EDD Sep 2010


Active Member
Firstly, thanks Ling010 for the informative introduction! :)

DELvy, I am just the opposite - at my last visit when my gynae asked me on my views about using epidural, I replied yes I would use it - but now I am not so certain about that. :p Would be interesting to speak to mummies who have tried giving birth with as well as without epidural, and ask them for their views?
I delivered my 2 gals w/o epidural but with normal pain killer jab on the thighl.

My 1st delivery, super mild contraction started at abt 7-8pm. went hospital in the next morning 6am. ent. whenever the contraction inhale the laughing gas. till abt 10am adviced to take the pain killer jab in thigh. took it and managed to hv a nap till abt 11:30am, contraction again. when gynae arrived, i requested for C-sec coz very pain & forgotten abt the epidural. ahahaha .... very soon, in the next 15mins my gal popped.

2nd delivery was fast. Morning mild contraction, informed hubby and in-law. hubby went back office to settle some work. baby cot delivered at 2pm. head to hospital abt 2:30pm, admitted. as usual contraction come inhale the laughing gas. till abt 4:30pm took the pain killer. till abt 5:30pm gynae induced me, the contraction very strong, requested for epidural. Everyone ignored me, told them i wanna pass motion and asked me to push. After 2 push my baby popped out. Nurse asked me still wanna epidural? hahahaha

If not wrong, the epidural hv to take 2 hrs before the baby pop out.
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New Member
dont worry .... if the gynae says fine then Im sure you are fine... :001_302:
I have just been confirmed pregnant this morning at my GP. EDD is 19 Sep.

Was wondering if anybody has a gynae to recommend? Also, i heard they have package to cover for consultation + delivery. you girls heard of it?

Hi mummies!

Me, Tiara. Just like to share with you for Pre & Post Natal Massage. You can visit Javanese Traditional FaceBook as there are "Promotions" for pre & post natal massage.

Have engaged their services, amazing & excellent skilled. Should try.....



New Member
Hi mummies!

Me, Tiara. Just like to share with you for Pre & Post Natal Massage. You can visit Javanese Traditional FaceBook as there are "Promotions" for pre & post natal massage.

Have engaged their services, amazing & excellent skilled. Should try.....

hi there.. me too. i have engaged their service for pre and post. I like her pre natal massage.
Hi ladies.. Long time didn't log in already.. How are all of you? Still another few weeks for us to unload.. Keke~ Everyone must 加油喔~

At this period of time, my water retention on the legs are getting bad. Swell up very fast when I dont't put my legs up on the pillows and having some pains on it as well. And also told by my gynae at week 32 that my baby is not growing much, weighing only 1.4kg, and is too small. sigh~ Need to be on high protein diet and hopefully she'll put on some weight by this week when I visit my gynae again. *Finger crossed*


Hi ladies.. Long time didn't log in already.. How are all of you? Still another few weeks for us to unload.. Keke~ Everyone must 加油喔~

At this period of time, my water retention on the legs are getting bad. Swell up very fast when I dont't put my legs up on the pillows and having some pains on it as well. And also told by my gynae at week 32 that my baby is not growing much, weighing only 1.4kg, and is too small. sigh~ Need to be on high protein diet and hopefully she'll put on some weight by this week when I visit my gynae again. *Finger crossed*
Hey Christina,
My baby started putting on 400-500g every 2 weeks from week 32 onwards - I think most babies experience a growth spurt towards the end of the pregnancy so don't get discouraged ok! :) Keep eating well and stay healthy, and baby should do just fine!
In my case it is the reverse - the gynae tells me to cut back on the nutrition so that I can get my weight gain under control. I have a brand new box of unopened Anmum milk powder (chocolate flavoured) - let me know if any of you would like to have it!
Speaking of which - did someone mention about arranging for a little September mummies get-together? :D Maybe we could meet on a Friday evening for dinner at Vivocity/Great World City or something! :)
Hi Mummies!

I'm in the Hospital now and I just gave birth to my Baby Boy last night. EDD was supposed to be on the 1st of September but he decided to come out earlier when he just hit full term. :D

Well, giving birth is easy I tell you guys! (with all the medical advances these days) :D I started having contractions in the morning at about 11am. It just felt like a stomach ache (still bearable) and I thought that I was supposed to release my bowels. After doing so, I realised I was bleeding, so I went to my Gynae, (Just nice I had a follow up appointment) After some checking, my gynae told me that I dilated 3cm (at 2pm). It was manageable though. It was just like period cramps. At about 6ish, my gynae told me that I only dilated another 1cm. Can you imagine? Since 2pm to 6pm, I was only 4cm. My gynae told me that it was a little slow because on average, a first time mummy will dilated 1cm every hour. So, he decided to burst my waterbag, I went on without epidural all the way till 7ish. That was when the pain was killing me. it was like triple the pain. :D I then decided for the epidural. I had the epidural at about 8ish and my gynae sped up my labour by placing me on a drip (medication). The dilation came fast. I was looking at the machine that monitor the baby's heartbeat and the contractions and I told myself that I am lucky on epidural. I can't imagine the pain! My cervix dilated by 10pm and the midwives started training me up before my gynae came. The actual pushing was only 10 minutes and I must say, it was an EXTREMELY emotional process. My husband and I felt like crying. There you have it mummies!

