
Well-Known Member
Thanks everyone for your congrats! It's a surprise...

Unfortunately my MS will get worse as told by the gynae because of the higher hormones levels that will cause these pregnancy symptoms. Getting a bit anxious about what's to come. Have a 10month old girl to look after as well...

You may wanna get the palmer's oil as well. it's a spray bottle and helps to relieve itchiness of the skin and moisturizes it.


New Member
Hello mummies,

I just got back from my first visit to Gynae!
I can't really see much on my bb from the scan but i heard his/hers heartbeat!
Beating as fast as I am! Hee~~ So miracle!
Next visit to the Gynae will be end of the month for blood test and OSCAR test which this one is optional.
Should i go for it? Hubby said just go.... hee...

Pink, your hubby and family really got to help you much in attending to you and your 10 mth girl. Did you get MS pills from Gynae? Hope you'll be well after the 1st trimester ya.

Hee, i just received the sample packs of Palmer's Cocoa Butter stretchmark lotion.
Shumum, my mummy don't have stretch mark cos she's plump wor. Duno can judge on this a not. hee~ Sharks...i really scare to see myself growing rounder & fatter from now! Haha!


Well-Known Member
It's very comforting to be able to heart baby's heartbeat! For a peace of mind can just go for the test since your hubby says go.

My hubby helping out with my girl, and my mom looks after her about once a week. Really very tired from everything but I training her to be a bit more independent now. She can play on her own, don't really need to see mommy around, so sometimes I can go to the room and rest while she plays in her play yard. I got pills from gynae but it's very awful feeling in the morning. my appetite only gets better at night.


New Member
omg Pinkdiamonds! congrats to u!!!!

BBlin: i'm seeing dr ang at tmc, sunplaza sembawang. he has one of the cheapest packages around.

Cyndear: last year i had a m/c - it was an empty sac. so this time round when i actually saw & heard the heartbeat at 6wks, it was just so surreal... thank god i controlled my emotions well and didn't tear in the clinic. heehee. actually i was thinking was it too early to have the heartbeat.. now im just praying hard that during my next appt next wk, everything will still be well. i should be taking my oscars but i have decided not to.


Well-Known Member
Thanks and congrats to you!

Everything will be fine. Just need to rest well and eat well during this time. right now, I'm planning on arrangements for my 10month old girl, and what will happen aft i give birth to my twins. quite reluctant to hire a maid. hais.


New Member
omg Pinkdiamonds! congrats to you!!!!

BBlin: i'm seeing dr ang at Thomson Medical Center, sunplaza sembawang. he has one of the cheapest packages around.

Cyndear: last year i had a m/c - it was an empty sac. so this time round when i actually saw & heard the heartbeat at 6wks, it was just so surreal... thank god i controlled my emotions well and didn't tear in the clinic. heehee. actually i was thinking was it too early to have the heartbeat.. now im just praying hard that during my next appt next wk, everything will still be well. i should be taking my oscars but i have decided not to.
I'm seeing Dr Ang too! When is your next appointment with him? His clinic is so packed lor. But do you find him talk like very fast?
You not taking the OSCAR test ah? Why?
Yup...hope everything be fine for you ya! Take good care.
When is your EDD?


New Member
Welcome and congratulations! Care to share where you are intending to give birth at?
Thanks Pink Diamonds

Actually I'm not sure yet. Hehe Still asking around.

By the way, these 2 days I'm feeling more intense pain on and off (but still bearable) on my lower abdominal.

Is it normal? Any other ladies experience the same?


Well-Known Member
Is it sharp pain or crampy pain?

If it's cramps it's probably the uterus muscles expanding to make way for the baby. If sharp pain and unbearable better call up the gynae! If u have bleeding also call up ur gynae!


New Member
BBlin, my appt was ystrd :) my hubby said no need and my sis also didnt go take it then. anyways he's checked the neck of the baby and said it's normal, thank god!
yes, yes he talks very fast.. but he's a nice doctor.. i'm not a fussy patient.. so good hahah. now my edd is moved to 29 sept and im in my 12thwks now! yeay


New Member
Pink Diamonds: Yest on n off mild sharp pains... from lower abdominal it moved to abdominal. Today ok already. Was so worried yest! Thanks for ur advice.


Well-Known Member
Pink Diamonds: Yest on n off mild sharp pains... from lower abdominal it moved to abdominal. Today ok already. Was so worried yest! Thanks for your advice.
I think it should be alright as long as not severe and with bleeding. :)

I'm having my 2nd appointment this Friday, can't wait to see my babies again.


New Member
BBlin, my appt was ystrd :) my hubby said no need and my sis also didnt go take it then. anyways he's checked the neck of the baby and said it's normal, thank god!
yes, yes he talks very fast.. but he's a nice doctor.. i'm not a fussy patient.. so good hahah. now my edd is moved to 29 sept and im in my 12thwks now! yeay
So you went for your 2nd visit?
How he checked the neck of bb? Is this a routine around the 12th week?
Oh, how come your EDD move?

lilacwhite, do take good care ya. Maybe you check with your gynae why this happened and is it normal to experience this during your next visit.

I guess my bb is 9weeks old now. Hee...cant wait to see him/her again. My next gynae visit is 2 wks away.
Recently been feeling headachy. Is is norm? Or could it be the wearher. I tried not to take panadol if possible. :nah:


New Member
BBlin: i think it depends on the growth of our baby.. it's still subjected to changes within the next few mths. Maybe for ur next appt, there might be changes to ur edd also.. basically he just maximised the scan and there's a measurement thingie on the scan.. so from there he can conclude if the neck is normal or not.. i'm also feeling dizzy lately.. but i dont take panadol at all.. just bear with it.. but it's ok to take the normal panadol, just dont take those panadol Extra type.


New Member
Hmm, was wondering if anyone has started shopping for baby stuff?

What have you girls bought so far?
As for me, i have not bought anything yet.. how about you? or the rest? Perhaps after knowing the gender then I'll probably get excited and start to buy little bit here and there.


New Member
Thanks Kittymeow for your explaination.
Will update if my EDD changes during my next visit.

I've yet to get anything for BB. Instead, i shopped for myself. Getting oversized tops for the growth of me! haha... Went to Spring maternity but i feel they r not nice and expensive somemore.
So do you all shop for maternity clothings? Or simply juz get those oversized clothing?

BTW, i read from other thread that Pregnant woman tend to have weaker gum?
I'm experiencing soreness of my gum arouind my wisdom tooth. Sob...hope it doesn't get worse... :(


Well-Known Member
I haven't bought anything except for a twin stroller. Think I have most of the things already and am deciding on what I should get double of (eg: swings, bed, etc)

I think I only did 2 big shopping for my pregnancy clothes, 1 from Maternity House at Parkway Parade and another from Moms in Mind. Other than that, I would get L sized tops from Giordano to fit my growing belly. At home I would just wear my hubby's t shirts arnd the house.

I think you should get a few nicer pieces of maternity clothing, for the special days out. But really depends on how "glam" u wanna look. :p

I remember my gums were bleeding quite often during my pregnancy. Must watch oral hygiene and it's good to drop by the dentist, but remind him that you're pregnant!


New Member
Just did my Oscar scan Today and was so amazed to see my precious little one dancing and somersaulting in the womb... haa so naughty.. We tried scanning for 30mins thereabout before we can get a good position..
So heartwarming to hear that the baby's heartbeat is normal..
Am in 12th weeks now.. =)) Hope everything will be fine..

Kittymeowmeow, I remembered we share the same EDD 2 Oct, but during my 2nd visit the EDD changed to 30Sept.. so which date shall we follow?