
Well-Known Member
Just did my Oscar scan Today and was so amazed to see my precious little one dancing and somersaulting in the womb... haa so naughty.. We tried scanning for 30mins thereabout before we can get a good position..
So heartwarming to hear that the baby's heartbeat is normal..
Am in 12th weeks now.. =)) Hope everything will be fine..

Kittymeowmeow, I remembered we share the same EDD 2 Oct, but during my 2nd visit the EDD changed to 30Sept.. so which date shall we follow?
u shld follow the 30 sept.. =)


New Member
So mummyk ur Edd is now 30 sept ya. Let's see our nxt chk up if there'll be any change to our Edd. So interesting to see ur baby moving about right, mine was just lying, relaxing hahaha.
Talking abt shopping, oh yes I've been shopping for myself too! I just bought those baggy Korean tops n dresses from gmarket.


Hey all mummies,

Been some time to surf net, was going thro MS the whole of last two weeks till jellied. This week has became better again, kekeke.YEAH!

Today, I went to the first vist to the doc. OMG, its the first time I see my baby. He is already 11weeks!! Hahaha so can see his little hands and legs and his heart. I was overwhlemed. And I burst out laughing! hahaha...the person got a shock. I think my baby moved a little....kekeke. first time so take awhile to figure out whats going on there. Going for my next appt the following week to do another scan. keke...like you guys, I can't wait to see him again.

Btw, I've not done any shopping yet....scare buy the wrong things and end up storing them in the room. Hahahaha...a big mess ltr!

So dear, things like going on the expressway now. when the nurse list down the dates for follow up, its like every now and then. Hahaha....nv been so busy b4. However, I'm really so glad that everything is fine, 3 Cheers to all our babies! Who knows they will be frens 1 day.... :Dancing_wub:


Well-Known Member
Hey all mummies,

Been some time to surf net, was going thro MS the whole of last two weeks till jellied. This week has became better again, kekeke.YEAH!

Today, I went to the first vist to the doc. OMG, its the first time I see my baby. He is already 11weeks!! Hahaha so can see his little hands and legs and his heart. I was overwhlemed. And I burst out laughing! hahaha...the person got a shock. I think my baby moved a little....kekeke. first time so take awhile to figure out whats going on there. Going for my next appt the following week to do another scan. keke...like you guys, I can't wait to see him again.

Btw, I've not done any shopping yet....scare buy the wrong things and end up storing them in the room. Hahahaha...a big mess ltr!

So dear, things like going on the expressway now. when the nurse list down the dates for follow up, its like every now and then. Hahaha....never been so busy before. However, I'm really so glad that everything is fine, 3 Cheers to all our babies! Who knows they will be friends 1 day.... :Dancing_wub:
I hope you're feeling better! I'm still having MS all day long and gynae keep reminding me it'll get worse. I lost about 2kg since my last visit but I'm advised that it's more important to keep myself hydrated if I keep vomiting.

Babies are 8 weeks now. My EDD is 29 Oct, but because I have twins they'll most likely be delivered at around 37 weeks. Gynae was telling me that maybe I can consider having my babies on 10/10! hahaha...

did your doctor give you anything to help with the MS? they say ginger helps.


hey pinkdiamonds,
she did not give me any medication. cos, me myself have some health problems, so end up i'm under high risked pregancy even though i'm 27yrs. Haha, but i'm a damm positive one. so i think just have to feel blessed thats all.

As for MS, i reALLY keep to my eating time. 3 main meals and 2 small ones. but once its delayed for 0.5 hours or wat, then it will start all over again. If needed, pls take MC from work...to calm down mentally and physically. It definitely will work de.... a little sarcifice is unavioded. Be happy! Start talking to them too! Mummy's brain is the most power thing now, the connection between u and babies....try that. I do that too, and happened to read a book, it mentioned abt it too. It will kinda work even though they can't hear yet....

Jia you!:Dancing_tongue:


Well-Known Member
hey pinkdiamonds,
she did not give me any medication. cos, me myself have some health problems, so end up i'm under high risked pregancy even though i'm 27yrs. Haha, but i'm a damm positive one. so i think just have to feel blessed thats all.

As for MS, i reALLY keep to my eating time. 3 main meals and 2 small ones. but once its delayed for 0.5 hours or what, then it will start all over again. If needed, pls take MC from work...to calm down mentally and physically. It definitely will work .... a little sarcifice is unavioded. Be happy! Start talking to them too! Mummy's brain is the most power thing now, the connection between you and babies....try that. I do that too, and happened to read a book, it mentioned about it too. It will kinda work even though they can't hear yet....

Jia you!:Dancing_tongue:
I'm not working so don't need to take MC. :p

But I have a 10 month old daughter to look after in the day. We're intending to put her at a CC when she turns 18 months, about a month before I deliver my twins and hopefully she'll be able to adjust to the change. Hubby has also been very supportive and helps out whenever he can.

I'm also eating more often as smaller meals are easier for me to digest but sometimes still feel like vomiting everything out. Just hope to gain enough weight for my babies!


Hey pinkdiamonds, I see, lucky u! hahaha....ya, thats perhaps the better choice to place her there at the moment, to get some peace.

Btw, Mummies, any recommendations with the BRAS? hahaha....indeed they have grown and don't know which brand id good and comfortable.

And what is birth balls?

Regarding the yoga, we can start after the 1st trimster.... have yet to start but will do it soon when the day is good for me. kekeke.

Hows everybody by the way....the forum is so quiet....kekeke...


Well-Known Member
Erm.. Might wanna consider bra extensions first if your cupsize still fits.

birth balls are or is actually just an exercise ball.. i've only seen it in western countries where they use it to relieve contractions by leaning or sitting on it.

my doc's visit was yest. she moved my EDD up to 23rd oct. seems like this baby is growing very fast... =)


hey pinkdiamonds, my cup actually went up 1 cup le....hahaha...like a little fast. Btw, hw did the doc determine? through the scan?

Wah, but guess its a good news for u, cos don't have to carry them so long....if not will get really so tiring and heavy.


Well-Known Member
hey pinkdiamonds, my cup actually went up 1 cup ....hahaha...like a little fast. Btw, hw did the doc determine? through the scan?

Wah, but guess its a good news for you, cos dont't have to carry them so long....if not will get really so tiring and heavy.
best try normal bras first.. they still do give much more support and you will grow much more.. my first pregnancy i went from a 34B to a 36D. it was quite pointless to buy nursing bras too early

yah.. the doc determine thru the scan and size.. then will auto calculate out the no. of weeks.. we were quite surprised he/she (IT) got so big so quickly. LOL! 3 weeks ago still cannot really see the shape and all.. and now can see the hand waving around.


Well-Known Member
Nursing bras should only bought in your last trimester as that's when you more or less get your real size. I'm trying to squeeze in my normal bras but they're getting too tight and I have no idea where else I can get my bras as I'm already a D cup.

btw shumum, during the scan the gynae measured the length of the baby so she was able to tell around how many weeks old is the baby based on the growth. :)


New Member
How is everyone?
I can't wait to see my little one on the next visit on Monday. I'm going for a blood test and OSCAR sceening. I also eager to see how my little one growing.
My bump got slightly bigger already but seems can't tell much also cos i'm wearing loose clothing.
I think i should be at 10th week now. Wonder will my EDD change also.

I still wearing my bras now and seems they grow slightly bigger. Wah i really can't imagine from B cup to C/D cup these months lor.

I heard from my sister that Taka is having this baby fair. She bought a few clothings, mittens & booties for my bb and breast pads for me -_-!
Haha my family is more gan jiong than myself or my hubby lo!

Hope all mummies are doing good now :)


New Member
I wanna ask anyone knows anything about pre-natal classes? Where can we find the information and for first time mummies, will you all take up this?


Well-Known Member
I wanna ask anyone knows anything about pre-natal classes? Where can we find the information and for first time mummies, will you all take up this?
You can check the hospital which u're giving birth at on the pre-natal classes. Basically they will cover things like how to take care of yourself during pregnancy, breathing techniques on how to handle contractions, when to go to hospital, and how to care for your baby.

I did not take the classes during the first time round, and not intending to either.


hey all,

YA...not for the nursing bras yets...but current ones are really getting uncomfortable. HAhaha, wow, amazed to hear that the boobs can actually grow two size up. Today went to do a little shopping. Went to try some bras from the shelf, but not comfortable anymore....too wired in a way...and hurts the boobs. In the end, I've got these bras from sorella. The auntie said is for pregnant ladies. It is sooo comfortable. Soft and not wired but still well support. One is for $20plus a little. Buy 2 get one free. Their panties as well, selling buy 2 get one free. It may not be the superior brand but its really comfy enough and well spent. At metro.

Hey BBlin, you can try this website, prenatal_02. Cos of the distance and timing, i'm still considering. and i've not check out from my hospital, kk, yet. But i believe they have it too.

As for the pre-natal yoga, i go to 'PURE' at Takashimaya. You can check out the schedule and info beside the class slots at Pure Yoga

After the 1st trimster should be able to start off in mild exercise, however, please consult your doc first before starting on a new activity. :tlaugh: MUst always you and baby first before anything else comes into picture.:Dancing_wub:


Well-Known Member
Sounds like a good deal, maybe I will check them out. So far the cups are still okay for me but I think I need bra extenders. I still prefer wired bras, but I've come across some wired bras where the wire is too long and it almost pokes my armpits. VERY UNCOMFORTABLE!

I still have a few more weeks to go before my first trimester is up. Reason why I'm so anxious is I'm hoping that my morning sickness will go away with the end of the first trimester.

Anyone's morning sickness getting better?


New Member
actually MS getting a little bit better only. morning and afternoon still ok but evening still same. some food i eat can stay some i eat will come out. just done blood test last fri. tomorrow or tuesday will know result.

next following monday will go for scan. hopefully all turns out well.

be wanting to have a better appetitie so that i can gain some weight.
Just did my Oscar scan Today and was so amazed to see my precious little one dancing and somersaulting in the womb... haa so naughty.. We tried scanning for 30mins thereabout before we can get a good position..
So heartwarming to hear that the baby's heartbeat is normal..
Am in 12th weeks now.. =)) Hope everything will be fine..

Kittymeowmeow, I remembered we share the same EDD 2 Oct, but during my 2nd visit the EDD changed to 30Sept.. so which date shall we follow?
haha recently i jus did my oscar test and took 4 hrs to get the baby to move into correct position to take the readings.. baby simply keeps sitting up, jumping, turing upside down or sleeping with back facing us..
only after i had my lunch, baby finally willing to sleep quietly in the correct position..haa


My Ms gets very much better...only once in awhile it will come say hi to me. Keke....this 12th to 13th week le. I'm going for the oscar test tml... hahaha...baby better be good.

Today, an auntie spotted my tummy, keke...want to give up her seat for me. Wow, feeling is good. Guess she is experienced mum, if not its my tired look. Anyway,kinda make me feel that its really happening and i'm moving on to the next stage...the motherhood. Hahaha..

Everybody! JIA YOU AH!!!!