What do you want out of your life. How do you foresee a future for yourself and your family.
Nay, matters of the heart is indeed delicate.

Be strong, if there are clear signs, ask Allah for strength to help you go through making the hard decision of saying ‘NO’ to the wrong partner, but also to all that could lead to your pain and miseries in the future.



I agree with Ross. He isnt worthy if he made u feel this way... I'm sure u takmo anak2 u to grow up in this kinda environment. We all know you are a strong woman and will make it thru..


when i see your cookies, makin lapar my perut. maklumlah, kat sini hujan lebat, nak keluar pun jalan banjir mana2. Then kat sini takder anything for me to eat, just realised i have eaten all my snack yesterday. Nak taknak terpaksa i order from the hotel, makanan yg simple pun harga mahal. Sigh!!

Posted by pink_laydee85
<<Stress sei dengan my kids sakit, gaji hubbi kena cut dari $3K to $1500 - $1900.. With 3 kids still drinking milk, diaper, seeing doctor when they sick..Nak keje susah..My PIL still working..Nak letak dorang pat childcare agi xpensive..>>

it's true that it's gonna be stress with the paycut plus your 3 kids lagi...haiz!! For me ajer 1K with 1 baby plus bills, foods etc pun tak lepas so i can see the scenario you're having. We also have to cut on our spending, stop going holiday, gave up the car and now start to save for rainy days.
I see your kids pun umur macam tak jauh semua... memang skarang susah nanti anak you dah besar senang sikit coz their age gap pun tak terlalu jauh. This year will be a very difficult year for all of us...
Hope your kids are getting better now, just be postive, eat well and save your energy for the kids for they need your attention more now..


New Member
i need some advise from you all..currently my DS is suspected having chicken he is attending a full day childcare, thus he's open to this type of illness..just want to know what food should i give and don't give to my DS? Many thanks!


Well-Known Member
BBgerl: Think u should avoid giving him food that can aggravate gatal2, maybe seafood. And orang2 tua kata elak kicap and telur sbb bertanda. Ah, that one, kena tanya pakar doc if it's true or just old wives' tales.

pinklaydee : As a mum of three, i understand the penat that u are going thru. Kalau satu sakit mesti yg lain very likely to jangkit cepat. But i am lucky coz i have my mum and mil to assist. Like if satu really sakit, i'll separate the sick from the well ones. So either i jaga the sakit and one of the neneks will jaga the other two. u know that kind of arrangement actually helps me in a way. Kalau tak stress giler! Salute to those who can handle more than 3 kids....really, where do you gather your strength from!!!

Superwoman Kak Rose : Read your entry. I'll be as neutal as i can on this issue. This kind of case jenis berat mata memandang, berat lagi bahu memikul. Since u have said the fella dah kaki pukul, maki-hamun and a control freak, isn't that enuf to stop the relationship. And he played the blaming game - blaming others for his downfall. Don't give empathy, sympathy or 'surrender' with guilt to that loser's statement. That alone shows how weak he is as he is showing his true self - unable to cope with obstacles. With that said, adakah itu ciri-ciri seorang ketua keluarga ? We women are known as a rationale thinker than the men. So i am sure the woman can decide what is best for herself and for her loved ones.


Well-Known Member
ya allah, mengantuknya mata. My DD smalam satu malam tido with me sbb she coughing badly. Dia tak tido lenyak. I plak smalam tido lambat coz working on something till 3am. Adui, badan lemah semacam ajek niari. No.2 child baru recover, now kena to No. 3 and No. 1 dah nampak tanda2 nak sakit jugak.

Having more than a kid is such a joy and so much fun and laughter but ni lah bila dorang sakit, jangkit dia kasi pening kepala.Nasib baik my mum coming to help out today. Nampak gaya hari ni 'kopi'botox kena lebih dari two cups to boost my energy. :embarrassed:


New Member
My mum da sibuk jaga my younger daughter..My mum takot my kids jangkit dengan si kecil..

My PIL in law jangan harap ah dorang nk tolong me jaga budak2..I know they can't reali accept me especially my MIL..Every weekend they will be out either going to masjid or org kahwin..Every1 make a mistake..So tak boleh salah kan sesiapa sei..I don't know what should I do..

