EDD in Oct'09


Active Member
ahhahaaa... we are on the same boat mah.... lolz....
just now i really desperate, wanna go to my gynae there already.. cant wait till tml.. then my hubby say tonight ji-tao go admit hospital... hahahaha
Hakisumi, what is ji-tao? :err:


hehe my hand swollen le i tink is water retention haha that y keep numbing.. i 1st time got water retention during preggy..

tml i oso going gynae see wat he say.. Till now i oso no signs not even contractions lor but when i walk i feel like something wanna drop drop like dat


Active Member
Porukadotzu, actually the real contraction how to start to monitor?

The moment feel the pain? :err:
well pretty much like what you already did actually, when you feel contraction try to pay attention on how often you feel it and wether getting intense or fading away.

and there's also sign from mother's behaviour (this one i read) is that you're tend to have this 'nesting' behaviour...maybe you suddenly feel like cleaning up, arranging baby's clothes or bed ..hehe..funny ya. Well they say its a mother's instinc that their baby's coming.


Active Member
last night we really desperate already.. really wanna op for Consultant Porukadotzu's last option.... but i really cant do it.. hahahaa.. i dont know why...maybe i just dont/wun feel gooood..... cannot yahOOOooooOOOO
hahaha...really..?aiyaa dun need to feel good la as long as can make bb come out fast haha:tlaugh:.

i talk only too...not even having the start i already collapse! the past few days my 1st dd keep waking up several time :embarrassed:


Active Member
and also around which area? lower tummy? side? or?
at times i feel certain pain.. or perhaps dont consider pain.. i dont know..
i get very mixed up... sometimes it could be like stomachache...

tml i am going to gynae....last appt~!!!
for me its like a cramp feeling starting fm side of tummy to centre then it's also like a squeezing on the lower tummy. Then also got backaching and hip aching. last time i got terrible piles since the day b4 and i got light diarhea soo torturing haha.

then after all the agony, the last visit to toilet my water break then i know already its time.


haha...ya who knows we are roommate...later dont get scare if suddenly i pop out from nxt curtain asking your name haha
now at least i got a mind preparation.. if someone calls my name..it shld be you.. lol...
i also heard about the nesting instincts.... hehehee...

whenever i visit the toilet.. i wish like the water ll -continue- flowing...so i know its time


Active Member
ahhahaaa... we are on the same boat mah.... lolz....
just now i really desperate, wanna go to my gynae there already.. cant wait till tml.. then my hubby say tonight ji-tao go admit hospital... hahahaha
ya, who knows haha..

but i got frend say her bb comeout 9 days after edd date..haha


Active Member
hehe my hand swollen i tink is water retention haha that why keep numbing.. i 1st time got water retention during preggy..

tml i also going gynae see what he say.. Till now i also no signs not even contractions but when i walk i feel like something wanna drop drop like dat
hehe...i also feel d same when carrying my dd.


Active Member
well pretty much like what you already did actually, when you feel contraction try to pay attention on how often you feel it and wether getting intense or fading away.

and there's also sign from mother's behaviour (this one i read) is that you're tend to have this 'nesting' behaviour...maybe you suddenly feel like cleaning up, arranging baby's clothes or bed ..hehe..funny ya. Well they say its a mother's instinc that their baby's coming.
Porukadotzu, that is the first time I heard about the mother's behavious. :err:

I will monitor :001_302:

Tommorrow is need to visit gynae and do the CTG check again ~~

Hope this time my gynae can tell me I have more dilate because my tummy really 'drop' a lot but my back still don't have 'sour' feeling...:embarrassed:


Active Member
hehe my hand swollen i tink is water retention haha that why keep numbing.. i 1st time got water retention during preggy..

tml i also going gynae see what he say.. Till now i also no signs not even contractions but when i walk i feel like something wanna drop drop like dat
Lonerjas, heard my mum and friends mention before if water retention means you are going to labour~~

But at the moment I dont't have water retention just my hand sometimes num only, not sure how true is it! :tlaugh:


Lonerjas, heard my mum and friends mention before if water retention means you are going to labour~~

But at the moment I dont't have water retention just my hand sometimes num only, not sure how true is it! :tlaugh:
haha true and no true LOL..

I due next week ma.. ( true gonna labour soon )

but my previous 2 preg no water retention worx ( not true )


Active Member
now at least i got a mind preparation.. if someone calls my name..it shld be you.. lol...
i also heard about the nesting instincts.... hehehee...

whenever i visit the toilet.. i wish like the water ll -continue- flowing...so i know its time

eh i wonder, edd actually based on doc calculation frm our last mens or baby's size?

last time the gynae ask me when was my last mens then i told him, but then he say by the size seems more than tat..then i was confuse...hehehe...i always blur counting my cycle..:001_07::001_07: