EDD in Oct'09


mummies, i went for my checkup today again... gyane said still not dilated yet and no contractions, too... i will be seeing her again 1 day before my edd, 21 oct... back to the waiting game again... lol
like me lor 21oct fo induce lor.. i oso no signs yet, not even contractions haha


Active Member
POrukadotzu & hakisumi mummy:

i taking 4 bedded tis time heehee


what is your gynae name.. mayb we share gynae cos my gynae also got clinic at Mt A
i was thinking to take 4 bed too, but then i thought if their fam came by i surely can not rest...so i stick with 2 bed as long as i got company at night hehe....dun dare to sleep alone in hospital:001_302:.

My gynae name is K.C.Ching (Ching Kwok Choy), at level 2-01, just opp the pediatrician clinic.

who's your gynae?


Active Member
Porukadotzu, at night time before sleep when I have the braxton hicks I will start to time....

The frequent is like 20mins to 30mins~~

And it can continue about 2-3 hours, sometimes I really hope it will continue until next morning...

But weird thing is, the braxton hick normally will go off in the morning~~ :err:


Need to let gynae check the dilate this Thursday again...
hehehe hang on...soon will be the real one..

actual contraction should feel more painful and shorter interval then some labour sign..so keep an eye of it..


Active Member
My tummy is hardening quite a lot these days. Is that considered as uterine tightening practices?
it's braxton hicks contraction dear...its like early sign of labour contraction, but not the actual one...when it's time you will feel more intense and the contraction interval will be closer and closer..then you might have some labour sign like water break or bloody show..then should go admit to hospital already.

me also waiting2.....

19 oct my edd...but still no sign of labour yet...


Active Member
we on the same boat rocking my dear karoru mummy....
no fun at all.... we maybe rock harder...maybe can D-day asap.... LOlz...
Karoru & Hakisumi,

just read at "my baby" magazine bout which tips is true enough to start labour, here i share for you ladies :001_302::

- eating spicy food or anything chocolate or caffeine? doesn't work, it's more likely to cause heartburn.

-long walk? not unless your cervix is already effaced coz walking long distance can start contraction by irritating the uterus but the contraction usually end once we stop moving. (i did this by walking half a day at the zoo last sunday, and during the walk walk i do feel contraction quite often then got scare of giving birth at zoo haha! but then still survive untill we went back home and nothing happen)

- nipple stimulation? It can, coz rubbing niples with fingertips helps release the hormone oxytocin, the natural version of labour inducing druc pitocin which causes contractions to begin, but its a slow process and requires breast stimulation for an hour at a time, 3x a day. Some practitioners only recommend doing this at hospital where you can be monitored, since very strong contractions could affect the baby's heart rate.

- sex? semen contains prostaglandin, natural fatty acid that helps soften and dilate the cervix. That as well as orgasm, can cause uterus to contract, can do only if you're so near to term that your cervix started to efface. (so whaddya waiting for!!:tlaugh:)


Active Member
hehehe hang on...soon will be the real one..

actual contraction should feel more painful and shorter interval then some labour sign..so keep an eye of it..
Porukadotzu, actually the real contraction how to start to monitor?

The moment feel the pain? :err:


lol, hakisumi mummy... ya, both of us wondering when baby wants to pop out... waiting and waiting... the funny thing is at 33 weeks, baby wants to pop out but docs gave me medicines to stop him from popping out... now when time is ready and ripe, he dont want to come out anymore... naughty baby!!
is there such a medicine..? icic...
baby wanna let us have that kind of feel... u cannot catch me....
now baby in tummy ''bully'' us.. come out.. we hiek hiek hiek.... lolz...


Oh! Maybe your gynae will suggest you to induce since you dont't want to give birth later than 17/18...
ya.. i think so too.. i checked if 1 mth bday can be on 15 nov or 16 nov..cos deepavali..long weekend... hehehe...where most ppl prb could make it.. play overnight also ok..

mummies,celebrate early a few days is ok 1 right?


Did you have those foldable mattress?

Maybe can use the mattress plus the yoga mat, because I find it is more easy to clean up... :001_302:
the one that my maid slps on it... i might be using it.. just maybe like u lie yoga mat plus maybe my towels on it...


i was thinking to take 4 bed too, but then i thought if their fam came by i surely can not rest...so i stick with 2 bed as long as i got company at night hehe....dont dare to sleep alone in hospital:001_302:.

My gynae name is K.C.Ching (Ching Kwok Choy), at level 2-01, just opp the pediatrician clinic.

who's your gynae?
i acc u... mayb u admit abit earlier? LOlz....


Karoru & Hakisumi,

just read at "my baby" magazine bout which tips is true enough to start labour, here i share for you ladies :001_302::

- eating spicy food or anything chocolate or caffeine? doesn't work, it's more likely to cause heartburn.

-long walk? not unless your cervix is already effaced coz walking long distance can start contraction by irritating the uterus but the contraction usually end once we stop moving. (i did this by walking half a day at the zoo last sunday, and during the walk walk i do feel contraction quite often then got scare of giving birth at zoo haha! but then still survive untill we went back home and nothing happen)

- nipple stimulation? It can, coz rubbing niples with fingertips helps release the hormone oxytocin, the natural version of labour inducing druc pitocin which causes contractions to begin, but its a slow process and requires breast stimulation for an hour at a time, 3x a day. Some practitioners only recommend doing this at hospital where you can be monitored, since very strong contractions could affect the baby's heart rate.

- sex? semen contains prostaglandin, natural fatty acid that helps soften and dilate the cervix. That as well as orgasm, can cause uterus to contract, can do only if you're so near to term that your cervix started to efface. (so whaddya waiting for!!:tlaugh:)
last night we really desperate already.. really wanna op for Consultant Porukadotzu's last option.... but i really cant do it.. hahahaa.. i dunno why...maybe i just dun/wun feel gooood..... cannot yahOOOooooOOOO


Porukadotzu, actually the real contraction how to start to monitor?

The moment feel the pain? :err:
and also around which area? lower tummy? side? or?
at times i feel certain pain.. or perhaps dun consider pain.. i dunno..
i get very mixed up... sometimes it could be like stomachache...

tml i am going to gynae....last appt~!!!


Active Member
ya.. i think so too.. i checked if 1 month bday can be on 15 nov or 16 nov..cos deepavali..long weekend... hehehe...where most ppl prb could make it.. play overnight also ok..

mummies,celebrate early a few days is ok 1 right?
Hakisumi, most of my friends celebrate weekend.

Is like our birthday, can celebrate early but cannot later... :001_302:


Active Member
and also around which area? lower tummy? side? or?
at times i feel certain pain.. or perhaps dont consider pain.. i dont know..
i get very mixed up... sometimes it could be like stomachache...

tml i am going to gynae....last appt~!!!
Hakisumi, yalor yalor~

Really have mixed feeling..

First time mtb very blur lah~~ :shyxxx:


Hakisumi, yalor yalor~

Really have mixed feeling..

First time mtb very blur ~~ :shyxxx:
ahhahaaa... we are on the same boat mah.... lolz....
jus now i really desperate, wanna go to my gynae there already.. cant wait till tml.. den my hubby say tonight ji-tao go admit hospital... hahahaha