
New Member
my MS also getting a bit better, hope it stays this way so that i can eat more.

i think all oct mums will get better now as we are going into the 2nd tri.

everyone jia you and think our baby can form an oct gang haha:Dancing_tongue:


New Member
hi..new here:tlaugh: i am 13wks now, went for the NT scan today, actually 2days ago did once but bb moving and measurement out is no good...is Oscar and NT scan same? To check down syrdrome? Today doc able to check the neck fold measurement but Bb moving position not very good cannot see the nose properly:( did the blood test too

Another thing tat i worry is my weight..i lost 1kg from my last visit (3wks to 1mth). my weight now is the same weight when i am 1mth pregnant
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Well-Known Member
hi..new here:tlaugh: i am 13wks now, went for the not scan today, actually 2days ago did once but baby moving and measurement out is no good...is Oscar and not scan same? To check down syrdrome? Today doc able to check the neck fold measurement but baby moving position not very good cannot see the nose properly:( did the blood test too

Another thing that i worry is my weight..i lost 1kg from my last visit (3wks to 1mth). my weight now is the same weight when i am 1mth pregnant
hi congrats! the "NT" scan and OSCAR scan are different, in which I think the OSCAR involves amniocentesis. Not too sure cause I've only taken the "NT" test. My gynae recommended me to just take the "NT" test and if there's any risk suspected, then I can go for further tests. But yes generally both are to check for down syndrome. "NT" does it by taking measurements of the baby.

I lost 3kg over the past week because of my bad morning sickness. It's quite normal to lose weight during the first trimester because of poor appetite. As long as you can generally eat, and take liquids, there is nothing to worry.


New Member
hi pinkdiamonds..congrats to you too...how many weeks is ur pregnancy? when is your due date, mine is 3 oct .

i never vomit but don't feel like eating for the first 3mth.But took lots of ice-cream:Dancing_wub:cannot right, i know but only cold things that wanted to go into my stomach. Quite worry for the weight loss, this 2 weeks i m eating fine


hey all mummies,

how are all of you? hope all are better. Today, I went for the pre-natal yoga in PURE, at Taka. Oh, its really nice. Guided stretches at different parts of the body, heart opening and pervic exercise. Makes me feel so energtic, as copared to my daily walks for 30mins, the yoga session isso much better and comforting. Those who are interested, should really go and try. Call them up and ask for free classes, which they usually have if you have never try any in PURE at all.

Start to enjoy the pregnancy everyone, kekeke, before the 3rd trimster arrives and start feeling stressed up again. Cheers


Well-Known Member
hey all mummies,

how are all of you? hope all are better. Today, I went for the pre-natal yoga in PURE, at Taka. Oh, its really nice. Guided stretches at different parts of the body, heart opening and pervic exercise. Makes me feel so energtic, as copared to my daily walks for 30mins, the yoga session isso much better and comforting. Those who are interested, should really go and try. Call them up and ask for free classes, which they usually have if you have never try any in PURE at all.

Start to enjoy the pregnancy everyone, kekeke, before the 3rd trimster arrives and start feeling stressed up again. Cheers
better.. with a little of mummy's love. :shyxxx: been home to my parents' place is sort of comforting and relaxing.. lol~ even thou i'm a mother of 2, i still want my mum to sayang.. and being there feels very good for this difficult pregnancy.

the morning/night sickness/gastric is getting much more under control.. but i'm a little worried i'm not eating as much as i should. even lesser than what i normally eat..


Well-Known Member
Had my 3rd OB visit today and my twins are growing steadily well. Glad I put back the weight I lost. I had very bad morning sickness about a week ago that I lost 3kg! Just happy that my MS is getting better and I can eat better now!

princessjas: Don't worry I also prefer to eat cold things and I keep wanting to drink soft drinks as I find they help with my appetite. Initially my hubby disapproved but seeing that I eat better with my soft drinks he close one eye hahaha.

shumum: glad that yoga classes are working for you! I think most important right now is for us to relax as much as possible. I can feel my muscles are so tensed up, especially at my neck and shoulder area. Every night keep asking my hubby to massage for me!

thepinkdot: Actually it's normal to lose some weight in the first trimester cause appetite is not well. Anyway only 1 more week for you and you're into 2nd trimester already!


New Member
hi everyone..

hope everything is well!
just came back from gynea visit.. ;) i'm 14 w + today..
and we're going to have a boy! :)

edd is pushed forward to 29 sept now. kinda hopping that it could b the same as my bday on 23 hehe..

every time i come to gynae, it's always coming forward. the first visit is 7 oct ;)

i ate some soft cheese without knowing that it could have bad impacts on the baby. gynae said can't detect anything so far, now only can pray that bby will be okay. i swore that i wont eat anything exotic and foreign anymore!

so ladies, if u are not sure certain food is fine for you, don't eat. just eat normal food that u will eat everyday.

also, gynae said that if we're weight conscious, take fruit that is like pear and apple (contain less sugar), instead of grape and oranges.

have a good day everyone!!!


New Member
shu_mum: can i ask how much is per class?

i'm interested in aquarobics too, but not sure whether there's such class in spore that's near to my home.. i stay in west area..


