young malay mums, lets meet over here !!!


Well-Known Member
neeeeed my nescafe NOW!!!

pagi kopi person eh u ? I am a noon coffee person...coz by noon my mata nak kena tahan from stoink.

Kedai kopi, tunggu zhann bukak. Kunci ngan dia :001_302:

yest, my anak ada sports meet then by 6pm we went to swim at the pool, skali ari ujan. Swim kena shortcut.

later goin to IKEA. LEt my two kiddos to the playroom and I wanna get the cheap weighing scale. Dahh dua kali kena hubby taichi nak belikan, today donch care, WILL get it.

Wah, today i ran very long long....super syiokkkk coz lari dalam gerimis, so cooling, i cud even go on and on....i think i hit slightly more than 5km tadi :Dancing_wub:


Well-Known Member
Morning Ladies!!!!

Hw your wkends?? Me?? Hmmm so so ok lahh.... heeee chillax at home..... buat ape yg patut.... heeee......

anyways kedai kopi da bukak..... do look out for zombiemummies!!!! heeeee.....

today plans gonna be.... outz to office, market, cook... clean up the house again n again.... laundry?? hmm i dont thk today doin laundry....its raining... heee.... what else hmm???
han is a busy bee today....masak apa ???? my super MIL takdak dahh, now everything SDN BHD, no more pampering but i can try my cooking skills.


Well-Known Member
Morning mummies,

Weather so nice to sleep,emmm..Irfan still lala land....Lis,yup i stay mum place aft alek dr JB,relax2 jap sane...heheh

Cooking,emmmm...Maybe sambal goreng...Breakfast tadi roti jek...

Mama Ina

Well-Known Member
Morning Mummies...

Mengapa tadi pagi baru its raining...!! :wong16: Last Saturday went camping tepi pantai @Changi temankan Hubby memancing.. Punya PANAS no wind noh lagi2 tepi pantai.. Sungguh tak seronok.. End up mama & Quraisha kena cium dengan nyamuk pat muka.. Cantik!!!

Mama Ina

Well-Known Member
han is a busy bee today....masak apa ???? my super mother in law takdak dahh, now everything SDN BHD, no more pampering but i can try my cooking skills.

:Dancing_wub: :Dancing_tongue: :Dancing_wub: :Dancing_tongue: :Dancing_wub::Dancing_tongue: :Dancing_wub: :Dancing_tongue: :Dancing_wub:
Happy MBAK ENFLOR kita noh..!!!

Mama Ina

Well-Known Member
Morning all,

Tak perasan ahh kulit dia cam na coz it was magrib, lighting outside pun baru on but i fedup bila kita tak nak buy muka dia mcm let's-not-waste-time-being-nice-if-you-r-not-buying-my-product look :err:

OMG!! Scary nye.... Maybe makcik ni disent oleh DIANA kot sebab tu Diana senyap je... hahahahahaaaaa


Well-Known Member
han is a busy bee today....masak apa ???? my super mother in law takdak dahh, now everything SDN BHD, no more pampering but i can try my cooking skills.
aah lahh today goona be busy bee.... lom tahu lagi nak masak ape.... doin my final report now.. before heading to office later on....

pagi kopi person eh you ? I am a noon coffee person...coz by noon my mata nak kena tahan from stoink.

Kedai kopi, tunggu zhann bukak. Kunci ngan dia :001_302:

yest, my anak ada sports meet then by 6pm we went to swim at the pool, skali ari ujan. Swim kena shortcut.

later goin to IKEA. LEt my two kiddos to the playroom and I wanna get the cheap weighing scale. Dahh dua kali kena hubby taichi nak belikan, today donch care, WILL get it.

Wah, today i ran very long long....super syiokkkk coz lari dalam gerimis, so cooling, i cud even go on and on....i think i hit slightly more than 5km tadi :Dancing_wub:

kedai kopi da bukak dari tadi... heee..... sila kan masok ye sume..... heee.....

wah!!! gi ikea ehk.... i da lama tak pi ikea.... pi sana must bring my reusable bag ikea tu... heee..... aru shiok kan shopping lyk that... heeee....

Mama Ina

Well-Known Member
This weekend running time for the kids... Just can't wait for that day.. Anak yang nak lari mama nye semangat giler.. Part mama nye kena lari, LARI JE DALAM MIMPI... Wahahahahahaaaaa:tlaugh:


Well-Known Member
Anyways, ladies......


DATE: 28TH MAY 2010


Well-Known Member
Yeah!!!!! Finally final report done and emailed......

Rite now..... warm up the room with Kat Deluna songs..... sambil siap2... once lil dotter alik 12pm.... siapkan dia.. trus outz to office.....


Well-Known Member
Anyways, ladies......


DATE: 28TH MAY 2010
i indicated coming for the event but for all who know me, i can only get out when BOSS is outz. Dia kat sini, i pun kena ikat tau. So let's say i tak jadi go, u would know why hokayyy!

Mama Ina

Well-Known Member
Anyways, ladies......


DATE: 28TH MAY 2010
Suspek kuat memang Mama Ina tak dapat going.. Hubby pun no work.. 28th May holiday bebz..!! Its Family Fun day out noh..!!!! :Dancing_wub: :Dancing_wub: :Dancing_wub:


Well-Known Member
Suspek kuat memang Mama Ina tak dapat going.. Hubby pun no work.. 28th May holiday bebz..!! Its Family Fun day out noh..!!!! :Dancing_wub: :Dancing_wub: :Dancing_wub:

tu lahh, lupa lak thatz itz Vesak Day kan. But like I said if tak da halangan i sampai ler, kalo ada halangan that means I kena tahan with my 'traffic warden' eh.

Ina - nanti kat kids' run da sampai we try contact each other ok....mana tahu boleh TERmeet at one point ke before we blah from there. Or u running with Q ke ? I'd be running with my two kenits so mana tau we can run together-gether.


Well-Known Member
kedai kopi baru ada sey tadi but tak leh masuk sebb dahh di locked. Kita pun nanti suruh Puan Kedai Zhann, lock lahh kita nya kedai...hehehe

AM having my kopi powerrrr break nih. Confirm lepas nih, boleh powerrrrr otot sampai ke malam. Pas tu continue with my keje angkat berat. In the midst of changing positions of furniture in the house, mainly kat hall, ni baru Part I. Dining table converted to study table so tiga kepala boleh duk situ together bila nak bukak buku. Portable table kapok jadi tempat makan...:embarrassed: Cian Enflor....anyone to 'sedekah' brand new ones.....:tlaugh:

Part II blum lagi, that one.... room furnitures positioning to be revamped jugak. Important skali one of the TVs kena masuk bilik Master bedroom for my only eyes.

And all these shitty work makes my paip hidung melilir, mulut with my cannon sneezing and mata berair....haizzzzzz forever sinus victim.


Well-Known Member
aftanoon smuer.. nari tk masak.. lauk masak smlm mlm maseh ade lagi.. so just eat wot is left.. tknk waste..



Well-Known Member
on vesak day nye gathering.. insya'allah klau tkde halangan bagi kesihatan i.. i will go.. coz tk salah hubby i kene keje.. so am free to go out..

i might be bringing pudding jagung..