By next year, me da move to my own house in Punggol, jangan harap ah me nak datang sei agi..I not rude to them but it's true..If my parents lei accept what happen, why can't PIL can accept..

I going to check with my daughter doctor about the vitamin..Her immune system semasa me salin dia dulu, full of najis..She termakan semasa tunggu doc semasa me da hampir nak salin..Byangkan da masuk wad salin at 0440am, nurse ckp kpala budak da nmpak tapi dia suruh me..i & hubbi scold the nurse, y muz i wait..if anything happen to our bb nak salah sape..4 min later, selamat my daughter salin tapi too bad, dia da termakan najis & da kena pat immune system dia..

Da dia masuk ICU for 1 type of person tak suka dok pat labour wad lama2.. masuk labour wad je, terus salin..All my 3 kids give birth cpat between few minutes je after da masuk wad salin


New Member

Thks for the advice..skg my boy betul2 ada chicken pox..yesterday bring him to the doc and he ask me to come back today as the spot was just a bit..wake up in the morning check on him..wah..all the spot is coming out already..abis muka, dahi, bdn, tgn dia berbintik2..kecian tgk dia..semlm no choice have to separate him from my daughter..was advice by the doc and my mum..tkt my MIL ada masak air rebusan which consist of halia, rock sugar n kunyit hidup..she told me to give my boy to drink..hoping he will get well soon..


i read your post..if i were you, i will leave that guy..not worth i myself went through it before with my x..asal marah jer, tgn berjalan..dia pikir pe i ni anak patung ke..luckily i get to know his true colour earlier..if i get married to him, haiz~ ntah lah..tak tau nak ckp my advice is forget abt the my nasihat hope no offend yah


Lost all of my self esteem since been wit him..he even called me a whore,janda tak sedar diri..kawin byk2,beranak byk2,pastu kasi dia problems byk2...dats wat he always says..Juz bcoz i've been married twice b4 him..tah ek adik2..i tried many times to end this relationship,lari,halau dia dr rumah..but the min dia dtg dgn crita sedih,kak rose cair..skarg nie im contemplating to do it again..but im too afraid to let go..lagi anak yg last tu anak i dgn dia..wat if dia kacau anak2 yg lain kat workplace dorang?juz to find out whr am i?Slalu kak rose mintak petunjuk dr Allah,slalu gerakkan hati nie nak tinggalkan dia dan mulakan hidup baru..tapi slalu tak terbuat2..jadi police case pun i still dun wanna pursue the matter..dunno wat the hell is wrong wit me..I hate his guts,his ego is damn huge,his mouth is foul and he thinks so highly of himself like kat dunia nie tak de org yg lebih baik dr dia..I hate myself sometimes for being so reluctant for watever reasons,only God knws..trimakasih adik2 for your least i knw im nt alone..nie kalau dia tau kak post abt this,mati aku..


New Member
:Dancing_wub:salam to all ladies and young mums, well I kenalkan diri, I'm not so young and not so old jugak, mother of 3 kids, 2 daughters in sec 4 and 2, n the youngest in K2, been married for 20 yrs this yr, hoping that saya di terima di sini,hehehe.......very new to forum-forum ni, getting used to it, :001_302:


Well-Known Member
Lost all of my self esteem since been wit him..he even called me a whore,janda tak sedar diri..kawin byk2,beranak byk2,pastu kasi dia problems byk2...dats wat he always says..Juz bcoz i've been married twice b4 him..tah ek adik2..i tried many times to end this relationship,lari,halau dia dr rumah..but the min dia dtg dgn crita sedih,kak rose cair..skarg nie im contemplating to do it again..but im too afraid to let go..lagi anak yg last tu anak i dgn dia..wat if dia kacau anak2 yg lain kat workplace dorang?juz to find out whr am i?Slalu kak rose mintak petunjuk dr Allah,slalu gerakkan hati nie nak tinggalkan dia dan mulakan hidup baru..tapi slalu tak terbuat2..jadi police case pun i still dun wanna pursue the matter..dunno wat the hell is wrong wit me..I hate his guts,his ego is damn huge,his mouth is foul and he thinks so highly of himself like kat dunia nie tak de org yg lebih baik dr dia..I hate myself sometimes for being so reluctant for watever reasons,only God knws..trimakasih adik2 for your least i knw im nt alone..nie kalau dia tau kak post abt this,mati aku..