For those who are still thinking of opting for epidural, I personally had side effects. I was shivering towards the end of the labour in which the midwives said that I was lucky because some women have their shivers throughout while waiting for their cervix to be dilated. I felt nauseous towards the end and really felt like puking and I did puked after delivery and now I am all okay!

Mummies, good luck! It's easy! If you opt for the easy way out. =X And that's epidural. Side effects for epidural differs to each individual. The only pain I am dealing with now, would be the stitches and another mummy snoring REALLY LOUD but it's still bearable. :)


Ahh!!! Congratulations Claralicious!! So glad you and baby are okay~ thanks for sharing your birthing story! Wah now very gan cheong~ I think every one of us September mummies must be sharing the excitement too! :D


New Member
Congrats Claralicious!
Glad that Baby and you are all well and thanks for sharing your experience with us.
Have a speedy recovery! ;)
Hey Christina,
My baby started putting on 400-500g every 2 weeks from week 32 onwards - I think most babies experience a growth spurt towards the end of the pregnancy so dont't get discouraged ok! :) Keep eating well and stay healthy, and baby should do just fine!
In my case it is the reverse - the gynae tells me to cut back on the nutrition so that I can get my weight gain under control. I have a brand new box of unopened Anmum milk powder (chocolate flavoured) - let me know if any of you would like to have it!
Speaking of which - did someone mention about arranging for a little September mummies get-together? :D Maybe we could meet on a Friday evening for dinner at Vivocity/Great World City or something! :)
Thanks for the encouragement. Hope she'll just be a good girl to absorb the food intake.. :tlaugh:

No problem for me for the get-together. Gotta see whether the rest of the mummies are keen or not.. :001_302:
Hi Mummies!

I'm in the Hospital now and I just gave birth to my Baby Boy last night. EDD was supposed to be on the 1st of September but he decided to come out earlier when he just hit full term. :D

Well, giving birth is easy I tell you guys! (with all the medical advances these days) :D I started having contractions in the morning at about 11am. It just felt like a stomach ache (still bearable) and I thought that I was supposed to release my bowels. After doing so, I realised I was bleeding, so I went to my Gynae, (Just nice I had a follow up appointment) After some checking, my gynae told me that I dilated 3cm (at 2pm). It was manageable though. It was just like period cramps. At about 6ish, my gynae told me that I only dilated another 1cm. Can you imagine? Since 2pm to 6pm, I was only 4cm. My gynae told me that it was a little slow because on average, a first time mummy will dilated 1cm every hour. So, he decided to burst my waterbag, I went on without epidural all the way till 7ish. That was when the pain was killing me. it was like triple the pain. :D I then decided for the epidural. I had the epidural at about 8ish and my gynae sped up my labour by placing me on a drip (medication). The dilation came fast. I was looking at the machine that monitor the baby's heartbeat and the contractions and I told myself that I am lucky on epidural. I can't imagine the pain! My cervix dilated by 10pm and the midwives started training me up before my gynae came. The actual pushing was only 10 minutes and I must say, it was an EXTREMELY emotional process. My husband and I felt like crying. There you have it mummies!

For those who are still thinking of opting for epidural, I personally had side effects. I was shivering towards the end of the labour in which the midwives said that I was lucky because some women have their shivers throughout while waiting for their cervix to be dilated. I felt nauseous towards the end and really felt like puking and I did puked after delivery and now I am all okay!

Mummies, good luck! It's easy! If you opt for the easy way out. =X And that's epidural. Side effects for epidural differs to each individual. The only pain I am dealing with now, would be the stitches and another mummy snoring REALLY LOUD but it's still bearable. :)
Congrats Mummy Claralicious~!! May you have a speedy recovery.. :Dancing_biggrin:


New Member
Good morning ladies...

I'm in mount a. now. Water bag burst at 12.30am but it was lite leaking and tot nothing of it till 2 hours later when I realized tat I wet my bed. Got my hubby up and got us admitted. My contraction is about 4 mins apart and has dilated 2 cm but as bb is still not in full term, I was given a jab for boost my bb lungs and drip for slowing down the labour process.
Keep u ladies posted. Wish us luck!


Good morning ladies...

I'm in mount a. now. Water bag burst at 12.30am but it was lite leaking and thought nothing of it till 2 hours later when I realized that I wet my bed. Got my hubby up and got us admitted. My contraction is about 4 mins apart and has dilated 2 cm but as baby is still not in full term, I was given a jab for boost my baby lungs and drip for slowing down the labour process.
Keep you ladies posted. Wish us luck!
Oh mecolemummy! All the best to you and your baby. Jia you! Both of you will do well, keep us posted!