young malay mums, lets meet over here !!!


Well-Known Member
Kid's Fun Run tu tiz coming sunday kan..?? pkol brape ehk nk kene ade kt sane..?? most prolly hubby yang lari ngan annur.. i dok one corner jek.. :shyxxx:


Well-Known Member
aniwae, i went to AMK library last sat.. borrowed a book on Asthma.. pasal hubby ade mahzz.. bile bacekn, rase takot sgt.. coz the symptoms shows that hubby is having a severe asthma.. but as i read on.. it seems like hubby is having a "occupational asthma".. maksod nye, due to his working environment, dia kene asthma attacks.. n if it's not curb properly & earlier.. it can lead to worse asthma attacks.. which can lead to ....... :embarrassed:


Well-Known Member
aniwae, i went to AMK library last sat.. borrowed a book on Asthma.. pasal hubby ade mahzz.. bile bacekn, rase takot sgt.. coz the symptoms shows that hubby is having a severe asthma.. but as i read on.. it seems like hubby is having a "occupational asthma".. maksod nye, due to his working environment, dia kene asthma attacks.. n if it's not curb properly & earlier.. it can lead to worse asthma attacks.. which can lead to ....... :embarrassed:
yeah, asthma tak leh buat main coz dia sekat pernafasan. Juz kena lebih cerewet in terms of hygiene and environment. Biar orang nak kata apa but at least, kita tahu we are safe...bab health cannot compromise. Lucky that my kids semua takda asthma.


Well-Known Member
Kid's Fun Run tu tiz coming sunday kan..?? pkol brape ehk nk kene ade kt sane..?? most prolly hubby yang lari ngan annur.. i dok one corner jek.. :shyxxx:
ahh ahh eh, lupa lak yg u oso going. Kalo duk one corner boleh jadi tukang jaga beg kan....Ok jgn lupa calling2 me nanti. I oso dunno if hubby bley ard tak on that day. Otherwise, i sorang ngan my kids, boleh mintak lis tolong jaga my beg while i go run. Don't forget eh, calling2 kat sana nanti


Well-Known Member
yeah, asthma tak buat main coz dia sekat pernafasan. just kena lebih cerewet in terms of hygiene and environment. Biar orang nak kata apa but at least, kita tahu we are safe...bab health cannot compromise. Lucky that my kids semua takda asthma.
yeah.. itu pasal hubby n me very particular bout cleanliness..

ahh ahh eh, lupa lak yg you also going. Kalo duk one corner boleh jadi tukang jaga beg kan....Ok jgn lupa calling2 me nanti. I also dont know if hubby bley around tak on that day. Otherwise, i sorang ngan my kids, boleh mintak lis tolong jaga my beg while i go run. dont't forget eh, calling2 kat sana nanti
yea.. i kan ade sign up kan annur.. boleh.. ape salah nye.. klau hb u tkde, i tolong jage brg u k.. nanti kita calling2 on that day k.. ehk, u belom jawab soalan i.. pkol brape must b der uh..??


Well-Known Member
yeah.. itu pasal hubby n me very particular bout cleanliness..

yea.. i kan ade sign up kan annur.. boleh.. ape salah nye.. klau husband you tkde, i tolong jage brg you k.. nanti kita calling2 on that day k.. ehk, you belom jawab soalan i.. pkol brape must b der uh..??
Morning all,

ujan gerimis at my place right now.

Waiting for bujang to finish showering....and here i am. Mata stoink sangat and badan saki due to the shifting of furniture ard the hse yesterday.

Checking recipes for ideas...nak masak apa niari

lis - time to come for the event, i cannot confirm kul brapa be there. But i rasa first run to go will be at last year we were there 30 mins b4 event started


Well-Known Member
Morning All!!!!!!

It raining here..... gerimis2 jek.... but it cooling....

anyways today gonna be busy bee again... ingat nak lie low for this week cos tak byk werk to do.... skali smlm admin call there a major errors on my reports.... oh my.... stress kejap dengar..... nie lahh klu info brkdown... da today later gonna outz to office again... to discuss on the errors...

nak masak ape??? fish porridge for today.. lil dotter kip on asking to cook fish porridge...


