EDD in Oct'09


Active Member
Porukadotzu, that is the first time I heard about the mother's behavious. :err:

I will monitor :001_302:

Tommorrow is need to visit gynae and do the CTG check again ~~

Hope this time my gynae can tell me I have more dilate because my tummy really 'drop' a lot but my back still dont't have 'sour' feeling...:embarrassed:
good luck! haha..hope ur gynae hv some good news...

just patiently wait, do some nesting...hehhehe


jiayou all oct mommies! Next sunday is my bday and my girl's 1 month ! Lol
tats fast & sweet... guess you are coping well.. and baby drink lotsa of milk milk...good to hear tat...yippie~
happy birthday to u in advance & happy 1mth to Miya baby~


Still waiting wor... Yesterday I super bored, read "Charlie and the chocolate factory" to my boy. He does respond with a few movements. :tlaugh:

I'm not sure whether it's my boy pushing but the centre(tip) of my belly seems to be moving forward leh. A bit disturbing. :elvis:


Active Member
Still waiting ... Yesterday I super bored, read "Charlie and the chocolate factory" to my boy. He does respond with a few movements. :tlaugh:

I'm not sure whether it's my boy pushing but the centre(tip) of my belly seems to be moving forward . A bit disturbing. :elvis:
u mean your belly now look rounder?


juzt came back from gynae appt, n dilation yet haha.. but head engaged le. gynae ask me when wan to deliver, i said if no news over week end then i will admit on EDD 21 oct, die die let my boi same bday with his sister, since EDD is 21 oct. But if rally come with these few days oso ok..

i totally forget to ask abt my numb hand arghzzz.


Active Member
good luck! haha..hope your gynae have some good news...

just patiently wait, do some nesting...hehhehe
Porukadotzu, just came back from gynae clinic.

Bad news, my weight decrease and baby weight is increase. :embarrassed:

Still don't have any contraction sign based on CTG check, my fluid is still ok.

Need to visit gynae again next Thursday, if still no sigh of dilate need to induce liao~~

I don't want lah~~~ :eek:10:

Today when passed by Popular, happen that read one book is about '胎教‘

Can talk to baby ask baby to come out~~

Will try today and my baby to come out by this week. :wong19:

Keep talking to my baby now, hope it helps~~ :001_302:


Porukadotzu, just came back from gynae clinic.

Bad news, my weight decrease and baby weight is increase. :embarrassed:

Still dont't have any contraction sign based on CTG check, my fluid is still ok.

Need to visit gynae again next Thursday, if still no sigh of dilate need to induce ~~

I dont't want ~~~ :eek:10:

Today when passed by Popular, happen that read one book is about '胎教‘

Can talk to baby ask baby to come out~~

Will try today and my baby to come out by this week. :wong19:

Keep talking to my baby now, hope it helps~~ :001_302:
Will talking help? Hmm....


Compared to the last few months, it is rounder. What I meant was it looks as if the baby wanted to come out through my belly button.

I really feel like sleeping more these few days. The weather is so so nice.
yea nice weather... i ask my gynae if no dilation on EDD how need induce he told me no need haha so werid.. i am prepare to induce de la no issue since not my 1st time induce..

My fluid oso ok head engaged but no signs of contractions nor dilation.

My weight no increase baby got increase heehee. now 2.7kg so i tink when delivery shld be 3kg more a bit, not very possible bigger then my 1st born 3.25kg


Ya, now all we have to do is wait... My dad's and mum's birthdays are coming soon. I wonder if my son will be born on the same day as either one of them.:tlaugh:


Ya, now all we have to do is wait... My dad's and mum's birthdays are coming soon. I wonder if my son will be born on the same day as either one of them.:tlaugh:
my mum's bday just passed on Sun... i hope hope my gal on my newborn same bday.. HANG ON


Active Member
Porukadotzu, just came back from gynae clinic.

Bad news, my weight decrease and baby weight is increase. :embarrassed:

Still dont't have any contraction sign based on CTG check, my fluid is still ok.

Need to visit gynae again next Thursday, if still no sigh of dilate need to induce ~~

I dont't want ~~~ :eek:10:

Today when passed by Popular, happen that read one book is about '胎教‘

Can talk to baby ask baby to come out~~

Will try today and my baby to come out by this week. :wong19:

Keep talking to my baby now, hope it helps~~ :001_302:
you done the CTG scan?

mine will be next appointment see how then.

ya me also hv been asking baby to come out please on this weekend..haha...

but i think won't be tat fast since my edd now seems dragging untill end of this month, I even saw at the monitor edd: 9 november..."HAH!" tat means i can be november mommies haha...

its ok thou, can hv the same birthday month as me :001_302::001_302:.


Active Member
Compared to the last few months, it is rounder. What I meant was it looks as if the baby wanted to come out through my belly button.

I really feel like sleeping more these few days. The weather is so so nice.
oo haha...maybe your baby engaged alrdy...so ur belly looks more popping hehe.

weather so nice? its hot hot hot...but this week quite ok thou...


Active Member
you done the CTG scan?

mine will be next appointment see how then.

ya me also have been asking baby to come out please on this weekend..haha...

but i think won't be that fast since my edd now seems dragging untill end of this month, I even saw at the monitor edd: 9 november..."HAH!" that means i can be november mommies haha...

its ok thou, can have the same birthday month as me :001_302::001_302:.
Porukadotzu, done CTG check and dilate check as well.

But still no sign of labour~ :embarrassed:
