Any1 EDD in May 09?


haha... stay with in-law must "ren" lor... if not they angry, hubby gottta suffer le... anyway, i am kind of bo chap pattern wan... give me full bowl of rice, i eat slowly & only eat half or less... the rest give hubby (that y he complaint that he very fat liao, not handsome at all but i dun care... i pretty can le):tlaugh:


Hi, my first bb boy is arriving on 16 May. Getting excited and keep reminding myself not to worry too much about labour pain. Let nature takes its course...

I am also afraid of putting too much weight instead of bb. My mum advise me to eat less rice cuz rice gives carbo only, eat more nutritious food which provide iron, calcium, fibres etc.


Hi, my first bb boy is arriving on 16 May. Getting excited and keep reminding myself not to worry too much about labour pain. Let nature takes its course...

I am also afraid of putting too much weight instead of bb. My mum advise me to eat less rice cuz rice gives carbo only, eat more nutritious food which provide iron, calcium, fibres etc.
is ur mum a nurse? My mum dun care much as long as i eat.. My mil keep asking me eat more rice... More rice more rice then bb can grow... really dunno wat to say...


is ur mum a nurse? My mum dun care much as long as i eat.. My mil keep asking me eat more rice... More rice more rice then bb can grow... really dunno wat to say...
Hi, my mom is not a nurse. I used to complained that i am scared of putting too much weight. My weighing scale shows that i put on 11kg in 6 months. But my gynae said 7kg so far (my weighing scale might be spoilt :001_302:), bb is 1.3kg...acceptable.

I am attending a prenatal class. We should take milk & ikan bilis for calcium, pig liver & spinach for iron, veg & fruits for fibres. Less of fried & instant food...
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My DD is like boxing inside from afternoon till midnight, make me can't sleep.. Now 7 mth.. :embarrassed:


ya lor... i also cant slp in the nite. No matter wat position i slp. Last time she only kick once awhile in the nite time, now is from afternoon till midnight. Sometime i cant stand it & will scold my bb (sometime stop a min, sometime kick more)

Yuki Miaka

Mine is nt kick ~ Mine is movement very big until my tummy can see the movements~ same as ya 7.5mths now~ :tlaugh:

mine too.. the movement is like wave... (make me think of the channel 8 advertisement moves when the mother watches Little NyoNya...)

lol my gal at night around 12 midnight to 1 am plus... moves and kicks a lot... i think she will be a night owl...-.-" when i play online battle game ...she kicks very hard too.. lolz


Mine gal kick me during midnight when i rest on bed...sometimes she can wake me up from my sleep...her kick is super strong that it hit against my bed...Now she's 7 months big....:001_302: Active gal


New Member


my boy seldom kick and punch me he likes to use his elbow or knee to "bua" me..can be a little painful at times..especially when he "bua" the side of my tummy..:swoon:

he's super active at night when i lie on my bed getting ready to sleep..seems like he know that i'll be sleeping soon so wanna disturb me..haha
sigh..hope he wont come out to be a night owl~ currently 7.5months too..