Well-Known Member
Pagi semua,

Gd weather,so windy...Waiting for lil Irfan to wake up den zoommm to MArket...ptg nak gi Singpost...

Masak ape nari,emmmm.....Bayam soup+fishball & ayam belado...Breakfast tdi cereal jek...Tekak mcm nak minum starbuck caramel frappe....Tgk arh klau ptg nnti kluar dpt jumpe coffe bean or starbuck....

Byk bingit arh,my shawls tak sampai2,ne yg taknk seh..emmm....Sat ne goin to JB agn,this time nak borong brg2 decor pengantin & shopping..Yeah...


Well-Known Member
enflor - me coffee person around the clock... heeee, tak kira pukul beraper... tidur tetap tidur, no coffee in the world can make me stay awake... this body of mine dah best friend ngan coffee, especially yang bernama NESCAFE... yippeeee... :tlaugh:


Well-Known Member
Pagi semua,

good weather,so windy...Waiting for lil Irfan to wake up then zoommm to MArket...ptg nak gi Singpost...

Masak ape nari,emmmm.....Bayam soup+fishball & ayam belado...Breakfast tdi cereal jek...Tekak mcm nak minum starbuck caramel frappe....Tgk klau ptg nnti kluar dpt jumpe coffe bean or starbuck....

Byk bingit ,my shawls tak sampai2,ne yg taknk seh..emmm....Sat ne goin to JB agn,this time nak borong brg2 decor pengantin & shopping..Yeah...

woooo, i loike that combination... rasa lapar balik plak tengok ana nyer menu... mmmmmmmmmmmmmm


Well-Known Member
jiran, kenaper tak masuk kedai kopi semalam... INA ada nugmpat pasal u tau.. heeeeeee [jangan marah INA, gurau jek]....

Mama Ina

Well-Known Member
Morning smua....

Yeah!! Diet kick out liaooo... Today just can't wait to eat MAD JACK for Lunch.. Hooorraayyy!! This week free lunch for me.. WAhahahahahaa... Bertambah kilos lahh nampak nye..:001_302:

Mama Ina

Well-Known Member
jiran, kenaper tak masuk kedai kopi semalam... INA ada nugmpat pasal you tau.. heeeeeee [jangan marah INA, gurau jek]....
Ini yang bikin INA panas ni... Gi bukak aircon skit.. Apa cakap??

Enflor, sumpah ina tak mengumpat ina cuma cakap the fact noh.. Wahahahahahaaaa...




LARI!!!! :wong25:

Mama Ina

Well-Known Member
look like nnti vesak day tak ramai yg bleh join the potluck ne...
Hey, ku ada lastest news tau.. Kemungkinan BESAR, i may be joining korang.. Cos suami aku yang bacin tu kan baru kasi aku shocking news.. He sedap aje say out "Next Week I ada fishing trip offshore with my kawan"... Ishk!! Geram betol!! Its holiday and he going out with his gang?? Takpe aku pun boleh merayap sendiri with my dotters ar.. Lagi dah dapat gaji on that day apa lagi singgah tampines mall ar shopping... Wahahahahaa.. Biar dia sakit kepala kejap.. :wong23: Without him kalau kita anak branak kua Ishk!Ishk!Ishk!! compom alek bag duit kosong licin nye.. hahahahahahaaaa

Mama Ina

Well-Known Member
tu lahh, lupa lak thatz itz Vesak Day kan. But like I said if tak da halangan i sampai , kalo ada halangan that means I kena tahan with my 'traffic warden' eh.

Ina - nanti kat kids' run da sampai we try contact each other ok....mana tahu boleh TERmeet at one point ke before we blah from there. Or you running with Q ke ? I'd be running with my two kenits so mana tau we can run together-gether.
Yeah!!! Don't worry akan aku mencari kamu sampai dapat.. hahahahaa.. Last weekend sanggup aku gi beli kasut running shoes for the kids.. Betol punya smangat noh.. Yup, maybe i run wit Q and hubby wit A.. U ladies will be wearing the tshirts?? Kita one family dah smangat on sunday smua jadi hijau.. hahahahahahahaaa...

Hopefully aku bangun lahh kan jangan lak didalam mimpi lak confirm kena bedal dgn Q&A... :tlaugh: