Any1 EDD in May 09?

Yuki Miaka

i also will let my bb wear old clothes pass down from my cousin, my family believe in wearing old clothes so bb can easily handle & grow fast. Old clothes is more comfortable then new clothes (i believe coz alr season le mah, haha)

Yest my mil & i went to tagore lane Kidzloft to buy bb stuff... really cheap leh
initial plan was buy fibre mattress end up buy more then that... haha:Dancing_wub:

i bought: Fibre mattress for playpen 26" x 38"x 1.5" = $10 usual $39.90
Head Support Cushion – Preemie= $3.90 usual $9.90
Blanket = $3.90 ($2 off upon purchase $30) usual $24.90
Bloster Case = $4.95 usual $9.90
Mattress cover w/o zip = $8.95 usual $17.90
Matress cover with zip = $9.90
Napkin Liner = $6.55 usual $13.15
Medicine Dropper = $1.65 usual $3.30
Total= $48.80 Save: Abt $70/=

Kidzloft promotion end 21st Feb
The bb cot also @ 50% discount...

All items was paid by my MIL.
Above item mainly are Cheecky Bon Bon
where is the place ??? will start shopping for bb item next week.

Yuki Miaka

Hi there,

My EDD is 20th May. 1st baby, should be a girl :) ... I shall wait for another scan to double confirm :p delivering in SGH.

when i do detail scan at 20 weeks...the nurse said should be girl... and my gynae do another ultrasound scan @ 22 weeks.. also say should be girl but cant confirm.... hahaa..

so we just take it my bb gender SHOULD BE GAL lol:p hahaa


KKH loh.. my aunt highly recommend... i heard quite alot of bad comment abt KKH on nurses but nvm la.. as long as bb come out healthy & safe... it's ok liao.

My uncle, mum also recommend KKH but i chose TMC. They recommend KKH becoz they said private hospital cannot use medisave whereas Govt can (maybe is last time abt 15 yr ago where by my aunt 1st gave birth to my cousin) another reason is KKH is CHEAP but i dun trust the nurse. My mil & hubby also dun trust KKH after wat their friends told them (initial they tot KKH is good but after that they insist me go TMC & delivery.. Haha)
Yesterday went for 28th week check up, my princess weight 1021g (1kg+) juz nice said my gynae... My gynae is Dr Sim Lee Ngor... Next visit is 3 week later.... 4th March
Hi Ger_mummy,
my gynae is dr LN sim too!!! hmm my next visit is 9 Mar if not can meet up with u liaozzz.. :001_302:
is this ur 2nd child too?


Congrates! Ya im getting all excited as well even its my 2nd. My lousy backache is back again. =( will be tortured till i deliver the bb.. haiz :embarrassed:
Me too but only in the nite my Leg will feel ache, sometime bo bian get my hubby up to help me massage my leg... Preggy not only we woman problem but also guy... Haha...
Our Honeymoon period(2nd trimester) is almost over. 3rd Trimester will be tougher. cant wait for may to come!!!! Faster poot out & all strains will be gone!!! :001_302:


Well-Known Member
Our Honeymoon period(2nd trimester) is almost over. 3rd Trimester will be tougher. cant wait for may to come!!!! Faster poot out & all strains will be gone!!! :001_302:
yes i agree tat all the aches n pains r coming~ In fact i been aching n feeling pains all over my body tat i cant even slp well at nite :embarrassed:


Well-Known Member
same same.... i cant slp inthe nite also tat y i m online keke...
yalor same here~ My mil would b unhappy if she knw i am nt slping yet~ Saying will make the bb bcome nite owl when it born~ rubbish~ If i can slp, who dun wan to slp sia~


yalor same here~ My mil would b unhappy if she knw i am nt slping yet~ Saying will make the bb bcome nite owl when it born~ rubbish~ If i can slp, who dun wan to slp sia~
my mil also said mi.. slp early den wake up early go stadium take a walk is better for preggy. But cant slp in the nite how to wake up early.... My girl will stop her "kung fu" ard 4a.m & the ache i only dun feel it ard 5-6a.m... so basically i only slp after 5a.m-11a.m....


Well-Known Member
my mil also said mi.. slp early den wake up early go stadium take a walk is better for preggy. But cant slp in the nite how to wake up early.... My girl will stop her "kung fu" ard 4a.m & the ache i only dun feel it ard 5-6a.m... so basically i only slp after 5a.m-11a.m....
Yalor sumtimes alot of things r juz out of our control~


wat to do? my mil will said last time we also likdat y cant slp, is juz the mummy we dun wanna slp... i awake for more 12hours slp only a few hours not tired meh (she tot i wonderwoman sia)... haha... Even when she acc mi to go see gynae, the gynae alr said take less starch like rice, noodle coz scare the bb will too big hard for me to deliver. But she still give me full bowl of rice & noodles... juz wonder did she heard wat the gynae said. (is good someone to cook for me but i dunno how come dun like eating so much) Maybe scare fat


Well-Known Member
wat to do? my mil will said last time we also likdat y cant slp, is juz the mummy we dun wanna slp... i awake for more 12hours slp only a few hours not tired meh (she tot i wonderwoman sia)... haha... Even when she acc mi to go see gynae, the gynae alr said take less starch like rice, noodle coz scare the bb will too big hard for me to deliver. But she still give me full bowl of rice & noodles... juz wonder did she heard wat the gynae said. (is good someone to cook for me but i dunno how come dun like eating so much) Maybe scare fat

SAME sia!!~ My in laws kept asking me eat more rice ~ :tlaugh:
ya man besides all the aches, i need to pee more often now!!! even @ night cant slp well. slp too long on 1 side makes that side ache!!! arghh im hating this kinda feelin!!!
now, we cant sit on the floor if not we need to be on all 4 to get up!!!! my legs r feelin so easily tired.. poor legs got to support the heavy body. i cant run or walk fast anymore!!! im limping as im walking!!! i cant carry n cuddle my darlin girl now!!! OH god!!! im complaining so much nw!!!
but luckily am not livin with MIL if not... ... ill go mad!!! really. :elvis:

but the funny thing aft labour is, when i start to get off the bed to walk, i felt as if i was floating n felt so light again!!! wahahaha..