elek kak rose.. jgn tkot ngan jantan mcm nie.. kak rose berak kn die sudah kak rose.. he's not worth it.. jantan mcm nie.. tk gune simpan.. buat semak jek.. btw, juz becoz anak last tu anak die,so wat..?? anak kak rose rmai kak rose.. i'm sure dey'll stand by ur side.. haiz.. lis kesian tgk kak rose mcm nie.. lis pon ade kawan ngah experience the same ting ngan kak rose.. tpi die anak tk rmai la.. bru satu.. den hb die plak ngah lari umah.. tk alek.. da 1 mth da.. den mintak cerai, laki die tknk ceraikn die..! entah ape yg die nk pon tak tau..! haiz.. knape ehk drg mcm nie..? kadang2 lis rase mcm nk rembat jantan2 nie smuer..! tkde ati perot langsung..! *bile ko(jantan) nk,ko pandai dtg.. tpi bile ko da bosan,ko ckp kite mcm2..!!* argh..!! geram nye aku..~~ woteve it is kak rose.. kak rose mesti kuat kn diri kak rose untuk tglkn die.. MESTI KAK ROSE...!

:Dancing_wub:salam to all ladies and young mums, well I kenalkan diri, I'm not so young and not so old jugak, mother of 3 kids, 2 daughters in sec 4 and 2, n the youngest in K2, been married for 20 yrs this yr, hoping that saya di terima di sini,hehehe.......very new to forum-forum ni, getting used to it, :001_302:
ello.. welcum.. not so old,not so young.. so umor brape..? tinggal mane..? surirumah ke bekerja..?? hehe..~~ :001_302:


New Member
hi lis, me in my 40, tua ker......boleh lah tahan jugak kan, but still young at heart tau, me staying in Woodlands, dari kecil hingga lah dah beranak penak, I'm a working mum dear, tak bleh survive if tak kerja staying in Singapore ni unless hubby is a super duper banyak $$$$$$$$...


thks,lis..bertambah kuat semangat kak rose dgn u all nye advice..hi grannyvogue..dah jadi granny ke?kita dah,umur baru 37 dis yr,anak ada 7 org...hehe..cucu satu,baru 2 bln..welcome!


New Member
hi superwoman, or should I call u Rose jer :) I belum jadi granny from my own lah sis, I baru nenek busu, hehehe, from anak sedara yg dah besar-besar....btw sis, I read yr entry jugak, I hope u can be strong ya sis, I know its difficult to accept the fact with what is happening to u right now, be true to yrself, u definitely will go through it in confidence......


Well-Known Member
hi lis, me in my 40, tua ker......boleh lah tahan jugak kan, but still young at heart tau, me staying in Woodlands, dari kecil hingga lah dah beranak penak, I'm a working mum dear, tak bleh survive if tak kerja staying in Singapore ni unless hubby is a super duper banyak $$$$$$$$...
hehe.. alah..~~ in fact age doesn't matter la.. n wot shall we call u..? call u by the nick or..?? niwae, mak lis pon da tue... she's 51 tiz yr.. but she's one of the "NENEK SUPER CANGGIH"..! haha..~~ :tlaugh: coz she got msn, facebook, email.. etc.. hehe.. ~~ keep in touch ngan anak2 n anak sedare.. n even her frens too..

KAK ROSE.. lis percaye satu ari nanti kak rose have the guts to do it.. juz wait n c.. tpi yg penting, kak rose solat & mintak petunjuk ALLAH swt k.. lis yakin ALLAH akan tlg kak rose.. *hugz*

Mama Ina

Well-Known Member
Yuuuuuhaaaa Ladies...

Wah, seronoknye forum ni..After so long surf the net kan i tak realise seh ada this kind of forum.. OOps sorry.. Hi i'm new here, age 28 consider young or old mum eh? I ada 2gals age 4 & 6 been married for 7years.. Kawan-kawan, boleh tak i join in?? Suka sangat sangat dapat berkawan dgn mummy2 seh.. Leh i blajar new stuff kan..
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