Well-Known Member
hi everyone..

hope everything is well!
just came back from gynea visit.. ;) i'm 14 w + today..
and we're going to have a boy! :)

edd is pushed forward to 29 sept now. kinda hopping that it could b the same as my bday on 23 hehe..

every time i come to gynae, it's always coming forward. the first visit is 7 oct ;)

i ate some soft cheese without knowing that it could have bad impacts on the baby. gynae said can't detect anything so far, now only can pray that bby will be okay. i swore that i wont eat anything exotic and foreign anymore!

so ladies, if you are not sure certain food is fine for you, dont't eat. just eat normal food that you will eat everyday.

also, gynae said that if we're weight conscious, take fruit that is like pear and apple (contain less sugar), instead of grape and oranges.

have a good day everyone!!!
wow! can check gender so early? alto i doubt i can see anything at almost 13 weeks. i think you can start posting at the sept 2010 thread already.. heeheehee..

thanks for the tip on the fruits... =D


Well-Known Member
shu_mum: can i ask how much is per class?

i'm interested in aquarobics too, but not sure whether there's such class in spore that's near to my home.. i stay in west area..
the only aquarobics class i know is held at kk hosp.


shu_mum: can i ask how much is per class?

i'm interested in aquarobics too, but not sure whether there's such class in spore that's near to my home.. i stay in west area..
Hey berry3, i'm already a member with them before i got pregnant, been a practional. As for pricing, they do have like certain number of lesson for a price. They do not have like for each lesson. Gotta meet up with them for the details. They do have another outlet in raffles place, if you work nearby, then its a good choice.
Wah, but you stay pretty far, perhaps can check out from places where they have antenatal classes, where sometimes they do engage yoga teachers who are trained in pre-natal, to conduct classes.
But i still think, ask for the free ones from them to try on first before you sign anything. They do have pre-natal class on sat. :):Dancing_wub:

Btw, pinkdiamond, hw are you recently? better le ma?


New Member
glad to know all mummies feeling better. i still vomit once in a while at night.

think baby don't like rice. everytime i eat rice will vomit. i love to eat rice one but everytime thought of vomitting i don't dare to eat.

just came back from DTS test last sat.

everything ok. 1:10000 for the test. glad that baby is ok.

wish all the best to all 2010 baby. :wong29:


New Member
hi everyone..

hope everything is well!
just came back from gynea visit.. ;) i'm 14 w + today..
and we're going to have a boy! :)

edd is pushed forward to 29 sept now. kinda hopping that it could b the same as my bday on 23 hehe..

every time i come to gynae, it's always coming forward. the first visit is 7 oct ;)

i ate some soft cheese without knowing that it could have bad impacts on the baby. gynae said can't detect anything so far, now only can pray that bby will be okay. i swore that i wont eat anything exotic and foreign anymore!

so ladies, if you are not sure certain food is fine for you, dont't eat. just eat normal food that you will eat everyday.

also, gynae said that if we're weight conscious, take fruit that is like pear and apple (contain less sugar), instead of grape and oranges.

have a good day everyone!!!
Wow Berry3, you already know the gender!!?
The last time I went was in my 12th weeks, doc say can try to see on my next visit.. =))

Anyway, mummies here do be extra careful at all times..
I now think that the shoe we wear is so so important.. Last week I actually slip on a raining day.. :err: Lucky i landed on my knee cap, went down to my gynea straight due to some pricking pain.. Lucky everything is ok..

Any recommandation for good anti-slip shoes/sandals??


New Member
hi everyone...i try to stop to take cold drinks now...i am having cough nearly a month liao...cough till gastric pain and stomach pain..abit asthma liao. anyone can tell me what should i eat? and Now i am having fever...during this 14wks pregnancy, this is my 2 time having fever...very worry will affect baby inside.

Actually this is my 4th pregnancy liao, my first 3 are not like tats y i am very worried

Really need help from mummies out there, i want to stop my cough and fever asap...really scare it will affect my bb


Well-Known Member
hi everyone...i try to stop to take cold drinks now...i am having cough nearly a month ...cough till gastric pain and stomach pain..abit asthma . anyone can tell me what should i eat? and Now i am having fever...during this 14wks pregnancy, this is my 2 time having fever...very worry will affect baby inside.

Actually this is my 4th pregnancy , my first 3 are not like tats y i am very worried

Really need help from mummies out there, i want to stop my cough and fever asap...really scare it will affect my baby
have you seen the doctor? best get cured early.. i also gotten sick twice already. sigh. i'm still having gastric pains every night..

ask the gynae for gastric meds.. and take really small meals throughout the day. this help a lot. mine's more or less under control already.


Well-Known Member
shumum: Morning sickness getting less frequent, but when it hits it's quite intense and horrible. I think it is slowly going away as I'm approaching my 2nd trimester.

MummyK: I wore Crocs since my last pregnancy and they have served me well. You may wanna buy shoes a size bigger cause we might get water retention which can make the feet swell. Another option for would be Birkenstocks, as they're very comfy. The 2 brands I recommended can be quite expensive but they are definitely worth it!


I'm wearing crocs too....not bad! really anti-slip.

As for feeling sick, must really see doc. Cos for long, you will be too weak to even eat proper food for the baby. And at this moment, take fruits juices every morning! get a blender. NTUC, 20plus can get already. it really helps. Booast up ur immunity. Since some of you getting gastric, it could be due to the weak body, so choose less citric fruits. like apples, tomatoes,green pears,carrots. skip cold stuff totally for the moment. You must feel better first.